<<You said that their claims were "bullshit." Is there a definition of "bullshit" that means "true"?>>
I was using bullshit in the sense of the complaint itself not being genuine, whether it was true or not. In the sense that a civil rights worker in the Deep South might suddenly find himself under arrest for a 2-year-old parking ticket. The parking ticket might be "true" in the sense that the guy really was illegally parked two years ago, but the arrest is bullshit.
With the Swiftboaters, some of the allegations might be true. At least in theory. (I didn't really follow the actual facts too closely because the whole thing was bullshit, in the sense that there was no real issue even if the allegations were all true.) For instance, if they claimed that Kerry put himself in for a Purple Heart for a very trivial wound that other men would not demand a medal for. I don't give a shit, that's bullshit. Bullshit in the sense the guy is a hero, wounded or not, for putting himself in the line of fire. (Again I want to emphasize I am not saying this in an admiring way, because his cause was an evil one - - he's a hero in the same sense that one of Hitler's soldiers would be a hero, i.e., physically brave.) So it's bullshit to impeach the guy's heroism on grounds which have nothing to do with heroism - - that he was, allegedly, a self-glorifying medal hound, or put in for early exit from combat, etc. He put his ass on the line once, and that's more heroism than all of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wofowicz, Perle and the rest of the chicken hawks put together.