Author Topic: Oooopsie  (Read 5653 times)

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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2008, 08:45:18 PM »
That's it!

He insulted Chief Wahoo!

The gloves are off.

Seriously X, while I've been mostly ignoring you for the past view weeks, I've read your work knowing I wasn't going to respond. It gave some clearer insight into what you are. You're an angry, juvenile little man with obvious paranoid tendencies along with a Napoleon complex as big as your mouth. You're little insult/namecalling tirades are just childish. You, are childish.

You have my pity, and my contempt.

Oh, and Chief Wahoo says, Go fuck yourself.

We now return to our regular programming. I'm sorry for the short detour.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2008, 09:56:46 PM »
None of this a screw up on everybody's part.

Florida and Michigan, either of their own volition or at the behest of the Clinton campaign, purposely moved up their primaries in order to challenge the chokehold that Iowa and New Hampshire have on the process.  They succeeded in challenging the chokehold as evidenced by the absolutely brilliant exercise in real democracy that is the continuing Democratic Primary.

Howard Dean is sticking to his guns.  Just this morning I read that the two states have rejected any chances of either having a voter "do-over".  Dean held fast and stuck to the rules.  FL and MI broke the rules and are now paying the price, I believe, they knew well in advance that they were going to pay.  Dean's hands will be tied when the Dems get to their "convention" because at that point, FL and MI can appeal to the Convention Committee which is stacked with Clinton supporters who will no doubt pull a 2000 SCOTUS and just hand it to Clinton by seating the delegates for Hillary thus, ironically, recognize the voters of the two states but thereby nullifying the votes of millions of other Democrats and, for all intents and purposes, the rule of law (or at least the rules of the DNC) which, I surmise, was simply an "insurance" plan set up by the Clintons lo those many months agone.

Barack Obama has not failed evenly slightly.  His understanding was that the two states in question would not be involved in the race so he just abstained as the party directed him.  He stands with the rules and the rule of law and Howard Dean as he should.

Hillary Clinton is the only losing, lying POS thief who f'ed up royally.  She bet that she could steal the whole thing if she was behind by using FL and rooking the voters of those states.  She will go down as the person who tried to steal a primary election and was rebuffed by her own party.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2008, 10:02:11 PM »
>>Florida and Michigan, either of their own volition or at the behest of the Clinton campaign, purposely moved up their primaries in order to challenge the chokehold that Iowa and New Hampshire have on the process.<<

You know Brass, nobody in the democratic leadership ever DREAMED something like this would happen. Like most people they figured Mrs. Clinton was a shoe in. So who cared if Michigan and Florida don't count. It won't matter anyway ... right?

Well, the chickens have come home to roost as they say. Personally I find it hilarious that democrats are disinfranchising millions of African Americans while they're tearing down a Black candidate for president. I laugh myself to sleep over it.



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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2008, 12:17:55 AM »
Seriously X, while I've been mostly ignoring you for the past view weeks, I've read your work knowing I wasn't going to respond. It gave some clearer insight into what you are.

And yet for all these things that XO supposedly is, he still got to you.  I'm surprised that you didn't express regret at your inability to smack him around, but maybe you've learned a thing or two.

You're an angry, juvenile little man with obvious paranoid tendencies along with a Napoleon complex as big as your mouth. You're little insult/namecalling tirades are just childish. You, are childish

Hello, Mr. Pot?  I've got Dr. Kettle on line two.  That sounds a hell of a lot like yourself that you're talking about.

Oh, and Chief Wahoo says, Go fuck yourself.

Better be careful Rich, or Christian will start bitching at you for dropping the F-bomb, telling you how desperate you are.  But hey, you're being true to form, we all knew that it would be too good to last.  Welcome back.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2008, 12:34:58 AM »
"Better be careful Rich, or Christian will start bitching at you for dropping
the F-bomb, telling you how desperate you are"

dude you are obsessed, and maybe a bit weird

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2008, 12:44:45 AM »
dude you are obsessed, and maybe a bit weird

Weird?  Definitely.  I'd never claim to be otherwise.  As for obsessive, did you not say that using the F word in a political forum is desperate?  Did you not make continual references to the "F-bomb"?

If need be, I can link the posts for you.

And if I want to use the current line of thought regarding Obama's pastor, how come you call me on it and not Rich?  Where's the condemnation there? 

That's what I thought. 

I'm not sure what the bottle of perfume is supposed to signify, perhaps you can clue me in on why that was so important to post?


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2008, 01:20:57 AM »

Why are you continuing with these personal attacks? I haven't said a word to you, why do you persist?


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2008, 01:22:15 AM »
>>dude you are obsessed, and maybe a bit weird<<

I guess no matter how hard you try to raise the level of debate in here, some people just refuse to stop making it personal.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2008, 10:04:47 AM »

Why are you continuing with these personal attacks? I haven't said a word to you, why do you persist?

Personal?  All that I did was quote you and apply it to yourself.  Physician, heal thyself.

As if telling XO to "fuck off", for insulting a cartoon, isn't personal.  I don't agree with XO's comment, but your overreaction to it pushed my button.

And I already responded to Christian.

All of that said, perhaps I do devote too much time and effort to this endeavor.  Perhaps I should let you continue to run rampant over anyone who disagrees with you.  I'm sure that would make this a better place.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2008, 10:06:24 AM »
I guess no matter how hard you try to raise the level of debate in here, some people just refuse to stop making it personal.

Well, I'm not sure telling another poster to "fuck off" is raising the debate.  But hey, to each his ability right?


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2008, 11:31:56 AM »
Well fatman, do what you feel you have to do. Just recognize I couldn't care less.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2008, 11:35:42 AM »
Just recognize I couldn't care less.

I wouldn't expect any more of you.


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2008, 11:40:33 AM »
Have a nice day!



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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2008, 11:41:38 AM »
You do the same  :D


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Re: Oooopsie
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2008, 12:08:47 PM »
As for obsessive, did you not say that using the F word in a political forum is desperate?

Yes, now explain how that would qualify as "obsessive"?

Did you not make continual references to the "F-bomb"?

I believe the "F" bomb is not a good thing in a political discourse, do you disagree?

Here you are semmingly condemning it yourself:

"As if telling XO to "fuck off", for insulting a cartoon, isn't personal. 
I don't agree with XO's comment, but your overreaction to it pushed my button"

If need be, I can link the posts for you

Why post a link to something I have never given any indication of denying?

And if I want to use the current line of thought regarding Obama's pastor,
how come you call me on it and not Rich?  Where's the condemnation there?
That's what I thought.

I condemn the use of the "F-word" by anyone in a poltical discussion.
I mean come on Fatman is'nt that a bit lame?
You think BT would love it if everyone started putting F-bombs in more posts?  ::)
On the other hand in some ways I find it funny because to me it means
someone is losing the debate if they resort to that.
As far as Rich, I wasn't in the discussion with him, he didn't direct it at
me so I really didn't notice it. But again I just don't approve of it in
a political discussion, but hey thats my opinion others can have theirs.

I'm not sure what the bottle of perfume is supposed to signify, perhaps you can
clue me in on why that was so important to post?

You'e not sure?
Ok, well I said you appeared to be obsessed with me and that was Obsession cologne.

ps: fatman are you like an angry person?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987