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Re: Obama "Nodded in Agreement" at a Wright anti-American Sermon
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2008, 11:13:18 PM »
So, who is responsible for the oppression of Black people in the USA?

Gypsies? Chippewas? Hindus?

Has the US government given more aid per capita to White people or to Black people?

Are there a higher percentage of White people in jail than Black people?

Has the US Constitution ever permitted the enslavement of White people?

How is this statement untrue?

Please explain.

Who shold you leave out ?

The black people or the Arabs of Africa who were involved inthe slave trade? The Portugese , Spanish , English and New Englanders who enriched themselves by means of slaveships?

How about every single white American alive today, none of whom has ever leagally owned a slave , and only the eldest have ever voted for a white supremicy canadate.

White Americans today are poised in oppurtunity , there is so lttle desire for white suprimiacy here that no white politician can win anywhere with a white suprimicy platform  , but there are still some pwoplewho are in favor of divisiveness , and work to keep the wounds fresh and the seams weak.

By the way yes the US Consittution did allow the enslavement of White people. State law made up the diffrence.

There is  a higer number  of white people in US prison than black , and a higher percentage White people in US prison than are imprisoned in any other country.


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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2008, 10:06:09 AM »
The percentage of Black people in jail compared with their percentage in the population is much higher. You know what I mean.
Black people certainly know that there are a higher percentage of them in jail.

It will be interesting to watch how McCain's supporters will figure out a way to tap the racist streak among white voters without actually sounding like racists. So people can say, like sirs, that they love Black people, but just disagree with Obama on politics, you know, because he is a Communist, or Socialist, or listens to his preacher too much.

Something like the Willie Horton ads, perhaps, but that has been done and would look stale.

I think that there is a much higher percentage of Balck people in prison than in any other country. But the US is unique in its particular Black/White mix, as is every other country, so this is pretty much irrelevant.
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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2008, 12:19:03 PM »
What jibberish are you pushing now, Xo?  You need to articulate a litte better.  Happens when your arguements so frequently are based on pure raw emotion, and lack the necessary logical components to framing your point, outside of how evil Cheney is or how incompotent Bush is
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Re: Obama "Nodded in Agreement" at a Wright anti-American Sermon
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2008, 01:51:25 PM »
It looks to me like most of the anti-Obama stuff is coming from Republicans. Other than the big, stupid flap from Ferraro, anyway.

I disagree, XO.  The Clintons are notorious attack dogs.  When Bill was out front and playing the sweet nice guy and Hillary was in the background sicking people on enemies, it was easier to dismiss; but now, Hillary's absolutely running the show and she's bareknuckles.

They've drowned in venom.

The case could be made that the GOP wants to run against Hillary and so they smear Barack, I'm sure.  It seems to me that Hillary has much more motive for masticating Obama's image at this point.  It looks more and more like she can't win on merit alone so her only hope is the politics of division.  Following the Rovian handbook.  Make Obama look as dirty and underhanded as herself or worse, an America-hating ni**er out to stick it to whitie.

It backfired on her again today.  From what I've seen and read of Obama's speech, he sounded a lot like Jesus.  Hanging out with lowlifes while looking forward to a day of unity and resolution of real problems that affect all of us rather than just a few.

Americans know the game is up.  Bush and as a silent accessory, Hillary have played on our fears, divisions and biases for nearly twenty years.  Americans are ready to move ahead by leaps and bounds like we did in the last century.  Obama appears to embody that forward movement.

Lastly, I look at the messages and strategies of the GOP and Hillary as a television show that has run its course and American voters are tired of watching that show.  The story lines are dull and blatantly unbelievable.  They're trying to real us in with the same punchlines and gags that were in the show at the beginning when it was more dense and realistic.  Think about the last three seasons of X-Files.  Yeah, we were scared and titillated and enthralled but we've seen that a hundred times and now it just seems silly that Mulder and Scully haven't kissed nor have the aliens been defeated (both events would have ended the show, you see, so that was not going to happen as long as people kept watching and when the kiss came, it was LAME-O! but they never caught them pesky aliens so the beat goes on in the same way the "war on terrah" goes on).

Now here comes Hillary or worse, McCain to replace Bush like Robert Patrick replacing Mulder and who wants to watch that?  Nobody!  Turn on Law & Order.


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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2008, 02:37:53 PM »
I don't think Hillary is any sort of attack dog, and this whole Rev Wright flap did not get on all the ratwing talkshows because of Hillary.
Bill Clinton is what the Democrats need. Observe how he managed to hang on and get reelected, a trick that poor Carter could not pull off, for all his brains.

There is not going to be Health care, or an end to this godawful misbegotten war unless the Democrats have someone very clever at the helm. Clinton, especially Bill Clinton is the best they have at outwitting Rovian smartassery.                 
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 02:58:41 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2008, 02:57:24 PM »
this whole Rev Wright flap did not get on all the ratwing talkshows because of Hillary.

Sure, it was a "whisper campaign."
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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2008, 03:37:43 PM »

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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2008, 04:26:36 PM »
Your asinine campaign buttons add absolutely NOTHING to the discussion, other than to demonstrate how utterly clueless you are.

Go find Jesus and campaign for less government, why don't you?
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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2008, 04:28:16 PM »
oh left leaning cartoons/jokes are ha ha ha ha funny  :D
but when the shoe is on the other foot  >:(
well boo whoo thats not fair  ::)
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2008, 04:31:59 PM »
You have yet to show anything that is funny.

Just mindless, puerile adolescent crap.

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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2008, 04:45:14 PM »
You have yet to show anything that is funny.

Just mindless, puerile adolescent crap.

Yeah, if it ain't got someone throwing food at someone else, it CAN'T be funny...
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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2008, 06:56:54 PM »
I don't think Hillary is any sort of attack dog, and this whole Rev Wright flap did not get on all the ratwing talkshows because of Hillary.
Bill Clinton is what the Democrats need. Observe how he managed to hang on and get reelected, a trick that poor Carter could not pull off, for all his brains.

There is not going to be Health care, or an end to this godawful misbegotten war unless the Democrats have someone very clever at the helm. Clinton, especially Bill Clinton is the best they have at outwitting Rovian smartassery.                 

Yeah, it did get on those shows because of her.  Because she's "clever" Rove is "clever".

Divisive, scheming, manipulative, in cahoots, colluding.  All these apply to the Clintons.


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Re: Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2008, 09:13:48 PM »
To get anything done in Washington, you must outwit the opposition, especially of you do not have a 60%+ supermajority, which rarely occurs. The difference between a good politician and a scumbag like Rove is that while Rove uses his scullduggery to take power, reward his megawealthy oligarchy pals and prevent useful change, a good politician would use his talents to pass needed reforms.

We can count on the Republicans trying to prevent any useful change by any means necessary. Vile and evil things were done to prevent Carter and Clinton to effecting needed changes, and they are unlikely to treat any future Democratic president any differently.

They must be tricked, outwitted, and held up for the evil bastards that they are.
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