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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2008, 03:09:59 PM »

The government allowed 9/11 to happen

Not the WHOLE government, but some in the government, yes. 

A missile was fired at the Pentagon

A missile WAS fired at the Pentagon.  No plane ever hit the Pentagon.

OK City was the work of the US government

That's a new one to me but I do happen to know that OK City was not the work of one or two lone nuts.  May have been connected to Massaud.

Richard Nixon was forced out of office by a silent coup

TELL ME MORE!  We ALL know that JFK was killed as part of an obvious coup which installed Lyndon Baines Johnson but I don't really know about a "coup" in regards to RMN.  True, he may have resigned or been forced to resign because he thought or someone told him they would reveal his complete involvement in the JFK coup.  That makes sense to me.


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2008, 03:15:25 PM »
A missile WAS fired at the Pentagon.  No plane ever hit the Pentagon.

Mighty funny missile, what with jet engines from passenger jets, landing gear, big wings damaging the walls of the Pentagon, passenger seats, etc.
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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2008, 03:16:54 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2008, 03:22:05 PM »
Mighty funny missile, what with jet engines from passenger jets, landing gear, big wings damaging the walls of the Pentagon, passenger seats, etc.

All of which magically "evaporated" after "hitting" the Pentagon and never being photographed by any of the ten or more video cameras that could have caught the whole thing.

Yes, I concur, "mighty funny".  Perhaps you could show us some photos of plane crash sites that result in one wheel and a couple of seats being the whole sum of the remains of said aircraft.  That might be fun.


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2008, 03:26:01 PM »
All of which magically "evaporated" after "hitting" the Pentagon and never being photographed by any of the ten or more video cameras that could have caught the whole thing.

Quite a bit of the wreckage was recovered, more than you indicate here.

Yes, I concur, "mighty funny".  Perhaps you could show us some photos of plane crash sites that result in one wheel and a couple of seats being the whole sum of the remains of said aircraft.  That might be fun.

Plane already showed some pictures of plane crashes where pretty much all that was left was a hole in the ground and smoking ash. Perhaps you could just go back and look at those?
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2008, 03:39:46 PM »
I'll indulge your paranoia Brass  ;D

Links for the removal of Richard Nixon (coup)

Silent Coup

Related to above link but more in-depth

And yet another: Stone and Freed's theory in Secret Honor implies that Nixon purposively took a dive to save democracy from a plan to implement martial law. The theory uses the construct of the Yankees vs. Cowboys to suggest that since the postwar era, the US has been dominated by Yankees competing with Cowboys. Nixon, who hailed from the Southwest, was initially backed by the military industrial defense contractor power-brokers (the Cowboys); however, he later wanted to jump ship and return government to the east-coast establishment of Yankees. His resignation accomplished this because Nelson Rockefeller, the epitome of the eastern economic elite, assumed the vice presidency after Nixon's resignation. Peter Beter's Conspiracy Against the Dollar further explains how Nixon was possibly a rogue liberal with a conservative mask. Andreas Killen's 1973 Nervous Breakdown mentions this obscure theory behind Watergate.

Wiki link

Was Nixon Watergated?

Pat Buchanan (former Nixon speechwriter) weighs in

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy-before Hillary

The Kissinger - Bush Sr. Connection

Here's another unrelated but interesting "coincidence"

"BUSH'S SON WAS TO DINE WITH SUSPECT'S BROTHER, by Arthur Wiese and Margarte Downing." The lead paragraph read as follows: "Scott Hinckley, the brother of John Hinckley Jr., who is charged with shooting President Reagan and three others, was to have been a dinner guest Tuesday night at the home of Neil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush, The Houston Post has learned."


That should keep you busy for awhile!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 04:08:15 PM by fatman »


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2008, 03:45:54 PM »
We ALL know that JFK was killed as part of an obvious coup which installed Lyndon Baines Johnson but I don't really know about a "coup" in regards to RMN.  True, he may have resigned or been forced to resign because he thought or someone told him they would reveal his complete involvement in the JFK coup.  That makes sense to me.

The main premise of the Silent Coup theory is more personal and less political.  The summary is that John Dean masterminded the burglary and the coverup, because his soon to be wife was involved in a prostitution ring, and the evidence of that was in the DNC offices.  I've always thought that Nixon's involvement in the JFK assassination wasn't an issue and that he had no foreknowledge of it.  Hoover, and to a lesser extent, LBJ, are a whole different story.  I will concede though, that Nixon was in Dallas on Nov 22 1963 in his capacity as an attorney for Pepsi.

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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2008, 04:38:08 PM »

I will concede though, that Nixon was in Dallas on Nov 22 1963 in his capacity as an attorney for Pepsi.

So Pepsi Co. was behind the JFK assassination? It all makes sense to me now!
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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2008, 04:42:06 PM »
So Pepsi Co. was behind the JFK assassination? It all makes sense to me now!

I have no doubt whatsoever that there are some people in this country who would think so.


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2008, 04:52:48 PM »
The Elvis Factor
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2008, 05:04:11 PM »

I will concede though, that Nixon was in Dallas on Nov 22 1963 in his capacity as an attorney for Pepsi.

So Pepsi Co. was behind the JFK assassination? It all makes sense to me now!

LBJ's mistress claimed to her death that the night before JFK was killed, LBJ had a party/meeting at her house that was attended by Hoover and Nixon.  A chauffeur backed up her claim that Hoover was there.


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2008, 05:06:07 PM »
So Pepsi Co. was behind the JFK assassination? It all makes sense to me now!

I have no doubt whatsoever that there are some people in this country who would think so.

It might be worth a google search to see if PepsiCo was importing sugar from Cuba at that time or lost that import when Castro nationalized the sugar industry.

If so, that would be motive but I don't think they (or Joan Crawford) were involved in the JFK coup.


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2008, 02:30:46 AM »
Amedinejad's nonsense is exactly like Juniorbush's saying "They hate us because they hate our freedoms".
Irrelevant, incorrect and stupid.


"They"don't hate our freedom?

Or in other words -debauchery.


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Re: Ahmadinejad denies al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on America
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2008, 08:37:13 AM »
"They"don't hate our freedom?

Or in other words -debauchery.
So that would be why that attacked the WTC instead of Las Vegas or Hollywood?
A major attack on the Las Vegas strip would be what any sane hater of debauchery would target: not some bank full of pencil pushers.

They attacked the WTC because the US manipulated them in Afghanistan, because the US stationed troops in Saudi Arabia who were passing out Bibles in Arabic, because the US and its oil companies regularly bribe the corrupt Saudi royal family that runs that country.

The 9-11 hijackers spent a lot of time in topless bars before the attack. So this is just a stupid remark, similar to those Amedinejad makes.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."