For most people, the American Dream is and ever will be unattainable.
When you lack something, it can become an obsession, but once you obtain it-the house, the car, whatever- then it is swiftly taken for granted, and something else replaces it as a new obsession.
From any logical or practical standpoint, there is no reason why Bill Gates or Donald Trump need any more than they already have. Perhaps at this stage Gates is dedicating himself to ending malaria and other endemic diseases with the money he receives from the totally outrageous prices he charges for Vista and Office. Trump, eternal lout that he is, seems obsessed with simply being respoected as a guy who is recognized by everyone as a King-Hell Kickass Boss.
I doubt that either Trump nor Gates thinks they have attained the "American Dream".
Being content with what one has has never been an American trait.
The SUV madness is to blame for the desperation for more oil. Had the government made a ruling on light truck fuel economy as well as car cafe standards, Had Detroit not advertised giant behemoths as family vehicles, had the public not been utter nitwits then, we could have avoided much of the madness that followed.
The imbecile Juniorbush still will not appear on TV and suggest that people drive a bit slower, that they think about conservation, that thet just check the air in their friggin' tires once a week. Just one speech could save millions of gallons of gas.