"Just have to stay fresh for another week."
Well, if the GOP wants to try to get some mileage out of Kerry's remarks, here is a prime suggestion;
Immediately muzzle George W Bush.
He is the last person you want leading any anti-Dem charge going into this election.
Everyday there's another story of additional deaths in Iraq, Bush is a political liability. Candidates are *running* away from him.
Locally, a race we have that shouldnt even be close is. Political neophite Dan Maffei is in a very tight race with Congressman Jim Walsh, who has been a very important ally for Bush. Maffei's camapign has been simple- he's ran against George Bush as much as Walsh, as Walsh has been a rubber stamp. Walsh has never had anything but token opposition- election before last, i think he actually ran unopposed.
The GOP will definitely be losing the seat of another strong Bush ally, the retiring Sherwood Boehlert. Despite the GOP pouring over $2 million in negative campaigning into this race, Mike Arcuri has a comfortable lead over Republican Ray Meier.
I dont see the GOP getting any traction on this at all if you're going to put the face of a failed war out front.