NOT when there is no overt injustice being perpetrated, Bt. THAT's the point. Sure there's still some racism in this country, that will likely never be snuffed out. There is however, no predominant KKK in this country any longer. Such racist groups are routinely condemned by nearly EVERYONE. So to call for 1 race to band together to fight a nonexistent so-called enemy IS racist. That's why it was Racist when Whites like the KKK were doing it to the Blacks in general. It's absolutely NO different when Blacks are claiming the same aimed at whites in general. NONE
You don't have to wear a sheet to perpetuate racism.
Must have missed the part where I said racism still exists, and likely always will. I'll let it pass this time. What we don't have any longer are segregated lines, buses, trains, restaurants, schools, etc. But when you listen to Rev Wright, I get the distinct impression he wants precisely that with his Black Value System
Are you in favor of affirmative action programs? How many time has that been labeled reverse discrimination.
And it IS, and it's WRONG. Discrimination is discrimination, and of course I don't support it
Wright is of an age where he experienced institutionalized racism first hand. You don't think that colored his worldview?
That's all nice and sweet, and likely DID help color his world view. I listen to a talk show host, who's 90y/r black father was put thru the same form of racial discrimination the 40's, 50's, & 60's could throw at him. I've heard him, and he sounds much more like MLK Jr, where the goal is to be colorblind, vs Rev Wright's evil White America rants
I have told this story before. Right outside of Eatonton, GA is a gas station/ BBQ place that still has a restroom labeled "colored". The station is owned by one of the more successful dairy farmers in Putnam County. He is black BTW. Perhaps he also has a message.
And that message is racist