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Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« on: May 06, 2008, 02:04:20 PM »

Columbus -- Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann on Monday defiantly rejected a call by all of the top leaders of his political party, including Gov. Ted Strickland, to quit right now or watch as they to seek to throw him out of office.

The Democrats are miffed at Dann, who on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair with a female staffer and running an office that at the very top sometimes resembled an amateurish dating game rather than a professional law firm.

Even as two top managers were fired and two other employees resigned Friday in the wake of an embarrassing sex scandal, Dann apologized and vowed to stay.

Over the weekend, pressure on Dann intensified. On Sunday, after Strickland failed twice to get Dann to step down, the governor and seven other top Democratic officeholders sent a letter threatening Dann with impeachment if he didn't resign.
On Monday, Dann fired off an e-mail to his staff that summarized what he had told the governor in two phone conversations on Sunday: he's not quitting.

"I told him that he and other officeholders, as well as the members of the legislature, should continue to expect that we will continue to provide high-quality legal services to all of them," Dann said.

The Democrats clearly want him to go.

"We will distance ourselves both figuratively and literally from the attorney general until he makes the decision that is best for people of Ohio, and that is to step down from the office," state Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern said Monday.

Democrats will offer a resolution at the state party executive committee meeting Saturday in Columbus seeking to rescind their endorsement of Dann, Redfern said.

Democrats will also seek to bar Dann from official Democratic party functions. "That would mean he would no longer be welcome at those events," Redfern said.

In addition to Strickland and Redfern, who is a state representative, signing the letter were: Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, Treasurer Richard Cordray, Ohio Senate Minority Leader Ray Miller and Ohio House Minority Leader Joyce Beatty.

Strickland met with reporters just past noon Monday on the steps of the Statehouse to address the standoff.

"I would hope the attorney general would understand that his effectiveness as attorney general has been so greatly diminished that, in my judgment at least, he cannot appropriately continue to fulfill the duties of that office," Strickland said.

"It is important for Democrats to send a very clear message that we will clean our own house," he said.

The governor said he drew his conclusion over the weekend after reading the findings of an internal investigation of sexual harassment allegations against one of Dann's top managers.

Strickland read the report and transcripts of interviews conducted for the investigation and said he found a number of items troubling and questioned whether Dann had offered consistent information to investigators.

Vanessa Stout, one of two women who accused Dann's friend and manager Anthony Gutierrez of sexual harassment, said Dann knew that she hid the extent of her criminal record on her job application.

Dann, stumbled in interviews when asked whether his former scheduler Jessica Utovich spent the night at his apartment. He first said he didn't know because he was barely at the apartment and in a later interview said, "I have knowledge that she stayed overnight."

The Ohio Republican Party, which on Friday started the chorus for Dann to go, cheered on Monday as it watched Democrats attack one of their own.

"There is now bipartisan agreement that Marc Dann no longer has the respect and credibility to be Ohio's attorney general, and he must resign immediately," said state Republican party deputy chairman Kevin DeWine.

Strickland said he still would like to see an independent investigation of the sexual harassment charges. And Senate President Bill Harris, an Ashland Republican, suggested that the state inspector general do the external review.

Even some on Dann's staff apparently want him out, if nothing more than to help the office start to regain its reputation.

One Democrat said top attorney general staffers on Monday asked Dann to resign. Dann told them he was staying but that he would accept their resignations.

Office spokesman Ted Hart said no one quit on Monday, and he would not confirm whether there was a confrontation between Dann and his senior staff.

"People are certainly more subdued than normal today," Hart said. "People certainly aren't oblivious to what's going on."

Dann, 46, who lives near Youngstown, is a former private practice attorney. He was appointed to the Ohio Senate in 2002, elected in 2004 and was a surprise winner in the 2006 attorney general's race, defeating noted Republican Betty Montgomery.

In fact, Dann said Friday that he was not prepared to take on the massive state agency, with 1,400 employees, including over 400 attorneys. He offered that as an explanation for why he bungled early management decisions, some of which led to the harassment probe.

While Dann stays, Democrats are making plans as if he will go. Strickland would pick his replacement for the interim, and the governor said he already has a short list of candidates, though he would not reveal names.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 02:17:22 PM »
This really has so much comic value.
Dann won't resign over office affair
Staff Writers

Saturday, May 03, 2008

COLUMBUS ? Attorney General Marc Dann vowed not to quit despite admitting that he had an affair with a subordinate and ? perhaps equally damning ? was unprepared for the office he was elected to in November 2006.

"I have not conducted myself in a way that is consistent with my values as a husband, a father and my responsibilities as attorney general," he said at a news conference attended by more than 40 reporters and photographers on Friday, May 2. He apologized, saying he hurt his wife and children and created a "sideshow" that detracted from the good works of his office.

The admission of the affair came hours after the release of a 57-page report substantiating allegations of sexual harassment and misuse of state property against Anthony Gutierrez ? Dann's friend, neighbor and one-time roommate.

Gutierrez and Communications Director Leo Jennings III, another Dann friend and political consultant from the Youngstown area, were fired, and Chief of Staff Edgar Simpson was forced to resign. Jennings was accused of trying to get an assistant attorney general to lie to investigators, while Simpson failed to act promptly on the harassment allegations, according to the report.

The woman with whom Dann had the affair, Jessica Utovich, 28, voluntarily resigned her position as office travel coordinator. Dann admitted the affair may have sent the wrong message about how Gutierrez could treat subordinates.

Dann, 46, a Democrat who won office on promises of good government, admitted to cronyism and poor judgment, but brushed aside questions about resignation. Instead, he said, "I will work tirelessly to regain the public's trust."

Dann said he was surprised that he actually won election as attorney general and "I was not as well prepared for the office as I should have been."

While others lost their jobs, Dann's punishment is public embarrassment.

"I've admitted that I had a relationship that was wrong and I deeply regret it. I think that's pretty good punishment."

Unlike Silda Spitzer who stood by New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer at his tearful news conference, Dann's wife, Alyssa Lenhoff, was at her job as a journalism instructor at Youngstown State University, Dann said. Lenhoff could not be reached for comment.

"I've hurt her. I'm disappointed in myself, but I love her very much and I'm very hopeful she'll forgive me," Dann said.


Remember kids, the highest law enforcement official in the State of Ohio believes he's suffered enough and shouldn't be punished like everybody else. So when you get caught with a little pot, or drinking and driving on prom night, explain how embarrassed you are having been caught and that's certainly punishment enough.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2008, 02:32:27 PM »
Man oh man, if this were a Republican.............the fit would be hitting the shan
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2008, 03:45:13 PM »
These are the people who told us they were going to clean up the capital after those evil Republicans had defiled it!


The guy Dann is a real buffoon.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2008, 08:58:54 PM »
Seems like presidential material.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2008, 11:51:13 AM »
This is stupid.  Obviously there is a problem with a state cabinet member, and the members of that person's party in the state leadership are trying to get him to leave.  Tell me again, how this is any different than Larry Craig?

The rationale "Oh, but if the Republicans did it it would be a big deal!" is a bunch of baloney, not to mention disappointing.  For every Democratic scandal, there is a comparable Republican one, and vice versa.  The irony though, is not lost on me that it is Republican politicians pushing through amendments to ban gay marriage for "family defense" and "marriage defense", while they're sending sexually graphic text messages to underage pages and foot tapping in bathroom stalls.  Then you have the gall to gripe when it's pointed out.  Hey, I'm sorry, but if you and by extension your party, are going to take the moral high ground, I'd suggest that they start living it and not just mouthing the words.

This AG thing is a non-issue, and if you think that you can define a party because of a handful of people, maybe I should re-think my views of the Republican Party, and let the actions of Bob Packwood, Mark Follman, Larry Craig, etc. define my view.

That'd be pretty damned stupid now wouldn't it?


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2008, 12:41:44 PM »
>>This AG thing is a non-issue, and if you think that you can define a party because of a handful of people, maybe I should re-think my views of the Republican Party, and let the actions of Bob Packwood, Mark Follman, Larry Craig, etc. define my view.<<

Calm down queenie. I never once mentioned the guy was a Democrat, nor did I imply being a Democrat had anything to do with his idiotic behavior. I did point out that he was elected promising to clean up all the evil Republicans had left in the State House under Gov. Taft. What made me laugh is that the guy admitted he never expected to win the job (the previous AG wasn't bad, but was washed out in the clean house mentality), and admitted he wasn't prepared. Then he claims the embarrassment was enough and he didn't need to resign. Now that's balls. No brains, but lots of balls. Is that the message we want to send? If you get caught, the embarrassment is enough punishment? I just wanted to share this little bit of As Ohio Turns, with the rest of class.

Fell free to continue stalking.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2008, 12:44:11 PM »
Fell free to continue stalking.

Yeah, that means a lot after the conversation that I had with Janefinch regarding you.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2008, 12:49:15 PM »
Excuse me?


Now that's funny. Little queenie is gossiping about me to his girlfriends. Good grief you're pathetic.

Would you care to share Jane's lies with us, because I've got something for the bitch if she wants it.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2008, 12:52:21 PM »
The Democrats used to be a "stand by your man" sort of party , where the wagons would circle round their misbehaveing bad boys till the heat had passed.

Is that changeing or is this particular case just too egregious?


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2008, 12:54:11 PM »
It doesn't look to be true in this case, which is why I made sure to include the governors comments and other Ohio democrats calls for him to resign. As of today he's not resigned, and the entire Ohio House seems prepared to impeach him.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2008, 01:09:59 PM »
Would you care to share Jane's lies with us, because I've got something for the bitch if she wants it.

No I wouldn't.  You know good and well what I'm talking about evidently.

Now let's see, should I believe Jane, whom I've always had a civil discourse with, or should I believe you with your misogynistic history?

Hmmm, that's a tough one.   ::)


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2008, 01:33:40 PM »
I can only imagine what you're referring too, and frankly your need to bring something like this up says much more about you than it does me.

But hey, let's see if you're man enough to say it out in the open. I'm sure BT would like to hear what people outside the little club have to say. You've not only decided to be my stalker, but you've consented to be the mouth piece for known forger's and lier's to attack club members.

Please, let's get it out in the open Queenie. You brought it up. I was simply having a conversation. By all means, continue the attack because I'm ready you little faggot. Bring it on.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2008, 01:36:05 PM »
Check your messages Rich, and decide if we should continue this.


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Re: Dann ignores governor's, others demand that he resign
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2008, 05:13:28 PM »
This is stupid.  The rationale "Oh, but if the Republicans did it it would be a big deal!" is a bunch of baloney, not to mention disappointing.  For every Democratic scandal, there is a comparable Republican one, and vice versa. 

Oh get serious Fatman, no one is claiming republicans aren't able to pull such garbage.  My point being, and you helped highlight it, Craig was wall to wall media coverage.  This is the 1st I've heard of Dann.  You seriously believe that the MSM coverage is equivalent??

I have some realestate in Florida I'd like to show you
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle