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Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2008, 02:08:58 AM »
      The riots are seen by some as a cry of distress from France's minority youths. Despite the government's attempt to avert racism with its policy of "one France," immigrants and their descendants say they deal with racism on a daily basis. Hasam Chefeg, in his late 20s, says young North Africans have trouble finding work in France. "Because my face is Moroccan and my name is different -- it's Moroccan, too -- they don't consider even my CV," he said. "If you send another letter to the same employer with the typical French name like Pierre or Jacques, then the employer calls you back immediately."

Samir Mihi, a member of a Muslim community in a Parisian suburb, has been working to calm the neighborhoods. He says it's not easy: "The one thing that keeps coming back is the kids' bad rapport with the police. They're constantly put through abusive ID checks and treated aggressively. And they're supposed to respect the police, but the police don't respect them."

Awaz Dehkani, a high school teacher in the Paris suburb of Trappes, has talked with her students about the riots, and the source of the anger fueling them. Her students told her, "They feel that you play the game, you go to school, you do everything that, you know, that society and everybody wants you to do, and in the end, even with many degrees, they don't want you. We have no real laws to protect people from discrimination like you do have in the States."
      "The second generation can't go back as easily and have been told in school they should be treated equally. When it doesn't happen, there's disappointment," Reitz said.

Canada's ambassador to France, Claude Laverdure, agreed. "There's a deep frustration of being seen as immigrants for young people who were born in France," Laverdure told CBC Newsworld two years ago.
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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #46 on: May 08, 2008, 06:01:29 AM »

Stefano Allievi, Professor of Sociology, scholar and expert in Islamic matters...

So what is your point with that post?

He is locked up for criticism of Islam , add a few points of correction factor to all reports that do not criticise much.


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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #47 on: May 08, 2008, 06:02:24 AM »
      The riots are seen by some as a cry of distress from France's minority youths.
Describe these people demographicly.

Maccus Germanis

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #48 on: May 08, 2008, 09:52:42 AM »

Two persons [Mouhsin (15) and Lakamy (16)] on a motorcycle were killed after colliding with a police car on Sunday late in the afternoon in Villiers-le-Bel (Val d'Oise), triggering an eruption of incidents, notably trash can fires and meetings of youths, a police source reported. (...) [/i]

Some young men stood by the charred timbers of the town's police station, Tuesday laughing and surveying the damage.

Cem, 18, of Turkish origin, declined to give his name because he feared police reprisals. But he and his friend Karim, of Algerian descent, said they both had participated in rioting over the past two days.

"That's just the beginning," Cem said. "This is a war. There is no mercy. We want two cops dead."

I notice there is nothing in that post, even following the links, indicating a religious motivation.

Your right, the religions of those invovled is not listed. Neither are we often told what part of "asia" British gangs come from. But then we all know that fundamentalist Aiki is just as dangerous as any form of islam. (I suppose I should point out that this is sarcasm for the uninitiated)

I'm sure that both the two youths who failed to yield right of way to a police vehicle, the Turk, and the Algerian listed in the articles were apostate, or minority dhimmis, that even after fully adopting Western ethics of common law, simply chose to riot in leiu of bringing suit against the police.

I wouldn't want you to think that I deny that left dhimmi fascist did join these riots, for their own reasons. I liken the corrupting influence of islam in this case to that of Barbie in Iran.

Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #49 on: May 08, 2008, 11:38:12 AM »

He is locked up for criticism of Islam

As best I can tell from what you posted, he is being punished for libel. I don't know if his punishment is right or wrong because I don't know the circumstances. As I don't read Italian, I'm not likely to get much more info.
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Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #50 on: May 08, 2008, 11:43:42 AM »

Describe these people demographicly.
      Many of these people have family roots in majority Muslim countries like Algeria, but they are French citizens who identify themselves as French. Many do not regularly pray in mosques (local Muslim leaders admit this). You see women and girls wearing headscarves, but they are not in the majority in these neighbourhoods. Many of them are actually older immigrant women who've always covered their heads, not "neo-orthodox" or "born-again" young French-born women who wear headscarves to assert their Muslim identity.


How about going by the names of the detained rioters? After the 2005 riots, police reported that half of the 3,000 or so they took in were males under 18. Some 640 of them were eventually arrested and most of them already had police records. Most had Arabic or African names, true, but the lists of detainees in some areas had many French, Italian and Portuguese names. Does this show a religious element? How can we tell? Would youths of French, Italian or Portuguese descent join an intifada?

Suprised by the Portuguese? In Seine-Saint-Denis, the departement north of Paris best known for its unruly housing projects, they are the second largest ethnic group after North Africans, according to the urban development association Profession Banlieue. That study also mentions growing communities of Southeast Asians, which would be Vietnamese and Cambodians.
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Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #51 on: May 08, 2008, 12:09:31 PM »

I'm sure that both the two youths who failed to yield right of way to a police vehicle, the Turk, and the Algerian listed in the articles were apostate, or minority dhimmis, that even after fully adopting Western ethics of common law, simply chose to riot in leiu of bringing suit against the police.

I like the sarcasm, but I don't agree with what seems to be your point. In the first place, the youths who collided with the police vehicle were, as best as I can determine, not in a condition to jump up and start rioting. The reason for this is that they were dead. Secondly, the Algerian at least was not Algerian. The article says he is of Algerian descent. Probably the guy is French. Thirdly, while you keep trying to claim they rioted because they are Muslims, the more I read about this situation the less and less that seems even remotely related to the riots. These are frustrated youth who belong to minorities, many are French but they are seen as immigrants, and they are routinely discriminated against by the police and the government, so they have no cause to believe that any attempt to work in system would result in any sort of outcome in their favor. Most if not all of the youths involved are not strangers to France, and have in fact grown up there and most of those were probably born in France as well. I'm not saying this excuses the rioting, because it absolutely does not. What I am saying is that the riots, as best I can tell, have almost nothing to do with any of the participants being Muslim or Christian or atheist.
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Maccus Germanis

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #52 on: May 08, 2008, 12:42:58 PM »
Universe Prince,

It is true that the motorcyclists were in no condition to riot, after the collision. But before the collision, they did choose to flaunt the laws of both France and Physics. From where did such disregard for the order of their adoptive -as they are not Gallic- homeland come? Was it fear of police that caused them to fail to yield, or rather disdain cultivated by an unchecked feeling of innate superiority, exacerbated by material inferiority to the kufr, and underwritten by a myriad of excuses written by those that will fight the gv't of France down to the last muslim? Such persons such as would file a report broadacast on ABC that seemed disappointed that muslims didn't riot after Wilders' Fitna?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 12:44:40 PM by Maccus Germanis »


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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #53 on: May 08, 2008, 12:46:28 PM »
As best I can tell from what you posted, he is being punished for libel. I don't know if his punishment is right or wrong because I don't know the circumstances. As I don't read Italian, I'm not likely to get much more info.

His conviction was for "group libel" - for his criticism of Adel Smith's group.

Adel Smith has brought numerous cases to court in Italy, two notable ones are a demand to have a 15th Century fresco destroyed (because it depicts Mohammad in hell) and a demand to have crucifixes removed from all schools in Italy (he won that case, but it was later overturned).

Interestingly enough, Adel Smith was convicted of "defaming religion" for his criticisms of Christianity and the Pope.
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Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #54 on: May 08, 2008, 05:15:29 PM »

It is true that the motorcyclists were in no condition to riot, after the collision. But before the collision, they did choose to flaunt the laws of both France and Physics. From where did such disregard for the order of their adoptive -as they are not Gallic- homeland come? Was it fear of police that caused them to fail to yield, or rather disdain cultivated by an unchecked feeling of innate superiority, exacerbated by material inferiority to the kufr, and underwritten by a myriad of excuses written by those that will fight the gv't of France down to the last muslim? Such persons such as would file a report broadacast on ABC that seemed disappointed that muslims didn't riot after Wilders' Fitna?

Must be that they were ill-adjusted Muslims, because, as we all know, young people in the Western world never ever drive recklessly or too fast. (Now it's my turn to be sarcastic.)
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Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #55 on: May 08, 2008, 05:20:30 PM »

His conviction was for "group libel" - for his criticism of Adel Smith's group.

Okay. Well, I probably would not agree with that law, but unless the Muslims too over the government and forced the law into being, I don't believe that would the fault of Muslims.

Interestingly enough, Adel Smith was convicted of "defaming religion" for his criticisms of Christianity and the Pope.

Hung by his own rope apparently (metaphorically speaking of course).
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
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Maccus Germanis

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #56 on: May 08, 2008, 05:25:00 PM »
Must be that they were ill-adjusted Muslims, because, as we all know, young people in the Western world never ever drive recklessly or too fast. (Now it's my turn to be sarcastic.)

In fact young Westerners do drive recklessly. When they die, their friends have a funeral, slow down for two minutes, and rarely ever think of having a riot. But as muslims reaction to Fitna does suggest that said muslims may be wising up to the manner in which they are given license to riot, by those that would alledge racism among French police or Dutch society, perhaps excuses to riot for Western youth could be a growth opportunity? (Congratulations on the sarcasm. With practice you may some day be as achieved in the art as I.)


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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #57 on: May 08, 2008, 05:28:44 PM »
(Congratulations on the sarcasm. With practice you may some day be as achieved in the art as I.)

I can assure you from experience, that UP is well versed in that particular art.

waits for cheerleader photo  ::)

Universe Prince

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #58 on: May 08, 2008, 06:03:53 PM »

In fact young Westerners do drive recklessly. When they die, their friends have a funeral, slow down for two minutes, and rarely ever think of having a riot.

Yes, we here in the West have a history free of rioting. We never have race riots or people angry over institutionalized racism, perceived or otherwise. (More sarcasm by the way.)

(Congratulations on the sarcasm. With practice you may some day be as achieved in the art as I.)

Heh. That's funny.

Anyway, the suggestion that the two guys on the motorcycle were uniquely reckless because they were Muslims is just ludicrous. So is the notion that rioting is somehow wholly a non-Western Muslim reaction.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--

Maccus Germanis

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Re: Defeat Tehran not with bombs but with culture
« Reply #59 on: May 08, 2008, 06:19:05 PM »
Perhaps Barbie could sooth our troubled youth?

Yes we have had riots, and I think it irresponsible to make excuses forriotous youth of either persuasion.

To suggest that a climate of disregard for French laws, that is propogated by mosques and underwritten by fundmental texts of islam played no part in the inspiration to riot is reckless. Rioting is done by all types of people who suppose themselves, or are provided with, a greivance and have no fear of prosecution.  In France muslims do fit that description best.