UP, where's your source for this? Interesting.
Sorry about that. Plane posted it in reply #64. The original source is http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0224/p10s01-woeu.html.
Thanks, UP.
With all that is going on in the world, I suppose I welcome Jay Leno's take of the subject;
Why leave any God out of the mix at this point in time. . . .
On the job or off. Islamic women/men/children are just praciticing their religion. Right? No different from the Christian, as I see it.
Unless those practicing a "ReLiGIon" are members of the soap scum house of cards i.e. those who practice a radicalized version of said religion (blowing up pregnant women in order to win the west) ( blowing up Dr's offices -abortion clinics in order to win some sort of crazy point)
If an individual believes in Mickey Mouse...I say..Hey no problem. You're secure in that eh?
Why are people so quick to become defensive and hateful towards others.....or quick to judge when it comes to faith?
Insecurity is the only answer that comes to mind.
God's love is massive. God's love is the only thing worth living for.
Tell that to an atheist, and you get put into a corner of shame. Why?
Not enough self security ---insecurity within one's own being, bottom line, imo.
I celebrate the women's choices to bow to their faith.
Jay Leno..rock on.....now is NOT the time to be bashing anything that has to do with something that is of love, and peace.
peace out-