Berlesconi might be a reaction to socialism, but "creeping communism", oh please. Communism is largely defunct.
No one believes that Communists of the Soviet sort, or even the old-style Italian sort are a threat to anyone.
I agree that Fascism is not by nature anti-Semitic or even anti-Zionist.
And there is a huge difference between Semitism, which preaches that Jews need to be eliminated for a country to recapture economic control of itself from a conspiracy of Jewish bankers, Masons, etc., and and Zionism, which preaches that Jews are superior at least in Israel, and deserve their own country, even that entails pushing Palestinians aside and/or treating them as second class people (not even entitled to citizenship in their ancestral homeland).
If you believe that all people have equal rights, I fail to see how you can favor Zionism.
Some Jews do, because they believe that their special arrangement with God makes them "special".
Some Fundie Christians do, because they believe that the prophecies in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament requires that (a) all Jews return to Israel, (2) that a Third Temple be built (about where the Dome of the Rock & Al Aksa Mosque are today) and (3) a large number, perhaps even all Jews will become Christians when (4) Jesus returns. There will be a Battle at Armageddon and God's guys will win, of course.
I suppose other people favor Zionism because they are Muslims and at the present time, Israel is a enemy to many Muslims, and of course a enemy of an enemy is a friend.
The Zionists believe the Fundie Christians are nuts, because they don't think Jesus was the Messiah or is returning. They won't say so, however, because one should never look the proverbial gift horse that does not shit on your proverbial rug in its proverbial mouth.