The only difference between those to whom God opens up truth beyond science and those to whom God only reveals the physical is that those with faith have learned to trust another set of senses. They require, however, more work than simple physical observation. You have to study the word of God. You have to pray, fast, listen to the still, small voice of the spirit, and actually ask for knowledge. Before you can do any of this, however, you have to accept that there is a God, and he will answer you. When you study, ask God for wisdom, and consider apparent dichotomies like the ones you have described, the answers come.
What you are saying is essentially, that to "know" that there is a God, you must learn how to brainwash yourself. This is easiest to do if you have grown up being told every step of the way that God exists and means you well. Anything you are indoctrinated with by the age of five or so will be there in your head forever, as a stil small voice or a festering presence, depending on your point of view.
If the Bible does not say that pi=3, what DOES it say about pi? I do not recall it says 3.1459... I think it simply can be interpreted to mean that Jews, not being at that moment, really good with circular objects, had to call in outside help, and were less than effective eavesdroppers when they listened in on their Gentile architects.
It is entirely correct what I say about Biblical "study". It always begins with the premise that what in in the Holy Writ is 100% true, and
examines various ways of rationalization, historical speculation and outright self-delusion until behold! one believes.
This should not be confused with actual scholarship, which starts with as Socrates said, "the only thing I know is that I know nothing."
I continue to believe that each and every Harry Potter book will be made into some sort of film. Perhaps they will make several flicks of the last ones, just to make them last. Of course, this depends on just one entity alone: June Rawlings.
I must say, I have personally been rather unimpressed with the Harry Potter films. Though watchable, they are nowhere as good as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy films. I have not read the books, so I offer no opinions about them. I do know that it is exceedingly difficult to turn 600+ pages into under 150 minutes, which is the outer limits of the endurance of the human bladder and more importantly, every movie theater manager's desire to have three showings per evening.