Sure....the same thing that largely had the Democrats circling the wagons around Bill, and don't you dare try to "throw him out". Still doesn't refute the FACT of fiscal discipline the GOP under Newt brought to DC
Hey, I didn't throw the Newtster out, his own party did.
FACT my butt. How long did this FACT last? Maybe one year?
Newt is very bright, but he is also the most annoying American political leader for decades. He is even more annoying than Bob Dole or Spiro T. Agnew. Before the Newtster, REpublicans were only known for being against everything. His Contract thing at least got people to think they were for something. Of course, their biggest FOR was term limits, and that never passed.
The FACT is that anyone who votes for a Republican expecting fiscal responsibility is exceedingly gullible. Not with that stupid war Juniorbush (America's most fiscally irresponsible president) mongered and refuses to end after all these years.
McCain will need to refute Juniorbush or spend the next four years golfing, and of course, speechifying to corporate droids for big bucks.
The big issue is will McCain try to continue his fame as a "straight talker", or will he sell the last remaining shard of his soul and look the other way while the 527 assholes pump the airwaves full of the racist drivel that we have begun to see posted here by our knee-jerk "conservatives".
Those pictures of McCain hugging Juniorbush will be hard to refute. After the evil crap that Juniorbush's flunkies pulled on him in the primaries, somehow he ended sucking up to him most shamelessly.