Author Topic: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .  (Read 7400 times)

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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #45 on: June 04, 2008, 07:35:38 PM »
In a democratic primary Bush's polarizing abilities ae not in the equation.

I think when Bill inserted himself into the campaign, people remembered what a polarizing figure he was. They also realized that he came with Hillary if she was elected. They also knew that GOP partisans would love a Clinton Whitehouse because they wouldn't need to behave during the standard six month honeymoon most newly elected get and they could start payback for 6 years of Bush Bashing immediately. Voters, especially young ones had already endured 16 years of partisan bickering and they aren't so anxious for another 4 or 8.

Obama didn't bring that kind of baggage. Nor that brand of politicking.

How was he polarizing?

I recall travelling abroad during the Clinton years, and it contrasts greatly with travelling abroad now.

The fellows in Europe loved him.  8)

Obama has a host of near criminal "baggage", just none that anyone pays attention to.

I'm voting for Bob Barr.


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2008, 07:52:32 PM »
The effect of the polarization has been that Obama, who is perceived as being a new face ad approach to politics, has been favored over Hillary, who has been associated more with politics as usual.

I reiterate: there will never be "new politics". Ever.

I can't wait for Obama to get into the White House. The fallout of his not delivering on all of his promise-full poetry will disillusion an entire generation.


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2008, 07:57:07 PM »
So who identifys with him?

I know I do.

Obama is sort of embodying what Americans need to come together right now.  I have said for years and years that in order for white people and black people to come to understand each other and be comfortable with each other, we are going to have to have more interacial couples that have children that grow up and become famous. 

There have been lots of mixed race children that is true but we need more of them to become famous so that Americans will want to lay claim to them, if you will.  If black folks and white folks can look at a star or politician or CEO and say, "Hey, he's one of us." it will lead to unity.  Obama is the son of an interracial couple.  Black father, white mother.  Yes, he looks black but he is of both races.  He embodies harmony between the races.

Further, as much as the right likes to paint him as a liberal (and he is in some ways), he is really a moderate.  He wants to make sure everyone has health care but he's not in favor of a single payer system.  He was against the war and still is but he's not going to order the troops out in 30 days once he's elected (and, I must admit, I fear he may not draw them down substantially for a long time).

Over the next few months, you're going to hear him articulate his stances in much more defined terms than you have during the primary because he is going to want to appeal to ALL voters in ways that ALL voters will feel like they are getting something rather than being listened to and then pissed on (like the left has felt for the past 8 years with "president" Bush).

This is the most preposterous load I have ever read: It is feel-good liberalism at its politically correct worst.

What people need to come together is a sense of humor and intelligence. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also: Obama borders on socialist. Which is why I am voting, for the first time, against the party.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 08:07:55 PM by modestyblase »


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2008, 09:50:38 PM »
This is the most preposterous load I have ever read: It is feel-good liberalism at its politically correct worst.

Uh, Ok, whatever.

What people need to come together is a sense of humor and intelligence. Nothing more, nothing less.


Also: Obama borders on socialist. Which is why I am voting, for the first time, against the party.

And where are you getting this idea that Obama is a Socialist?  Rush?  Sean?  O'Reilly?  I mean, if you have some real proof, please tell me what it is because I would love to feel a lot better about supporting this great and wise man.


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2008, 10:31:37 PM »
 :D   Love the kool-aide pic, Brass.  It's perfect for yas.  Should use it as your signatory on every post
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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #50 on: June 05, 2008, 02:51:11 AM »
Last night after Obama's speech, one of the stations had a shot of Mt Rushmore up and I told the wife we should start one of those quixotic endeavours to have Obama's face put up there rather than old man Reagan's!

(Everyone knows that another face can never be added to MR without endangering the whole sculpture.  Right?)


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #51 on: June 05, 2008, 08:44:27 AM »
(Everyone knows that another face can never be added to MR without endangering the whole sculpture.  Right?)

As is usually the case with "everyone knows" - that is incorrect.

In reality, the original designer had intended to also put Susan B. Anthony up there, but Congress cut off funding for another image. Also, there was more work planned, including a history of the US carved into the mountain and a hall of records, but the designer died before they could be completed.
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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2008, 10:02:39 AM »
(Everyone knows that another face can never be added to MR without endangering the whole sculpture.  Right?)

As is usually the case with "everyone knows" - that is incorrect.

In reality, the original designer had intended to also put Susan B. Anthony up there, but Congress cut off funding for another image. Also, there was more work planned, including a history of the US carved into the mountain and a hall of records, but the designer died before they could be completed.

I know I saw a park ranger on the news one night saying that Rushmore should never, will never and can never be altered.


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2008, 10:12:55 AM »
In reality, the original designer had intended to also put Susan B. Anthony up there, but Congress cut off funding for another image. Also, there was more work planned, including a history of the US carved into the mountain and a hall of records, but the designer died before they could be completed.

Hey, Ami,

I just want to thank you for that tidbit of information about Mount Rushmore.  It has been a plan of mine lately to take the family on a trip to South Dakota next year but, for some crazy reason, I've never bothered to just read the Wiki entry on the monument.

Your tidbit nudged me to do so and now I feel confident that we will definitely go next spring.

Did you know that Borglum originally wanted to do the bodies of the presidents as well?



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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2008, 11:40:49 AM »
I know I saw a park ranger on the news one night saying that Rushmore should never, will never and can never be altered.

Because Congress passed a law preventing further changes.

Of course, laws can be overturned.
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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #55 on: June 05, 2008, 11:44:34 AM »
I can't wait for Obama to get into the White House. The fallout of his not delivering on all of his promise-full poetry will disillusion an entire generation.

Yeah, let's all vote for Bob Barr and get a real dose of reality...

You fail to realize that it is the vision that is what inspires us. Once the vision is attained, we are jaded and could care less.

For example, way back before Jesus, leprosy was the scourge of mankind. Anyone could catch it and be condemned to spend the rest of their life as a truly untouchable pariah. Jesus cured a handful of lepers and it was a miracle.

Now leprosy is not a threat to anyone in the developed world. It is not a part of the vision. Neither is a chicken in every pot and a car in every gareage and a color teevee.

It is the vision that matters, not the attaining of that vision. All those dudes on Mt Rushmore managed to do this, even though all had their personal defects-lots of them.

So for Obama to be successful, all he has to do is to keep the eyes on the prize and the vision seem attainable. FDR., LBJ and even old wrinkly Reagan, managed to do this for people in their time.  Obama can be at least as able as they were if he chooses the right advisers and gives the right speeches.

One thing I think everyone can agree on is that Bob Barr has about as much charisma as an Oldsmobile Achieva with a busted turbo.
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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2008, 08:00:02 PM »
This is the most preposterous load I have ever read: It is feel-good liberalism at its politically correct worst.

Uh, Ok, whatever.

What people need to come together is a sense of humor and intelligence. Nothing more, nothing less.


Also: Obama borders on socialist. Which is why I am voting, for the first time, against the party.

And where are you getting this idea that Obama is a Socialist?  Rush?  Sean?  O'Reilly?  I mean, if you have some real proof, please tell me what it is because I would love to feel a lot better about supporting this great and wise man.

No, not "whatever". Decent education is the only answer. Comingling will not magically create tolerance. I am thoroughly weak with ennui over all of this p.c. activism nonsense, and you have no clue how much the sound-byte bumper-sticker aspect which is the ONLY way to really drive the p.c. movement has damaged societies. Howard Jacobson does, though:
"So it isn't to do with class, our taking up again with popinjays. It isn't a return to an old hierarchical subservience. If anything, it's a joke at hierarchy's expense. We are showing we are no longer frightened by it. No deference this time. No one in his right mind would defer to Boris Johnson. But we like the jest against earnestness implicit in his person. Ken Livingstone was heavy with belief systems. He could barely clear his nasal passages for them. Boris believes in nothing except the absurdity of belief. Like Carrie and Samantha and Charlotte and Miranda. They know that the seriousness of life isn't really to be found in the shoes you wear. But try talking world poverty as they go clip-clopping by and you're the one that's left looking foolish.

So the burden is on seriousness now. It needs an image makeover. All the political correctness talk around race, gender and human rights over recent years was bound to let a Boris in at last. A buffoon could explode its self-righteousness and a buffoon has. We need a new vocabulary of what matters, a new language in which to express conviction; otherwise it's toffs for the foreseeable future."

Bolded for emphasis,

As well, I don't watch Rush, Hannity, etc. I only watch CNBC anymore.

As for Obama being borderline socialist, once he began talking about required civil service for those who receive government assistance with higher education? I quit listening.

I can't wait for Obama to get into the White House. The fallout of his not delivering on all of his promise-full poetry will disillusion an entire generation.

Yeah, let's all vote for Bob Barr and get a real dose of reality...

You fail to realize that it is the vision that is what inspires us. Once the vision is attained, we are jaded and could care less.

For example, way back before Jesus, leprosy was the scourge of mankind. Anyone could catch it and be condemned to spend the rest of their life as a truly untouchable pariah. Jesus cured a handful of lepers and it was a miracle.

Now leprosy is not a threat to anyone in the developed world. It is not a part of the vision. Neither is a chicken in every pot and a car in every gareage and a color teevee.

It is the vision that matters, not the attaining of that vision. All those dudes on Mt Rushmore managed to do this, even though all had their personal defects-lots of them.

So for Obama to be successful, all he has to do is to keep the eyes on the prize and the vision seem attainable. FDR., LBJ and even old wrinkly Reagan, managed to do this for people in their time.  Obama can be at least as able as they were if he chooses the right advisers and gives the right speeches.

One thing I think everyone can agree on is that Bob Barr has about as much charisma as an Oldsmobile Achieva with a busted turbo.

The vision is the driving goal, as opposed to any sort of path to plausible attainment? No wonder so few CEO's want to become politicians.

I don't want a charismatic leader. I want an effective one.


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Re: Good analysis of where the Clinton campaign went wrong . . .
« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2008, 08:03:03 PM »
I don't want a charismatic leader. I want an effective one.

That pretty much sums up my position as well.  I wish we had that option
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle