<<And Where did the WMD go?
<<We still do not know.>>
Of course you know. That's just another one of Bush's lies. In strict compliance with the UN-imposed deadline, the Iraqi government delivered a complete accounting of its WMD. The small percentage of unaccounted for WMD was entirely consistent with normal human error in record-keeping over a long period of time. Sorta like "corkage" in a tavern.
<<Thanks Lanya but every word of it is moot...>>
That's why it's no longer possible to take you and sirs seriously any more. When a statement is made that Bush lied, a banshee-like wailing arises - - "not a shred of evidence," "mantra," "repeated endlessly," and of course demands for proof. When proof in meticulous detail is presented, we get some lame-ass answer that "every word is moot." Period. Case settled. Who do you really think you are fooling? Not me. Not Lanya. So what is the point of presenting evidence to someone who refuses to treat it seriously, who dismisses it in a one-liner? No point. None at all.
To add insult to injury, a few days will pass. When another reference has to be made to Bush's lies, the same wall of bullshit arises, and we learn that despite repeated requests for proof that Bush lied, the "liberals" have never been able to come up with a shred of evidence. IMHO, this is not only intellectual dishonesty (that goes hand-in-glove with being a conservative) but it's just plain rudeness as well. Lanya can speak for herself, but I will tell you it is God-damn annoying to see somebody take the trouble to assemble the irrefutable proof of Bush's lies, only to be told, "Thanks, it's all moot." The least that you owe Lanya is not a dismissive "Thanks" but some kind of reasoned response to her sources.