<<Ok, so despite the facts to the contrary, they ALL were apparently lying. Bush, Clinton, the UN, France, Germany, Gore, and every Dem to claim Saddam had them, were all lying to us. Well, hopefully we can put that to bed now >>
Maybe on YOUR planet, sirs, but on mine it was only Bush who claimed that the threat was so great that an invasion could not be put off.
<<Show us where every Country's leader rejected their own intelliegence, that had concluded Saddam's stockpile of WMD was legit.>>
I'm sorry, sirs. I guess on your planet, Bush didn't try to drum up support for a Security Council resolution authorizing use of force. Didn't bring his "intelligence" to the French, the Germans, the Russians, the Canadians and try to get them onboard for use of force. See, sirs, here on THIS planet, that's what happened. Bush tried to peddle his laughable, childish "intelligence" to the UN, and to most of the Western countries he wanted on-board. "Look at this stuff, it PROVES that there's a huge menace here in Iraq and if we don't invade them tomorrow we'll all be toast." Words to the same effect, anyway. And nobody was buying. Well, almost nobody. Nobody of any importance. It was bullshit and it was clearly recognized as bullshit by the governments of many nations. He could fool the huge mass of morons that goes by the name of "the American people," but there were few others that he could fool.
<<And the basis continued to be the conclusions that allowing Saddam's WMD to potentially get in the hands of terrorists, following what they were able to do with simple boxcutters, was a scenario that simply wasn't going to be allowed to fester on the back burner.>>
Oh, OF COURSE. The logic is unassailable. If they can use boxcutters as weapons, they shouldn't have any problem deploying atom bombs. Once you're qualified on box-cutters, man, you're qualified on any weapons system imaginable.
<<It was never stated the threat was "immediate" nor "imminent". >>
Uh, yeah, sirs, it was. The whole argument of the U.S. was that whereas the UN Security Council wanted to give diplomacy more time, there just wasn't any more time. In Condoleeza Rice's words, "We can't wait until the smoking gun becomes a mushroom cloud." Sorry to let a little fact break in on your fantasy, but there it is.
<<No, because the Bi-partisan Investigative commissions, mandated to look at ALL the facts, said so. Their reports, minus the biased agenda, is out there as well>>
sirs, you're hilarious. First, you go out of your way to tell me all the Democrats who said the same thing as Bush. THEN you claim that Bush was exonerated of manipulating the intelligence by a Bi-Partisan Committee, as if the bipartisanship of the committee inoculated it from any charge of whitewash - - completely forgetting your earlier argument that identical allegations regarding Saddam's WMD were made by members of both parties. BTW, how did the "Bipartisan Committee" deal with the published reports by intelligence and White House insiders that clearly indicated manipulation of the conclusions by White House staffers?