<<Oh, and of course, the almighty Tee can read minds.>>
No, he can connect the dots. To someone who's incapable of connecting the dots, it just
looks like reading minds.
<<A) pure speculation on how it would be supposedly tracked back to Saddam>>
That's speculation but the idea that Saddam would give away his nukes to terrorists is inescapable logical deduction.
<<b) Military dictators like Saddam, have no problem gambling the lives of their people, so long as they might survive>>
By what magical cloak of invulnerability would Saddam survive if the US came to the conclusion that the nuke exploded on its soil came from Iraq?
<<If the price were right, I don't think he'd blink an eye.>>
Right, so the guy's sitting on the second biggest proven oil reserves on the planet but he's so hard up for cash that he'll sell nukes to some crazy bunch of terrorists and hope desperately that word doesn't get out - - but (and here's where sirs displays his hard-won knowledge of the world) - -
only "if the price were right." sirs, you're hilarious.
<<Ahhh, Tee, and the breathtaking mind reading ability, yet again. >>
<<Tapping in to that of a madman. Impressive >>
Uhh, that would be
you, sirs. Letting us in on Saddam's gambling habits, and what they'll drive him to. Letting us in on Saddam's insatiable thirst for cash, and what he'll do for it. Comparing the gambles of other dictators (which in your truly monumental ignorance you happen to know absolutely nothing about, but that's another story) - - your "logic," BTW, is also hilarious - - kinda like: well, my cousin Joey's a singer and Willie Nelson's a singer, and they both gamble, so if Willie bet $50,000 on a hand of poker, that means my cousin Joey would bet his life, his wife's life and his kids' lives that he could climb into the ring with a world heavyweight champion and beat the living shit out of him. I mean, it's so fucking
stupid that I don't even know where to start on it. I'll just leave you with the analogy and leave it to you to figure out where you fucked up.
<<Terrorists detonating some chemical device in Boston, is hardly a tag item that could be placed on Saddam, just like that. A few degrees of seperation there, I'm afraid Tee. >>
Right, sirs. Of course. Forgive me. I had forgotten what impressive qualifications you possess in the means and techniques of investigating nuclear explosions and their residues, of intelligence gathering and criminal investigation. And - - remind me again sirs - - those qualifications are . . . ?
<<and all the while, the deaths caused by that detonation keep being counted>>
Uhh, and in terms of Saddam's trying to decide whether or not to give a few nukes to those pesky terrorists, this would enter into his decision-making process how? or where?He would figure it was OK if the US anihilated him and his country AFTER Boston had been nuked, but not before? And even though that kind of anihilation avoidance wouldn't make sense to any of
us, it would make sense to
Saddam because, why? Gee, sirs, we sure are lucky that you can provide such brilliant insights into Saddam's mind. Why, YOU must be a mind-reader, sirs. AND a genius.