Author Topic: Ignorance is indeed bliss  (Read 5400 times)

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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2008, 02:24:05 PM »
Yea, let's madate that Restaurants be required to invest their own money into farming.  And if not, the taxes they pay could then be passed onto the consumer in the former of even higher costs.  Yea, makes perfect sense


Actually, that's not really a bad idea.  If restaurants owned their own farms, restaurant food would be cheaper.  Like buying direct from the factory or something?

Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea.  Grow your own food then use it in a restaurant.  Surely some family does that already somewhere, right?


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2008, 02:57:02 PM »
If restaurants owned their own farms, restaurant food would be cheaper.  Like buying direct from the factory or something?  Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea.  Grow your own food then use it in a restaurant.  Surely some family does that already somewhere, right?

Choose to, yea.  Mandate?, I don't think so

Requiring oil companies to invest money in alternative technologies OR pay the same amount in taxes makes perfect sense.

Exactly yes.  And that is exactly what the windfall proposal wants to do.

Which again does SQUAT to either the oil companies or the price of gasoline, as they then pass the cost on down to the cosumer.  But hey, as long as it makes you feel better, that you're sticking it to "big oil", right?      ::)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2008, 03:15:15 PM »
>>I think we can largely "get real" on the notion of drilling.  Folks like Brass, and probably Tee, wouldn't support drilling for oil anywhere, even if it were in Death Valley, or some other hellhole.<<

True. No offshore drilling ... no clean coal ... no nuclear power ... No windmills within the sight of a Kennedy ... no ... no ... no.

The leftists were going to lower the cost at the pump, instead, they raised it. The left brought us this problem way back in the Carter years, and damned if they aren't trying to make it worse. It's part of their religion. Big companies are bad, especially big oil, because their faith requires them to worship the environment and part of their dogma requires the belief that the environment is a victim. The victim of big business. So what's their solution? Everyone should live like this:

The real solution is of course more energy, not less. The more access we have to energy, the better our lives are. But that' doesn't fit the template. We're bad because we are the healthiest, wealthiest country the world has ever know. We must be punished. You're seeing our local socialist/communists making a case for the state to dole out our energy and Oblather (props to sirs on that one) has said the same thing. But hey. don't call him a communist. The war on big oil is really the war against capitalism and given the chance, the communist/socialists will tell you what you can eat, what to pt your thermostat on and what you can drive. Oblather said it, and you're seeing it in here.


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2008, 05:22:17 PM »
You set up a straw man (Brass and Tee are against drilling anywhere)  and then you knock it down.

I do not recall either of them mentioned being against drilling, other than in ANWAR, perhaps.

The longer we wait to drill in ANWAR, the more able we will be to prevent serious damage to that environment, and the more money will be saved o every barrel.

ANWAR is like money in the bank or the family jewels.
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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2008, 05:25:32 PM »

Choose to, yea.  Mandate?, I don't think so

When it was proven that more people lived through car accidents when they were wearing the seatbelts, seatbelt wearing was mandated.  This is the same thing.

Requiring oil companies to invest money in alternative technologies OR pay the same amount in taxes makes perfect sense.

Exactly yes.  And that is exactly what the windfall proposal wants to do.

Which again does SQUAT to either the oil companies or the price of gasoline, as they then pass the cost on down to the cosumer.  But hey, as long as it makes you feel better, that you're sticking it to "big oil", right?      ::)

Big Oil can get out of the "sticking" by applying these windfalls to new energy sources.  So, what's your next spin going to be?


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2008, 05:27:10 PM »
You set up a straw man (Brass and Tee are against drilling anywhere)  and then you knock it down.

I do not recall either of them mentioned being against drilling, other than in ANWAR, perhaps.

The longer we wait to drill in ANWAR, the more able we will be to prevent serious damage to that environment, and the more money will be saved o every barrel.

ANWAR is like money in the bank or the family jewels.

Actually, I am against drilling anywhere NEW.  I am totally for changing every car in the world over to solar power or running on saltwater.

ANWAR should never be drilled.


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2008, 05:34:31 PM »
Choose to, yea.  Mandate?, I don't think so

When it was proven that more people lived through car accidents when they were wearing the seatbelts, seatbelt wearing was mandated.  This is the same thing.

No, it's not.  Serving sushi at a restaurant is not saving anyone's life.  Making a company or business perform some feel good thing that would simply see their overhead costs skyrocket is NOT the same thing.

Big Oil can get out of the "sticking" by applying these windfalls to new energy sources.  So, what's your next spin going to be?

Once again, despite that they already are, with hybrid & electric vehicles, why would a company spend vital $'s on formats that would be in direct competion to themselves??  So, we're back to square 1, where your "sticking it to Big oil" is in turn sticking it to everyone else who needs to buy gas.  Way to go, Brass.  Way to stick it to the little guy
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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2008, 05:41:35 PM »
How is sushi going to result in anything involving energy? Has anyone proposed that ExxonMobil develop a sushi serving business plan?

Is developing biofuels a just feelgood thing, or is it a plan that could free us from dependency on petroleum?

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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2008, 05:52:52 PM »
How is sushi going to result in anything involving energy?

Because it doesn't.   ::)    Please try to keep up...Brass was referencing the notion that it'd be a good idea for restaurants to be mandated to have their own farms.  Then cited seatbelt laws as some form of perverse analogy

Is developing biofuels a just feelgood thing, or is it a plan that could free us from dependency on petroleum?

No, not at all means, for it.  What you just posted though, is precisely why it doesn't work in the format you're advocating, mandating a business to come up with ways to put itself out of business.  Some of their capital is already being used for other methods in fueling vehicles.  Any TAX you try to impose will simply be transferred to the consumer in HIGHER gasoline costs
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2008, 07:01:33 PM »
What you just posted though, is precisely why it doesn't work in the format you're advocating, mandating a business to come up with ways to put itself out of business.  Some of their capital is already being used for other methods in fueling vehicles.

Suppose that in 1904 or so, buggy whip manufacturers were given the option of paying a tax or investing the same amount of money in klaxons, or livery stable owners were similarly encouraged to invest in methods of selling gasoline. Would not their employees have thanked the clever person who dreamed up this law around 1927 or so.

Gasoline sellers are doomed in the long run, for there will be no petroleum to make the gasoline from.
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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2008, 07:05:52 PM »
As I said, mandating a company to find ways to put themselves out of business isn't good business.  Capitalism, and consumer demand is what will spearhead the drive for new energies you're pushing
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2008, 08:04:45 PM »
As I said, mandating a company to find ways to put themselves out of business isn't good business.  Capitalism, and consumer demand is what will spearhead the drive for new energies you're pushing

The oil companies are as doomed as buggy whip manufacturers and horsecar conductors. Why not encourage them to adapt, for the benefit of their employees?
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Re: Ignorance is indeed bliss
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2008, 08:42:18 PM »
Why not let them sink or swim as they so desire??  If they can't adapt, they'll go belly-up, now won't more "big oil".  You should be exstatic.  Bottom line, it's THEIR job to adapt and deal with consumer demands.  Currently the demand is skyhigh, and thanks in large part to our screw the little guy left, supply hasn't budged ----> sky high gas prices.  Now the same left wants to push (thankfully defeated now) windfall profits taxes, already demonstrated to be an absolute disaster the 1st go around, with the domino effect of "big oil" raising gas prices even higher, to pass on the cost to the "little guy"

Brilliant judgement

« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 06:01:56 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle