Well, I have to wonder, if al Qaeda captured similar material from the U.S., what would it show? A "well-oiled" machine with extensive bureaucratic documentation?
I am trying to figure out what is the fascination that this rather unremarkable set of insights has for the fanatical right wing death cultists of the American Empire? I think they are trying to reason backwards from the organization as it was in 2003 to the organization as it existed in Saddam's time - - i.e., if it existed in such organized form in 2003, it must have been present and operating in Iraq under Saddam.
Of course, this is pure nonsense. Al Qaeda did not exist in Afghanistan until it "rode in to the rescue" after the Soviet invasion of that country and did not exist in Iraq until the American invasion of that country. Al Qaeda comes to the rescue of Arabs or Mulims cruelly and brutally invaded in their own countries by foreigners, whether American or Soviet.
We know that Al Qaeda are brutal, cruel and evil themselves, as are the American invaders. If both sides can only kill each other off in large numbers, the world will benefit greatly from the permanent removal of bloodthirsty, psychopathic thugs, baby-kissing propaganda pictures notwithstanding.