I seriously doubt that Bin Laden would have remained ignorant about cellphones from 1993 until 2000 or so because of the Blind Sheik trial. They are radios, for Heaven's sake. None of the people jailed in 1993 were involved in 2001, because they were in jail.
The people who really didn't learn a thing from the 1993 bombing were the Juniorbushies, especially the most Incompetent National Security Officer in history, Condi Rice. After all, everyone knew that (1) Middle Eastern terrorists wanted to blow up the WTO, and (2) that they were noted for hijacking airplanes, and (3) were willing to commit suicide to deliver bombs. Apparently Condi just could not figure out what might happen if they hijacked a pane and flew it into a building. Or were they? Because there was a memo in which it was suggested that extra care be taken to prevent AQ from hijacking planes. We knew that Hitler had plans for suicide million, aircraft-delivered, skyscraper-busting bombs during WWII.
That is why National Security Directors are paid the Big Bucks.