<<That's what Americans do Mike. We fight . . . >>
You sure do, Rich. In Grenada, in Panama City, in Iraq - - wherever you think you find somebody small enough and weak enough to invade and conquer, with minimal casualties of your own. Only sometimes (Vietnam comes to mind) you miscalculate a little. You miscalculate because you are racists and because you are stupid. You never seem to be able to believe that little brown people can stand up to you, fight back, stop you dead in your tracks.
<< . . . so people like you can hate us and wish us dead. >>
The only people who hate you and wish you were dead are the people whose land you invaded, whose homes and children you have blown to bits, whose daughters and sisters you have raped, whose brothers you have imprisoned and tortured. No one hates you and wants you dead without a good reason, Rich, and that good reason is what you've done to them and the lies you tell yourselves to justify it all. Lies like <<It's a dirty job, but we do it so folk like you can sleep soundly at night.>> That's bullshit, Rich, I know it's bullshit and more importantly, there isn't a single one of your victims that doesn't know that it's bullshit. Everyone knows what you do and everyone knows why you do it. So you can save all that lying bullshit for people who don't know any better, only there aren't any.
<<Dreaming sick little dead American dreams.>>
I'm dreaming that the Americans will be driven out of Iraq like they were driven out of Vietnam, like a bunch of whipped dogs with their tails between their legs, and that the cost in body bags and broken lives will be such that they'll never dream of invading another country without just cause for the next 20 generations.
<<The fact is, the veterens Hollywood has sold you are a lie. Let me clue you in on something Mike. Not everything you see on TV is true, and not everrything you read on the internet is true. Communist/liberals like yourself eat that shit up. Why? My guess is because it's easier than thinking and it fits the template. It's not true Mike. The facts don't bear it out. >>
That's good news then, Rich. All those guys gonna throw away their crutches and Hallelujah! they're gonna walk again!! That's wonderful.
<<But then we're back to the old Sirs and lima beans again aren't we. >>
Sorry, Rich. That one went right over my head. LIMA beans??
<<The only thing that will make those lives wasted is if demcrats are allowed to surrender. Then they'll be wasted. Only if demcrats are allowed to snatch victory and make it defeat will those lives be wasted.>>
Well, Rich, if that's all it takes, then you better get ready for the biggest waste your country's seen since the Fall of Saigon. Not now, not even in the first six months of Obama's inauguration, but soon, Rich - - a lot sooner than you think.