WEll, Ami, apparently that's not enough to help the children, is it?
How much is needed per student to be "enough"?
You know, Ami, the bigger issue here for me, is how the kids are subject to being over"kill" tested, and stressed out all because the gov. does not want to leave them behind. That's something I can comment from first hand experience. I believe that Obama will do more for education than Bush ever did. That's my bottom line. I can and will continue to google articles, facts and figures. But, the reality is there. Kids are not getting what they deserve and it is not the teacher's fault.
The children ARE OVER TESTED. The pressures to teach to the test are a reality, no matter how much you and BT and Sirs want to say that isn't true. It is.
The act, the reaction to the act, the states fault, the teachers' fault--- you all can speculate until the moos come home, but there are problems within and I see it every day. Numbers can come in handy for any argument, but there is an ugly element that continues to be a reality becasue of the way the current act is set up.
You can laugh at the situation and bring in personal hits...like Sirs, against me. That's ok. I am not going to let those insults change my truth. I have taught too long and I know that there is a problem here. I have explained it. I am not Obama, so I can't prove what he is going to do or not. He is obvisously better qualified for office than you or bt....

and Mr. Sirs

Like I said, whatever Obama can do to help this situation will be better than the current administration.