<<It is heartening that a Jew reads articles about Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone, the Lion of Judah, et al.
<<It is read in the Word of God that in the last days, many who have rejected the Cornerstone will embrace him.
<<Perhaps you are beginning on this road...>>
Professor, with all due respect, I don't think you understand the relationship of the Jews to God. We have a covenant with the Lord which is sealed in each generation by the circumcision of every male Jew, even an atheist bastard like me. That covenant is that the Lord is our God and we are His people.
Probably you have heard the phrase "The Lord thy God is a jealous God." This means that every Jew since Abraham is bound by a sacred covenant to worship the Lord God and nobody else. NOBODY else. Which means no sons and no daughters, no nieces and no nephews. For someone like me to start to worship another being as of Divine origin - - say Jesus Christ, the so-called Son of God - - would be the worst fucking blasphemy I could ever commit. God will put up with a lot of bullshit from me, my atheism, my eating pork and bacon, my not going to visit Israel, etc., but one thing He would NOT put up with and that would be for me to worship a false God like Jesus.
For people like you to worship Jesus is no big deal. You don't have a Covenant with God, you're not circumcised, and as far as I can see, God wouldn't give a shit what you worshiped. You could worship a fucking Snake and He probably wouldn't give a shit. What the hell's the difference, you're not His people anyway. He gives you dominion over the whole fucking earth and He gives the Jews shit, He gives them the fucking Holocaust. God probably loves you like He would love all of His creations, but He must love you in a different way. So go ahead, worship Jesus, worship snakes, worship idols, nothing will happen to you (at least as far as I can see, obviously I can't speak for God) and considering what your ancestors must have worshiped before they found Jesus, Jesus is probably some kind of huge improvement for you. I've got absolutely nothing against the worship of Jesus or his mother as long as it's not done by Jews.
But please, PLEASE, don't suggest that I as a Jew am going to "find Jesus." You can bet your ass that would be the worst "find" I could ever make in my whole life, if there really is a God. Up until now, I figure God is more or less satisfied with me, I'm not the greatest guy He ever created but I'm certainly a long, long way from the worst. And there are plenty of Jews that are real bastards, that oppress the Arabs, that bleed the poor, that torture their prisoners, that turn a blind eye, so I sure as hell can't see myself as some kind of prime candidate for the wrath of God. A lot of other people are going to have to reap the whirlwind before God turns His attention to me and my pitiful little shortcomings. All that could change in a hurry if I suddenly betrayed my Covenant and started to worship some fake God like Jesus. Some things God does not fuck around with, or at least that's how I see it.