I'm rather amazed at this entire discussion. Within these pages I've witnessed claims that the incarnate God would vote for a specific 21st century party in a single nation. I've read posts that ridicule people for their religious beliefs.
Of course George Carlin failed to recognize that the likes of Rahner, Schillebeeckx, Kung, Boff, Sobrino, Gutierrez, Bultmann, Barth, Bonhoeffer, Meyendorff...just to name a few believe in God and, with no ill intent towards the late comedian, are some of the most intelligent people this planet has known in recent history.
On the other side of the coin, Christ is not a politician. The only political system he frequently gave mention to was the Kingdom of God and mention was not made of any voting. Besides that, He was a felon and certainly not a citizen of Rome or these United States. If anything He'd likely be purged from the voter rolls by both parties.
If we wish to discuss theology, then let's discuss theology. If we wish to discuss philosophy then let us discuss that. If we wish to discuss Christology, then I'm game. But let's not make jokes about those who believe in God nor drag Christ (or anyone's faith) through the grime of US politics.