I guess the U.S. airforce action was "lawful" and Bill Ayers' action was unlawful. By the laws of the U.S. government, of course.
So, it's unlawful to blow up an empty building but it's lawful to drop tons of napalm on families, on children.
I appreciate what BT is trying to say - - it has a certain validity for a certain mindset. As long as the law says it's OK, it's acceptable. Roasting the skin off a whole Vietnamese family in their own home is OK because the law - - the U.S. law of course - - says it's permitted. Case closed. Blowing up an empty building to protest the napalming of the Vietnamese family is, of course, unlawful. So it's very definitely not OK.
I hope BT can appreciate another point of view - - that things are judged in and of themselves as to whether they are monstrous or innocuous, and that when something as innately monstrous as the burning alive of thousands and hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings is concerned, some of us just don't give a shit any more exactly what the law says about it, because if the law doesn't condemn it, then the law too is monstrous. And when Bill Ayers sets out to blow up an empty building in protest, a lot of people don't give a shit what the law has to say about that either, because at that point, the law itself is totally discredited.