Found that .1%. Way down at the bottom, 1 item where he voted with the GOP, against the Dems. The other 99% has been with the Dems.
Major Voting Issues
So, does that help sway Cynthia's notion that obama supposedly works better with Republicans than McCain does with Democrats? Slight change in who's she's gonna vote for now?
Not really, no more than the points sent in your direction in the reality of what is happening in the classrooms in the public schools. You probably will never convince me, unless you see that the children in the PS's, who are undergoing a one size fits all curriculum because the GOV. SAID IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO, deserve MORE.. When did the government decided EVERYTHING in the arena of education? EVERYTHING. I have a friend who is a professor of the COLLEGE OF SANTA FE...and he is outraged at how the system has been hi-jacked. Why bother educating the young people today if the government is going to mandate everything we do in the average classroom.....and the POWERS THAT BE (GOVERNMENT off eds) aren't even teachers....
BUt, at least Obama hears us, Sirs. My god he hears our life pure and simple.
So, are YOU willing to listen and CHANGE YOUR MIND becuase I*** say it's right?
Geezz...You can quote, provide facts until your cow comes home, but until you have shown me facts that mean something, instead of diving into the bottom of your barrel to find, it's not going to make a dent in my view.
If, however, we were civil on this board and you were someone I trusted to provide informative information with regard to what the candidates are doing, and what will help the average American....tit for tat....with a sense of true argument...NOT DEBAte NECESSARILY....but a true fact to fact discussion...I might listen to you here...
BT is, actually one who has "tried" to stretch the debate in that direction.....he might be a bit sarcastic, as we all are...I agree, but I want to be able to provide videos, information and such without BEING LAUGHED AT BY YOU!
You are boring me. You have little to provide in a way of rich discussions.
But, I am willing to be open minded if you are willing to stop your arrogant BS.