<<So you agree with Kerrys pre-apology statement as misstated?>>
The following, I presume, is what plane refers to as "Kerry's pre-apology statement:"
<< . . . Kerry explained his mistake but did not offer an apology.>>
I don't know what the explanation was, so I can't say whether I agree with it or not as mis-stated.
<< Instead, he tried to turn the flap into a denunciation of Bush's Iraq policy.>>
Nuthin' wrong with that. Hell, I've been known to denounce the Bushter's Iraqi policy myself.
<<"If anyone owes our troops in the fields an apology, it is the president," Kerry said....>>
He got THAT right.
<<And by late Wednesday afternoon, Kerry had issued his written statement of regret....>>
Well, I'd regret it too if I gratuitously insulted anybody. I feel sorry for the poor dumb schmucks going off as cannon fodder to be sacrificed in a criminal war for oil. They're already in as much shit as they possibly could be, and at this point a nice guy would try to make'em feel good, tell them what heroes they are, not how dumb they must be. What good does it do now? Sure he regrets it. Politicians regret insulting anybody. Those soldiers vote. Their parents vote. Their wives and kids vote. What's to be gained by insulting them? This was beyond stupid.
<<Kerry did offer praise for American soldiers, saying "this is the finest military ... that we've ever had.".....>>
Well that's debatable. They're basically one step above a gang of mercenaries. Most of 'em are in it for economic necessity, Green Cards, etc. They're torturers, rapists and murderers. The finest military you've ever had was probably your WWII military led by FDR, where rapists and murderers were hanged or shot after court-martial, torture of prisoners did not exist and atrocities against civilian populations comparable to My Lai or Falluja did not happen. Examples in leadership have to come from the top.