<<So it isn't that he lied , but that he lied heroicly.>>
You're really focused on the lies, aren't you? The fact that he blew the whistle on torture and massacre and murder is some minor little detail in the background, but the fact that in telling the story, he claimed (or so you say) to have eye-witnessed things he only heard about, invalidates everything the guy did. Why it's positively monstrous.
I don't think you're as focused on honesty as you claim to be. For example, Ronald Reagan, whom I have never heard you criticize yet, gets a pass on lying - - even though he falsely claimed to have been present when the Allied armies liberated the concentration camps in Europe. He was probably "exaggerating" to make a point.
I personally don't know that Kerry lied at all, and frankly, I strongly doubt it. He couldn't possibly have witnessed every single atrocity that he claimed had happened in Viet Nam, I have read some of his testimony and never got the impression that he claimed to have been an eye-witness to all of it, which would have certainly raised eyebrows at the time as he would have had to be literally everywhere to have seen it all. So in all likelihood, the accusation of him lying is probably itself a false accusation, but that's not even the main thing here - - the main thing is the hypocrisy of somebody who claims to be offended at Kerry lying whereas Reagan (to say nothing of Bush) gets a pass on real whoppers.
You don't give a shit about the lying itself - - the most offensive thing about it (to you) is that it came from Kerry. What you're really pissed off about is that he blew the whistle on a bunch of fucking war criminals who could otherwise have pranced around for the rest of their lives pretending to be heroes, as if they were WWII vets, and Kerry spoiled their whole little charade. They never forgave him and you never forgave him. That's why they lie about Kerry's record while you desperately search for any little smidgen of mud that you can throw at a real American hero and hope it'll stick. Pathetic.