Author Topic: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children  (Read 3039 times)

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Religious Dick

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Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« on: August 13, 2008, 02:46:48 PM »
31/07/08 14:16 Filed in: Life IssuesChristianityreligion
Liberals either do not have children or they do not have as many children as conservatives do. Instead liberals have dogs, cats and disposable income to spend on themselves. Children require personal sacrifice-which is entirely unappealing to those who are not religiously motivated. These same self-indulgent liberals realize that without children their ideology will die--so they seek to spread their nihilistic dogma to other people's children via the public school system and the popular media. What follows is an excerpt of a new book by Peter Schweizer called Makers and Takers which fleshes out the ugly truth.

"[G]o to the streets of a liberal enclave like San Francisco, Seattle or Vermont. There will be plenty of expensive boutiques, antique dealers, health spas, sushi bars and upscale coffee shops. But you won?t see very many children. The reason is not that right-wingers have dumped buckets of birth control pills into the San Francisco municipal water supply. The simple fact is that many on the liberal left today just don?t want to have children.

"A 2004 U.S. survey showed that a typical sample of 100 unrelated adults who called themselves liberal will have 147 children. That contrasts with the typical conservative, who is likely to have 208 children per 100 unrelated adults. That?s 41% more.

"The liberal Northeastern states ? Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, and New York ? have the lowest fertility rates in the country. They also have the lowest percentage of population under the age of five. In progressive San Francisco, there are more dogs than children. Joel Kotkin points out that Seattle (my hometown) has roughly the same population as it did in the 1960s, but barely half as many children. Indeed, there are nearly 45% more dogs than children. Dogs, of course, offer companionship without the burdens and responsibilities of children.

Some might conclude that this is a result of the high cost of living in desirable cities such as Boston, New York and San Francisco. But in these childless meccas, we also see some of the highest per capita expenditures on luxury goods, spas and personal therapies. It?s not a lack of money; it?s a lack of interest. The General Social Survey found that 69% of those who called themselves ?very conservative? said it was important to them to have children. Only 38% of corresponding liberals agreed. An online survey (admittedly not scientific) taken by the left-wing Web site asked readers if they had children and how many. The most popular answers: ?No children,? ?Not going to have any,? and ?Don?t want any.?

Meanwhile, the highest fertility rate in the country is found in the most conservative state, Utah, followed by Arizona, Alaska and Texas, otherwise known as ?red states,? according to the latest National Center for Health Statistics survey. States with the lowest fertility rates are Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, all ?blue states.? Over half of the women of childbearing age ? 15 to 44 ? are childless in liberal bastions such as the District of Columbia, Vermont and Massachusetts.

Many on the left proudly proclaim themselves to be ?child-free.? (They angrily reject the term child-less because it implies that they are missing out on something.) Partly, this is a result of liberal pessimism about the future. Concerned about overpopulation, dwindling environmental resources, global warming, etc., some liberals don?t want to have children because they see them as an environmental hazard. Billionaire Ted Turner reflected this attitude when he thoughtfully announced his regret at having five children. ?If I was doing it over again, I wouldn?t have had that many, but I can?t shoot them now and they?re here.? No doubt, this sort of sentiment makes for charming conversation around the Turner dinner table.

Far more common is the modern liberal notion that children are a burden, something that will get in the way of one?s self-fulfillment. As any parent knows, raising children is hard work. It requires emotional commitment, selfless acts, large quantities of time and scads of money. Many liberals just don?t want the inconvenience. When asked by the World Values Survey whether parents should sacrifice their own well-being for those of their children, those on the left were nearly twice as likely to say ?no? (28% to 15%) when compared to conservatives.

"This birth gap presents a quandary for politically active liberals. Not wanting to be inconvenienced with raising their own children, they still want to see their ideas perpetuated. Professor Darren Sherkat of Southern Illinois University worries that because conservatives ?who have lots of children? are not being matched by those on the political left who ?may well not have kids,? these demographic trends will push the country in a more conservative direction. (Data indicates that 80% of children end up adopting the political attitudes of their parents.) To counterbalance this trend, he argues for increasing immigration and expanding the black population. He also hopes that childless liberals will ?be able to reproduce themselves in strangers,? by taking on jobs as teachers, writers and other people of influence. The idea is to let conservatives raise their children, while liberals influence them through the schools and universities.

Another lefty concurs: ?I?d say that the author of a popular book has far more aggregate influence than do one set of parents. So if the book is very popular and captures the imaginations of kids, presto, you?ve done a lot to insure that the ideas that are important to you live long after you pass on ? If it?s the ideas that matter then I suppose that there are ways that folks like you can propagate the ideas without having your own kids be your lab rats.?

And here is further living proof --if you need it: In Sweden children's books are becoming an ideological battleground.
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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 03:29:16 PM »
"[G]o to the streets of a liberal enclave like San Francisco, Seattle or Vermont. There will be plenty of expensive boutiques, antique dealers, health spas, sushi bars and upscale coffee shops. But you won?t see very many children. The reason is not that right-wingers have dumped buckets of birth control pills into the San Francisco municipal water supply. The simple fact is that many on the liberal left today just don?t want to have children.

I can only answer for san francisco
the reason for the lack of kids is that gay parents don`t want to raise thier kids in gang central.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 03:42:48 PM »
This is a very complex problem without any easy solutions.

I think we should all be aiming at a society where an atrocity like the Matthew Shepard murder would just be unthinkable.

Homophobic parents may be scared that giving their kids tolerance-teaching books like "Terrence Has Two Fathers" or "Benni Has Two Mothers" will make them gay.  That's horse-shit.  We can't afford that kind of ignorance any more.  Too many gays have been horribly murdered by intolerant ass-holes and all children have to be educated into tolerance and non-violence no matter how ignorant and bigoted the parents.

Conservatives have no problem with indoctrinating children - - they just want to indoctrinate them with THEIR conservative bullshit.  Liberals have got to take the bull by the horns and educate kids against intolerance, against violence, against murder.  Regardless of what the bigots and the preachers of hatred and intolerance may think about it.

Religious Dick

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 04:05:33 PM »
This is a very complex problem without any easy solutions.

I think we should all be aiming at a society where an atrocity like the Matthew Shepard murder would just be unthinkable.

Homophobic parents may be scared that giving their kids tolerance-teaching books like "Terrence Has Two Fathers" or "Benni Has Two Mothers" will make them gay.  That's horse-shit.  We can't afford that kind of ignorance any more.  Too many gays have been horribly murdered by intolerant ass-holes and all children have to be educated into tolerance and non-violence no matter how ignorant and bigoted the parents.

Conservatives have no problem with indoctrinating children - - they just want to indoctrinate them with THEIR conservative bullshit.  Liberals have got to take the bull by the horns and educate kids against intolerance, against violence, against murder.  Regardless of what the bigots and the preachers of hatred and intolerance may think about it.

That's going to be kind of rough when liberals are going extinct. You think it's a coincidence that countries like France, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands have all recently elected center-right governments?

In fact, the only major country trending left is the US, and that's only because the major party of the right fucked up so badly. One thing's for sure - even the party of the left isn't anywhere near as left as it was in the 70's. If Nixon was running today on the platform he ran on in the 70's, he'd have to run on the Green ticket. Today, not even the Democrats would touch him with a barge pole.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2008, 05:04:47 PM »
Well, you're right about the trends.  They'll swing back again for one very simple reason:  the left are smart, the right are dumb.  Sooner or later, right-wingers will fuck up horribly and they'll be out on their ass. 

We had this with the last Conservative Government of Ontario.  On their watch, and as a direct result of their cost-cutting policies, we had:  the near-collapse of the public health system, the SARS epidemic, the infection of the public water supply in Walkerton with numerous deaths, a crisis in the public educational system AND a record budget deficit from a government whose sole raison d'etre was supposed to be to cut taxes and trim government "waste."

You have the same thing in the U.S.A. - - the worst fucking "President" in U.S. history, two disastrous wars, a record low in world prestige, a falling currency, record debt and international commercial rivals overtaking you from every direction.  How much longer do you really think people are prepared to permit the "conservatives" to continue to steer the ship?


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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2008, 05:30:43 PM »
Well, you're right about the trends.  They'll swing back again for one very simple reason:  the left are smart, the right are dumb.  Sooner or later, right-wingers will fuck up horribly and they'll be out on their ass. 

We had this with the last Conservative Government of Ontario.  On their watch, and as a direct result of their cost-cutting policies, we had:  the near-collapse of the public health system, the SARS epidemic, the infection of the public water supply in Walkerton with numerous deaths, a crisis in the public educational system AND a record budget deficit from a government whose sole raison d'etre was supposed to be to cut taxes and trim government "waste."

You have the same thing in the U.S.A. - - the worst fucking "President" in U.S. history, two disastrous wars, a record low in world prestige, a falling currency, record debt and international commercial rivals overtaking you from every direction.  How much longer do you really think people are prepared to permit the "conservatives" to continue to steer the ship?

That post was dumb, proof liberals are just plain dumb.

Universe Prince

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2008, 05:32:17 PM »

Liberals either do not have children or they do not have as many children as conservatives do. Instead liberals have dogs, cats and disposable income to spend on themselves. Children require personal sacrifice-which is entirely unappealing to those who are not religiously motivated.

I stopped reading right there. The author of the article has assumed that only the religiously motivated can be interested in personal sacrifice and that liberals are never religiously motivated. Both of those assumptions are false. When the author has started with such obviously false assumptions, chances are good the rest of the article has nothing of value to say.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 09:40:04 PM by Universe Prince »
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--


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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2008, 05:46:22 PM »
Liberal = Abortion

Need I say anything else?

Religious Dick

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2008, 07:45:03 PM »

I stopped reading right there. The author of the article has assumed that only the religiously motivated can be interested in personal sacrifice and that liberals are never religiously motivated. Both of those assumptions are false. When the author has started with such obviously false assumptions, chances are good the rest of the article has nothing of value to say.

Too bad you didn't keep reading. The author also recorded results from the surveys from which he derived his conclusions. The surveys are definitely not assumptions, and have, in fact, been corroborated by numerous other studies.

I'm sure I can find religiously motivated liberals. And I'm sure I can find Eskimos in Iraq, too. However, the existence of outlier cases does not mean they are representative of the typical case, and the typical case is what's under discussion here.
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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2008, 09:27:28 PM »
"Need I say anything else?"

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2008, 09:38:36 PM »
Liberal = Abortion

Need I say anything else?


All the way from Posadas, Provincia de Misiones, Argentina, I can say, no, you don´t need to say anything else. You didnt need to say that´. Why you give a damn about other people´s breeding habits fails to make any sense to me.

Nothing you have ever said, has ever made a lick of sense, Kramer.
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Universe Prince

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2008, 09:46:52 PM »

Too bad you didn't keep reading. The author also recorded results from the surveys from which he derived his conclusions. The surveys are definitely not assumptions, and have, in fact, been corroborated by numerous other studies.

Okay, I read the whole thing, and I did not see any studies named that showed only the religiously motivated can be interested in personal sacrifice or that liberals are never religiously motivated. As for the implication in your comments that the post you repeated here is somehow factual and unbiased, well, let's just say I ain't in the market for AMBE.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--


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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2008, 10:35:48 PM »
I was going to respond to this, but it's so absurd that it's not worth my time.


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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2008, 11:20:14 PM »
So Liberalism is a temporary problem , unless they are allowed to teach liberalism to kids a lot?

This still runs down beause those kids themselves will exibit the same lack of fecundity. Eventually only those who avoid adzorbing the looseing meme will be present in any numbers.

Perhaps the root cause is something other than selfishness , I don't see that being proven as the root cause , but for the bigger picture that is a moot point , no matter the reason that Liberals do not reproduce themselves , it is shown that they do not replace themselves by reproduction.

Perhaps this is a good thing , persons too smart to becom liberals will remain naturally fecund while Liberals can congradulate each other on their intelligence and take themselves and all deciples they can win into oblivion with the Dodo.

It is as though they understood Evolution but didn't understand that it applied to themselves.

Religious Dick

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Re: Why Liberals Must Indoctrinate Other People's Children
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2008, 11:32:43 PM »
Okay, I read the whole thing, and I did not see any studies named that showed only the religiously motivated can be interested in personal sacrifice or that liberals are never religiously motivated. As for the implication in your comments that the post you repeated here is somehow factual and unbiased, well, let's just say I ain't in the market for AMBE.

Have it your way....

I speak of civil, social man under law, and no other.
-Sir Edmund Burke