Author Topic: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain  (Read 1203 times)

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My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« on: August 15, 2008, 08:39:56 PM »
My Friends,

The next three weeks of this campaign will be defining. Both Senator Obama and I will announce our choices for vice presidential running mates and we will both accept our respective parties' nomination for President of the United States. 

But there are also stark contrasts between myself and Senator Obama. I intend to keep my promise of accepting federal funds for the general election. Senator Obama has chosen to break the promise he made many times before and will opt out of accepting these funds. I am a man of my word and I intend to honor the promises I have made during this campaign.

I am ready to lead our country as president but I won't win without your support. Beginning September 1st, we will be limited in the amount of money we can spend in this election and Senator Obama will be able to spend whatever he wants to defeat me. That's why your immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,300 is so important to winning this campaign.

My friends, I have made many promises during this campaign - promises I intend to keep. First and foremost, I promise to put our country first, before my own self interest. I have put my country first throughout my entire life. I owe America more than she has ever owed me.

I am honored to have a career of service to my country and I would be honored to continue my service as the next President of the United States. Your support is critical now more than ever and I sincerely hope you decide to join my campaign today with a generous contribution before our deadline on August 31st. Thank you.

John McCain

P.S. August is an important month for our campaign - I cannot stress this enough. The final weeks of August will be defining for this campaign and your support is needed right now. August 31st marks the final day I can accept your contributions. Will you do your part today by making an immediate donation to ensure we post the strongest numbers possible at the end of the month? Thank you.

Michael Tee

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Re: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2008, 09:18:08 AM »
Do the rules of this Board permit solicitation of funds, political or otherwise?  (Because if so, I'd like to make a pitch for the Human Fund.)


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Re: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2008, 12:44:08 PM »
I did not expect you to contribute to the McCain election MT.

Everyone who has ever contacted the Republican party is getting this e-mail , so as a fund raiser it is redundant .

I have presented it for your pleasure , fire at will.

What is the human fund?  May I mock it?

Religious Dick

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Re: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2008, 01:07:17 PM »
Best blog name of the week....
I speak of civil, social man under law, and no other.
-Sir Edmund Burke

Michael Tee

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Re: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2008, 01:28:28 PM »
To answer your first question,plane:  The Human Fund is known to Seinfeld fans as the fake charity invented by George Costanza on the spur of the moment when he forgot to present Christmas cards to his colleagues at work, so he wrote out fake receipts stating that a donation had been made in their name to The Human Fund.  Things started to get really embarrassing when George's boss, Mr. Wilhelm, found he had $25,000 of unspent company money for charitable donations as the fiscal year end was approaching, and figured what the hell, might as well give it to The Human Fund.

And as for your second question, yes you can mock it, but just remember, when you mock The Human Fund, The Human Fund will mock you.


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Re: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2008, 05:11:36 PM »
My Friends,

The next three weeks of this campaign will be defining. Both Senator Obama and I will announce our choices for vice presidential running mates and we will both accept our respective parties' nomination for President of the United States. 

But there are also stark contrasts between myself and Senator Obama. I intend to keep my promise of accepting federal funds for the general election. Senator Obama has chosen to break the promise he made many times before and will opt out of accepting these funds. I am a man of my word and I intend to honor the promises I have made during this campaign.

I am ready to lead our country as president but I won't win without your support. Beginning September 1st, we will be limited in the amount of money we can spend in this election and Senator Obama will be able to spend whatever he wants to defeat me. That's why your immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,300 is so important to winning this campaign.

My friends, I have made many promises during this campaign - promises I intend to keep. First and foremost, I promise to put our country first, before my own self interest. I have put my country first throughout my entire life. I owe America more than she has ever owed me.

I am honored to have a career of service to my country and I would be honored to continue my service as the next President of the United States. Your support is critical now more than ever and I sincerely hope you decide to join my campaign today with a generous contribution before our deadline on August 31st. Thank you.

John McCain

P.S. August is an important month for our campaign - I cannot stress this enough. The final weeks of August will be defining for this campaign and your support is needed right now. August 31st marks the final day I can accept your contributions. Will you do your part today by making an immediate donation to ensure we post the strongest numbers possible at the end of the month? Thank you.

Obama has chosen to break the promise he made many times before and will opt out of accepting these funds. Does this mean that if Obama wins he stole the election because he used these funds?


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Re: My Friends, ...Sincerely,John McCain
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2008, 06:34:50 PM »
Fundraising Race Between Dems, GOP Nearly Tied Overall
Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee began August with just over $94 million in the bank, putting them very close to the $96 million figure controlled by John McCain and the RNC at the start of the month.

The Democrats' near-parity with Republicans in the overall fundraising chase was in large part powered by a $51 million July for the Obama campaign, which reported 65,000 new donors in a Saturday statement to the press. More than 2 million people have now contributed to the campaign.

"The 65,000 new donors to the Obama campaign demonstrate just how strongly the American people are looking to fundamentally change business as usual in Washington," said David Plouffe, campaign manager of Obama for America.

Also on Saturday, the DNC announced that it outraised its GOP counterpart in July for the first month since October 2004, pulling in $27.7 million to the RNC's previously reported $26 million. The DNC began August with just over $28 million in the bank, which, combined with Obama's $65.8 million, has placed the two parties on near equal footing for the first time this year. The Democratic National Committee's fundraising had lagged behind that of the RNC all year, as many of the party's donors poured their funds into an extended, expensive primary battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now, however, the trend appears to be reversing. By point of comparison, Republican committees had a $33.5 million advantage over Democratic ones at the beginning of July.

However, despite the current closeness of the two parties' respective bottom lines, Obama and McCain have distinctly different financial futures in front of them. John McCain is prepared to burn through his $21 million in remaining primary season cash before the Republican convention, since he cannot spend those funds in the general election. By agreeing to participate in the public financing system, the Arizona Republican will receive $84 million in government money after his convention. On Friday, McCain's campaign manager said they anticipated beginning September with over $100 million, including RNC funds.

Obama, by contrast, will have to keep his fundraising machine operating at full steam through the general election. However, if his recent pace of fundraising can hold, he should raise nearly $20 million more in September and October than McCain will have to use from the government. In addition, Obama will be able to use leftover cash from his primary campaign coffers. So while McCain is forced to burn through the rest of his current cash on hand by month's end -- including a $6 million OIympic ad buy -- one would expect to see the Illinois Democrat's campaign conserve some resources this month for use after Labor Day.