It's rhetorical Js. Obviously there are no stats on butt sitting. Are you denying there aren't thousands upon thousands of poor who's only strive is to live day to day, largely off Government subsidies and handouts?? No one is denying there are those who work hard, but don't seem to get anywhere, but I'm guessing many of those that stay in overt poverty levels, have little else to "blame" than themselves and/or their circumstances.
It is not "rhetorical" it is a purposefully false anecdote presented as evidence. I'm denying it until you present actual proof.
Proof there are those who sit and just take in government paycheck, after government paycheck, doing virtually nothing to get out of the cycle?? Proof there would be in my actually witnessing it. My mother having to raise us 3 kids on her own, was on Government food stamps, and the like. We knew a multitude of similar folks. I witnessed both their lack of effort, and confessions of "why mess up up such a good thing?". There's nothing "false" about it, especially if your posotion is everyone receiving government assistance has no choice, and are literally being kept in such a predicament, by........I can only imagine "the rich", right?
Oh, and BTW, my Mom worked her and our family out of it. How the hell did she manage that, I can only wonder

It has EVERYTHING to do with reality, and very little to do with some interpretation in a book. It was her rant, it was her decrying how terrible it was for big oil to be making such big profits. it was her decrying the need for a wind fall profits tax, that would do absolutely zip in decreasing the price of oil, or increasing its supply. THAT's the current reality I'm referencing.
One person on a call-in show is not a sample-size of any worth. Again, an anecdote of no value. But your anti-intellectualism is duly noted.
I love it......overt ignorance in the face of the obvious, a window into the typical class warfare rhetoric you get from the hard core left. Throw in a little personal insult to boot, perfect.
And if you get enough people (a majority) all emotionally worked up about how unfair it is that they have so much less than "the rich", presto, democracy at work
LOLOL - you preaching to me about "emotion" - that's a good one.
Especially when you can't provide any examples of my getting emotional, thru-out this entire thread. Or apparently, in some twisted rationalization, my referencing the emotional rants of the left, is be design being emotional?
OR......not interested, especially since I have so little down time, compared to you. I'll go with option 3. As i said, I have no need to read about the perfect intentions of marx, as I have to live the current reality of it's acute mutations
Too busy to read a book? Sorry Sirs, I'm not buying it. It is willful ignorance.
I see, now you can read minds. It's not that I have no interest, it's because Js has devined I'm some ignorant coward. You should take that act on the road, Js