This is beyond the pale. Republicans should root the a-holes who set this up and make sure they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Absolutely unconscionable indeed.
(But I'm sure RR and sirs or perhaps even BT will have some article somewhere that claims that Clinton did the same thing in '96 or some bullshit so they don't have to take responsibility for their team's extreme dedication to lies and deceit and felony.)
VA-Sen: Voter suppression in Virginia
by kos
Mon Nov 06, 2006 at 04:01:07 PM CST
Republicans are so afraid to run on their merits that they continue to resort to dirty tricks.
Listen to this robocall (.WAV) being sent to Virginia voters:
Tim Daly from Clarendon got a call saying that if he votes Tuesday, he will be arrested. A recording of his voicemail can be found online at: transcript from his voicemail reads:
"This message is for Timothy Daly. This is the Virginia Elections Commission. We've determined you are registered in New York to vote. Therefore, you will not be allowed to cast your vote on Tuesday. If you do show up, you will be charged criminally."
Daly has been registered to vote in Virginia since 1998, and he has voted for the last several cycles with no problem. He has filed a criminal complaint with the Commonwealth's attorney in Arlington.
More from the Webb campaign (from an email):
Widespread Calls, Allegedly from "Webb Volunteers," Telling Voters that their Polling Location has Changed.
A couple of examples:
a. Norman Cox has been registered to vote in the same location in Arlington since 1972. Someone from a 406 number (in Montana) called to tell him that his polling place has changed. [Note: The Webb Campaign is NOT making any such phone calls.] Cox said he believed that he was being mislead and the caller hung up.
b. Peter Baumann in Cape Charles, VA (North Hampton) got a similar call from a "Webb volunteer" saying his polling location had changed. He said: No, I'm a poll worker and I know where I vote. The girl--who was calling from California--hung up.
The Secretary of the State Board of Elections Jean Jensen has logged dozens of similar calls, finding heavy trends in Accomack County (middle peninsula) and Essex County (outer peninsula) [as reported by the counties' registrars].
3) Fliers in Buckingham County Say "SKIP THIS ELECTION" (paid for by the RNC) have caused many in the African American community to call the Board of Elections to see if the election is still on. The full tag line says: "SKIP THIS ELECTION... (and then in smaller print): Don't Let the Tax and Spend Liberals Win."
4) Voter Machine Problems.
a. On many ballots in heavily Democratic neighborhoods, Jim's name is cut off. The ballots say: "James H. (Jim)" with no Webb.
b. New reports that ballots in Essex County have Jim's name split on 2 pages. The "James H (Jim)" on one page, "Webb" on the next.
c. Reports of voting machines in Isle of White that do not provide a clear image of the ballot, making voting a challenge.
Voting issues need to be a foremost priority in the next Congress. This is unconscionable.
And the best solution, by far, is still the Oregon vote-by-mail model.