it's still "underfunded?"
Yes, it is.
By what amount?
At what point is NCLB "fully funded"?
At what point is Public Education "fully funded"?
Ask Biden, he knows more than you ever will, Sirs.
I'm asking a public school teacher, that supposedly know the intimate details of how "underfunded" the Public Education system is. Or, do you not know??
Did you not read the quote from Biden? The video from Obama. They know, Sirs. That's their job...not mine. My job is to exist and teach on the battle field with the hope and trust that the gov. knows what it is doing. Do they? I do not think so, or millions of Americans would not be so outraged. You are not, because you know not.
It's not my job to keep track of such things. My job is to see results of the government actions...(acts) So far I see very little in growth for the school system financially. I find it laughable that you question something you really have no recourse to defend. Prove a negative, you say...but can you show me where the money from the NCLB is helping our systems?
No, you want to waste your energy and time debating something on the basis of rhetoric (conservative rhetoric).
Kennedy was to blame in the larger and grander scheme of things for constructing a failure such as the NCLB act...'tis I do not throw partisan arrows in the direction of Bush. I do know, however, that there are varying degrees of unfairly registered and unjustly "punitive" actions taken against the public school teacher/districts across this nation,,,,. Districts and educators who have for years demonstrated nothing less than a finite and accurate approach to educating children. There are always going to be bad apples, but the NCLB act has set itself up to punish all teachers....This is not right.
Public schools were not so very broken to begin with. In so many ways you on the side lines do not understand the reality of education, Sirs, and BT....why?because you are not on that battle field. It is a battle field. THe tests are not aligned with the curriculum, yet the scores are published in the data base for all to see....wrong information.
WHy have not those politicians who've mandated the NCLB shown that the systems are not "quite up to par"? Why would they? BUt we see the broken limbs. You are on the pulpit of blame and shame.....couched by BS rhetroric, Sirs. I have nothing against improving education. We have spent many hours ...many years implimenting change and best practices through training and fine tuning awareness of "how to teach". This is different. The NCLB act is not a friendly participant in assisting in growth for kids or for teachers. You and BT think that it's all about a one size fits all approach.
We are evaluated every other week in our school. We are asked to provide scores, data and proof that the children are showing growth in all academics. I had to take an extra math course about four years ago to prove that I was highly qualified. (being an old timer, we didn't have one credit hour in elementary math which is now required). Go figure. I not only took that course, I was able to provide more in the field of constructivism of math education. But, I did it with a smile. IT's all redtape, BT....most of the time it's really just BS PAPER work and red tape. My god.
Teachers are required to take an exam before they enter the system. Teaching isn't always about passing a test. But, then again, I have to say that upon entering the system, I believe it is important to take such an exam.
In my distrcit, we must show proof of the student's improvement. When it comes to the AYP scores in the district, we might reach a point 8, (exemplary) but we must reach a point 9 or 10 the following year. That point 8 came up from a point 5. It doesn't matter that we were capable of teaching and showing growth from 5 to an 8. . . the next year we must prove 9,10, or higher in order to keep from being put on restriction.
Again, you guys really do not understand the measurment and analysis of the average school or district since NCLB.
So, I trust that Obama and Biden understand a hell of a lot better than McCain ever will.....I find it a dead end street to discuss such things with "men who are not aware"...let's put it on the table. I refrain from calling you ignorant. ok....?
So, if you really want to argue education in the public school system, come walk my walk and talk my talk....see if you can find your place in the position of the average teacher in our nation's public school arena.
I doubt if you would ever be able to measure up, quite frankly.
Not saying standards and such should be held high.
But the ACT did not provide enough for the child in the end.
I know because I see how much has been taken away from them in terms of curriculum. Take away art, music, social studies, science and put READING FIRST schools scripted with a focus on reading writing and arithmetic...solely...?
ONe does not produce a well rounded and educated individual.
But, then again you boys wouldn't know that...unless you are willing to listen to the teachers.