Your grasping at straws.
You want to believe that all the beams in the building were white hot and melted all at exactly the same time and the building simply collapsed perfectly into its footprint as all the beams in the building perfectly simoultaneously gave out at exactly the same time.
Sorry, I ain't buying.
Eyewitnesses (serious investigators) report MOLTEN METAL under his very same building with beams SHEERED OFF at the same angle as if they had been cut.
So, quibble over what temperature those beams all melt at all day long. The building was PULLED. The building was brought down by SOMEONE and not by simply catching the building on fire.
You're simply denying, denying, denying on the part of the Bush "administration" and whoever it was that participated in the murders of 3,000 innocents on 9.11.
Keep it up and in 40 years, just like with JFK and RFK, people will call you traitors and collaborators just like we do Hoover and LBJ and the Secret Service. Hey, it's a free country. Believe and say whatever you like just remember that you're full of crap and in denial.
Have a greater day.
They do not have to have been destroyed equally , if some few were entirely melted that would not be enough damage , and if some few were entirely undamaged that would not be enough strength .
There came a point at which enough beams were enough weakened to no longer bear the load , after that point there was no preventing a collapse.
If someone were trying to destroy them as a part of a conspiracy or inside job , why would they be neat ?\
Thermite produces mainly heat and molten iron, but it also produces a lot of Alumina slag. There was very likely a little bit of accidental thermite reaction , just because the molten aircraft parts would react to any rust that it contacted in a thermite reaction. Not enough tho to make a major difference.
I think that if I saw a bunch of guys placing explosives all over my workplace I might take notice , ever see the documentaries about how that is done? They use hundreds of charges strung together with det cord, it could not possibly be done in secret.
I wonder if any very tall building has ever collapsed in any other way? I am not sure , but I don't know that collapsing into its self isn't the most usual mode of building collapse.