Author Topic: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies  (Read 1479 times)

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Re: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2008, 12:55:34 AM »
But, I doubt that the average wealthy  man/woman is willing to give to the poor, Bill.

come on.....let's be real.

I think this is your bias talking.

When i worked for a small computer company before i went on my own, we would take nominations for a family in need to provide Christmas for. Perhaps a family that had suffered a recent fire, or was severely affected by a job loss or a factory closing. We would buy gifts for the kids, food for a week, clothes for the job seeker or replace clothes that were lost, donate a computer to the family and enlist donations s from our customer base. Sometimes we received enough to help more than one family. Everybody chipped in, from management to sales to staff to warehouse help.

All was freely given and gratefully received.

We did what we could. And at the minimum we made one families life a little more joyous.

Don't tell me i need to help the poor. Introduce me to John Smith and i might be able to help.

Don't tell me that women have a rotten deal. Tell me how Joan Smith was discriminated against and perhaps i can introduce her to someone who can help.

Put a face and name to the needy.

Don't make helping an impossible mission.


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Re: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2008, 12:57:50 AM »
Well I have no answer to this question, BT. But, I have to say that if I were in your field of politics, perhaps I would have such an answer. How would you implement this program? Sincerely asking here now.

I have already told you.
Managed locally, state level, funding is equalized that way. Fund with sales tax.
Everybody pays.

Model it on the VA . They do an excellent job.

Use physicians assistants where practical. Offer scholarships with service commitments for community health workers. Institute arbitration in lieu of law suits.  Bulk purchase drugs at negotiated lowest cost pricing. or match wal mart pricing on commonly prescribed drugs. Perhaps a $10 dollar co-pay for clinic visits. That just off the top of my head.


With all due respect....You never told me such as you have here.

Ok..I am listening.


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Re: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2008, 01:03:15 AM »
Well I have no answer to this question, BT. But, I have to say that if I were in your field of politics, perhaps I would have such an answer. How would you implement this program? Sincerely asking here now.

I have already told you.
Managed locally, state level, funding is equalized that way. Fund with sales tax.
Everybody pays.

Model it on the VA . They do an excellent job.

Use physicians assistants where practical. Offer scholarships with service commitments for community health workers. Institute arbitration in lieu of law suits.  Bulk purchase drugs at negotiated lowest cost pricing. or match wal mart pricing on commonly prescribed drugs. Perhaps a $10 dollar co-pay for clinic visits. That just off the top of my head.


With all due respect....You never told me such as you have here.

Ok..I am listening.


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Re: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2008, 01:11:18 AM »
But, I doubt that the average wealthy  man/woman is willing to give to the poor, Bill.

come on.....let's be real.

I think this is your bias talking.

When i worked for a small computer company before i went on my own, we would take nominations for a family in need to provide Christmas for. Perhaps a family that had suffered a recent fire, or was severely affected by a job loss or a factory closing. We would buy gifts for the kids, food for a week, clothes for the job seeker or replace clothes that were lost, donate a computer to the family and enlist donations s from our customer base. Sometimes we received enough to help more than one family. Everybody chipped in, from management to sales to staff to warehouse help.

All was freely given and gratefully received.

We did what we could. And at the minimum we made one families life a little more joyous.

Don't tell me i need to help the poor. Introduce me to John Smith and i might be able to help.

Don't tell me that women have a rotten deal. Tell me how Joan Smith was discriminated against and perhaps i can introduce her to someone who can help.

Put a face and name to the needy.

Don't make helping an impossible mission.

You know what BT? I want to KNOW more about this...I am hungry to hear that the right is not out of the loop with regard to such matters.

I am willing to hear you out. I am.

Please do not BS me here now. I need your honest take on how the "right" can help the poor and how the left is not.

Open minded I am.

Continue with your honest and reality based points of view.

Tell me that we can still 'GIVE' to others if we are NOT a Kennedy.

I do not want to let go of the pull for the lifting of the you better make it good, hon...You had better make your case good and wise.

Lest I believe that only the Obama's of the world are worthy.

Remember, I am in this for the little people and those who are not able.
I have a friend in PHilly who is suffering without the possibility of a hells chance to receive the "goods' he and his brother deserve.

They are disabled and poor. So poor that they can not work. How do we help my friend if not through some sort of realistic program in the governemtn.

It is not as if he and his bro are begging. It's not as though he and his brother are capable of working. They are not.

So, who helps these twin brothers? Who.

Their father was a band member with Nat King COLE once upon a time.

The old musicians of yesteryear.

The Vietnamese receive more than do they...sadly.
 One of the men of whom I speak has a severe mental disability. Who is there for the son of one of the RATPACK members? Who?

YEt, we are quick to give out to those who are immigrants..i.e. Vietnamese folk.

When those who suffer and have given all they can to this society can not even turn on their gas in teh winter.

I want for them, Bill.

Tell me how I can support my dear brothers in Christ who live in the inner city Philadelphia area.



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Re: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2008, 01:13:58 AM »
Well I have no answer to this question, BT. But, I have to say that if I were in your field of politics, perhaps I would have such an answer. How would you implement this program? Sincerely asking here now.

I have already told you.
Managed locally, state level, funding is equalized that way. Fund with sales tax.
Everybody pays.

Model it on the VA . They do an excellent job.

Use physicians assistants where practical. Offer scholarships with service commitments for community health workers. Institute arbitration in lieu of law suits.  Bulk purchase drugs at negotiated lowest cost pricing. or match wal mart pricing on commonly prescribed drugs. Perhaps a $10 dollar co-pay for clinic visits. That just off the top of my head.


With all due respect....You never told me such as you have here.

Ok..I am listening.

Ok, tell me more.


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Re: At least the Democrats address the issue of unfair policies
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2008, 01:39:15 AM »
Please do not BS me here now. I need your honest take on how the "right" can help the poor and how the left is not.

I don't believe i ever said the left doesn't give.

I believe your statement was the rich don't give a damn.

Tell me how I can support my dear brothers in Christ who live in the inner city Philadelphia area.


Send them a check. Introduce them to SSI. Tell them about heating subsidies. There are federal, state an local programs, public and private. Point them to education opportunities so they can learn a skill and be self reliant in spite of their disabilities.