Author Topic: Who can move and shake this nation  (Read 4197 times)

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Who can move and shake this nation
« on: August 28, 2008, 02:37:36 AM »
Ok, one more thought.

I remember being a young child when JFK was being elected. I was in my grandmother's house in Johnstown PA.

I remember hearing my family talking about the man. I felt even then at age 8 that there was something special about this man.

I believe that Obama's going to win. This nation needs a fresh blood line.

Catholic was unheard of back then....even though my father is Irish born. ...2nd generation.

To elect a Catholic back then was stretching the limit. I could feel the thickness in the air. 

But, there was a sense of hope and peace when JFK was elected afterall.

Obama will win this election, gentlemen, and women...mark my words. His time and the average JOE/JANE's time has come.

We have to welcome change for change sake. We will finally welcome the God's choice.

Hillary would not have given us hope. McCain was a byproduct of conservatives overall.

Obama is change and hope in his message----pure and simply.

Bush surely made a mess of this world. IF you deny this you are only an angry white male.



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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 02:41:41 AM »

Obama is change and hope in his message----pure and simply.

Bush surely made a mess of this world. IF you deny this you are only an angry white male.


Oh how deep.

JFK lied us into an unneeded war , sorta.

There is not one thing that you can accuse President Bush of that I could not coujnter with something JFK did.

Except for talking fast , JFK was unbeatable for speaking fast , Bush isn't too good at that.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 02:50:22 AM »

Obama is change and hope in his message----pure and simply.

Bush surely made a mess of this world. IF you deny this you are only an angry white male.


Oh how deep.

JFK lied us into an unneeded war , sorta.

There is not one thing that you can accuse President Bush of that I could not coujnter with something JFK did.

Except for talking fast , JFK was unbeatable for speaking fast , Bush isn't too good at that.

"JFK lied us into an unneeded war , sorta."

What? ??? ??? ???


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 03:07:31 AM »

Obama is change and hope in his message----pure and simply.

Bush surely made a mess of this world. IF you deny this you are only an angry white male.


Oh how deep.

JFK lied us into an unneeded war , sorta.

There is not one thing that you can accuse President Bush of that I could not coujnter with something JFK did.

Except for talking fast , JFK was unbeatable for speaking fast , Bush isn't too good at that.

"JFK lied us into an unneeded war , sorta."

What? ??? ??? ???

Certainly did ,JFK is actually guilty of everything President Bush is ever accused of as president.

Vietnam was a war that started over the Gulf of Tonkin incident and Kennedys refusal to allow elections that HoChi Minh could not have lost.

Don't go wanting another JFK when another JFK is just now retireing, why do you want more of the same?


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 03:16:33 AM »
JFK could have stopped the Vietnam war.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 03:22:37 AM »
JFK could have stopped the Vietnam war.

Perhaps if he had wanted to.

After Kennedy there was LBJ

Then Carter

then Clinton...

Remember the first two years of the Billary administry?

Before the Republican House arrived to take his reigns and he started to make policy like a Republican?

The good news is that Barak Obama is so badly overpromised that he can't hope to do anything but fall short , I think the reabilitation of the Bush Reputation is going to be the nostalgia for the good old days we will all feel in about nine months.

But don't blame me ,I voted for McCain.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 03:28:57 AM »
JFK could have stopped the Vietnam war.

Perhaps if he had wanted to.

After Kennedy there was LBJ

Then Carter

then Clinton...

Remember the first two years of the Billary administry?

Before the Republican House arrived to take his reigns and he started to make policy like a Republican?

The good news is that Barak Obama is so badly overpromised that he can't hope to do anything but fall short , I think the reabilitation of the Bush Reputation is going to be the nostalgia for the good old days we will all feel in about nine months.

But don't blame me ,I voted for McCain.

Between teh time of Kennedy's murder and the climax of teh Vietnam War, Nixon left office in disgrace. Who would have thought that would happen in a million years to a president.

You have no idea what Kennedy would have done for this nation.. .sadly, we will never know.

I refuse to speculate...nor should you.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 06:00:37 AM »
This is a specious argument. Juniorbush is as bad as JFK or vice-versa, therefore, Obama is unqualified.

How does anything JFK did or did not do, or anything Juniorbush did or did not do indicate that Obama or McCain would be better now?

These are totally unrelated, any fool can see that.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 09:19:59 AM »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 10:04:46 AM »
plane, whatever responsibility JFK shares for the Viet Nam War, and there is some, he did NOT lie the country into war as Bush did.  The responsibility was in sending military advisors and in supporting a puppet government of Roman Catholic refugees from the North and holdover administrators from the French colonial regime, but the lie was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and that happened 100% on LBJ's watch. 

IMHO, JFK paid with his life for the assassination of the Diem brothers and his stated intention of pulling U.S. troops out within a few months because it was not America's battle.  This indicated to certain very powerful people that JFK was not fit to be Commander in Chief, and the appropriate action (appropriate in their eyes) was then taken.  "Rogue" (in quotes because they must have been known to, and protected by, the highest operational command levels in the CIA or any similar participating U.S. government agency) agents of the U.S. state security apparatus orchestrated the assassination, likely with the covert approval of the some or all of the CIA bosses fired or forced to resign in the wake of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, most prominently Allen Dulles, Gen. Charles P. Cabell and Richard Bissell.

But it is absurd to blame JFK for the Tonkin Gulf fabrication, and during his lifetime, there were no Big Lies leading to war, comparable to the "WMD" Lie. the "Mushroom Cloud" Lie or the "9-11 Connections" Lie.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 10:44:44 AM »
Ok, one more thought.

I remember being a young child when JFK was being elected. I was in my grandmother's house in Johnstown PA.

I remember hearing my family talking about the man. I felt even then at age 8 that there was something special about this man.

I believe that Obama's going to win. This nation needs a fresh blood line.

Catholic was unheard of back then....even though my father is Irish born. ...2nd generation.

To elect a Catholic back then was stretching the limit. I could feel the thickness in the air. 

But, there was a sense of hope and peace when JFK was elected afterall.

Obama will win this election, gentlemen, and women...mark my words. His time and the average JOE/JANE's time has come.

We have to welcome change for change sake. We will finally welcome the God's choice.

Hillary would not have given us hope. McCain was a byproduct of conservatives overall.

Obama is change and hope in his message----pure and simply.

Bush surely made a mess of this world. IF you deny this you are only an angry white male.



Ignore the haters.  You're so right and they know their only hope is to pick at Obama (and Hope and Change) like sharks on the Old Man's marlin.

W (and his fellow sharks) have picked at our nation till there is nothing left but its backbone; unfortunately for the haters, that is the  strongest part of America (and its citizens).  We're losing our houses, our health, our standing in the world, our common dignity, even our common American Dream, but, by gods, we have our will, our stamina and our backbones. 

We have re-ignited Hope in America in the form of Barack Obama and they won't extinguish Hope's eternal flame.

They're not simply racists.  Oh no, they're simply afraid that the American Dream might become a reality for all Americans, black, white, liberal, conservative, latino, asian and then it won't simply be a tool they can use to draw voters to their petty, arbitrary positions like more oil so they can keep driving their SUV's and the idea that some imaginary fairy wants children to pray in school.

So, they must attack on whatever front they can, historical, literal, cerebral, emotional, rhetorical and hope to tear down Obama and his message of positivity because all they are offering is negativity.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2008, 11:41:26 AM »
Are you losing your house?

Are you not covered by health insurance?

Who is this we you are talking about?

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 11:52:03 AM »
<<Are you losing your house?

<<Are you not covered by health insurance?

<<Who is this we you are talking about?>>

Some of us may not be losing our homes or our health insurance, but can still feel a kinship with those who are.  It's called empathy.  Don't worry I know how foreign such a concept would be to "conservatives" or crypto-fascists as I more accurately like to call them.  But take my word for it, empathy is real, it exists.

No man is an islande.  Some of us believe that, some don't.  Change occurs when those who believe that no man is an island take over from those who don't.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 01:25:17 PM »
Some of us may not be losing our homes or our health insurance, but can still feel a kinship with those who are.  It's called empathy.

So basically you are saying that supporters of Obama are emotional. They are FEELERS.

Love, hate , sympathy, empathy

Does that make the GOP thinkers.

Logical analytical, decisive?

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2008, 02:04:01 PM »
<<So basically you are saying that supporters of Obama are emotional. They are FEELERS.

<<Love, hate , sympathy, empathy

<<Does that make the GOP thinkers.

<<Logical analytical, decisive?>>

No, because Obama supporters are feelers AND they are logical and analytical, so they know who and what McCain and Bush and all the rest of that evil criminal gang are really working for.

The GOP are thinkers in the way that top Nazi warlords were thinkers, evil, cruel, ruthless thinkers who don't give a shit about anyone and are plotting world domination at any cost.  The GOP rank and file aren't thinkers, quite the contrary, they are morons who can't see the lies and the hypocrisy of guys like Bush who are right out in front with their bullshit.  They are also "FEELERS" but unfortunately what they feel are all the negative feelings:  rage, hatred, resentment, sublimated and perverted sexuality wherein making war substitutes for making love.  There is a kind of seeking of justification for giant orgies of burning, killing, rape, torture and destruction, because they can't really identify the causes of the repression which have perverted their sexuality and turned it into vicarious thrill-seeking through televised scenes of destruction and vicarious swaggering as "the nation" honours its "heroes' in various ceremonies or even just talk-show trivia.  But you are flattering yourselves by assuming that "thinkers" are always beneficial AND that "feelers" can't also be logical and analytical.