Author Topic: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children  (Read 1870 times)

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Michael Tee

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U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« on: August 28, 2008, 04:11:38 PM »

<<ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Aug. 26 -- United Nations officials in Afghanistan said Tuesday that there was "convincing evidence" at least 90 civilians -- two-thirds of them children -- were killed in a U.S.-led airstrike last week that caused the Afghan government to call for a review of U.S. and NATO military operations in the country.

<<Kai Eide, the top U.N. official in Afghanistan, said local officials and residents in the western province of Herat corroborated reports that 60 children and 30 adults had been killed in an Aug. 21 military operation led by U.S. Special Operations forces and the Afghan army.
In a statement, Eide called the incident a "matter of grave concern to the United Nations" and said he had "repeatedly made clear that the safety and welfare of civilians must be considered above all else during the planning and conduct of all military operations."
U.S. forces in Afghanistan have increased their reliance on air power since last year, causing a corresponding increase in civilian deaths. The Herat assault appears to have caused the largest civilian loss of life attributed to U.S. forces since the war began in late 2001. >>

And yet these murdering bastards have the fuckin balls to tell the Russians to pull out of Georgia?  Can anyone believe this shit?


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 06:02:29 PM »
Obviously we need better spys.

How did we get directed to that target?

How many children of Georgian extraction would have been cost by now?

Unless it is much less I don't see your problem with our pointing out that Russia is makeing an ethnic cleansing operation on some land it wants.

Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 06:29:17 PM »
<<How many children of Georgian extraction would have been cost by now?>>

We don't know that, do we?  So there's no way to answer the rest of the post.  For the record, I think it's as bad to kill 60 Georgian children as 60 Afghan children.  The problem being you have no responsibility for what the Russians do in Chechnya, but as a tax-paying citizen you have some responsibility for what the Americans do in Afghanistan.


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 06:42:26 PM »
obama has said an invasion of pakistan is possible

how many pak children would die in an Obama invasion of pakistan?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 06:47:46 PM »
An American invasion of Pakistan would kill thousands of Pakistani children but I think there would be some kind of justice because the Paks could kill thousands of U.S. troops in return.  And the tribesmen would then double the total.


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 07:03:11 PM »

the only way pakistan could kill lots of us troops is with nukes

and pakistan does not want to get in a "who can kill more of who" with the united states in that arena

because if they did, pakistan would resemble the moon!

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 07:12:56 PM »
gonna sound heartless
but why were thier so many children ?
66% ?
did they hit a field trip or something
the article didn`t say was a school or related places.
It put`s in mind of iraq with al qeida places children in key places for protection from U.S. attacks
I mean what are the odds of accidentally hitting that many children ?
I`m not saying this to protect our troops
but these question SHOULD be asked

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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 07:28:42 PM »
<<the only way pakistan could kill lots of us troops is with nukes

<<and pakistan does not want to get in a "who can kill more of who" with the united states in that arena

<<because if they did, pakistan would resemble the moon!>>

I'd kinda like to see how U.S. draftees would do against experienced Pak mountain fighting troops in the tribal regions. 

Hope it never comes to that but if it does, there's gonna be a lot of atrocities and a lot of payback.


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 08:00:28 PM »
hold it
I just reread this
it`s afghanistan deaths
pakistan has no casualities
we`re mixing different countries here.


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 09:50:29 PM »

<<ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Aug. 26 -- United Nations officials in Afghanistan said Tuesday that there was "convincing evidence" at least 90 civilians -- two-thirds of them children -- were killed in a U.S.-led airstrike last week that caused the Afghan government to call for a review of U.S. and NATO military operations in the country.

<<Kai Eide, the top U.N. official in Afghanistan, said local officials and residents in the western province of Herat corroborated reports that 60 children and 30 adults had been killed in an Aug. 21 military operation led by U.S. Special Operations forces and the Afghan army.
In a statement, Eide called the incident a "matter of grave concern to the United Nations" and said he had "repeatedly made clear that the safety and welfare of civilians must be considered above all else during the planning and conduct of all military operations."
U.S. forces in Afghanistan have increased their reliance on air power since last year, causing a corresponding increase in civilian deaths. The Herat assault appears to have caused the largest civilian loss of life attributed to U.S. forces since the war began in late 2001. >>

And yet these murdering bastards have the fuckin balls to tell the Russians to pull out of Georgia?&nbsp; Can anyone believe this shit?

You might want to get some help for that anger issue you suffer from.

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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 09:57:21 PM »
<<You might want to get some help for that anger issue you suffer from.>>

Yeah, I'd love some.  When your murdering bastard of a President stops starting wars that kill hundreds of thousands of people and stops torturing helpless prisoners, and stops pretending that he's the good guy and his victims are the bad guys, I won't have anything to be angry about.


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2008, 10:01:29 PM »
<<How many children of Georgian extraction would have been cost by now?>>

We don't know that, do we?  So there's no way to answer the rest of the post.  For the record, I think it's as bad to kill 60 Georgian children as 60 Afghan children.  The problem being you have no responsibility for what the Russians do in Chechnya, but as a tax-paying citizen you have some responsibility for what the Americans do in Afghanistan.

We also do not know that any children were killed in that raid, perhaps there were , perhaps we won't find out , but I know that avoiding collateral damage is a high priority for the USAF, and telling the truth is a low priority for the Taliban.

Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 10:09:46 PM »
Yeah, actually we DO know that children were killed in the raid:

<<Kai Eide, the top U.N. official in Afghanistan, said local officials and residents in the western province of Herat corroborated reports that 60 children and 30 adults had been killed in an Aug. 21 military operation led by U.S. Special Operations forces and the Afghan army.>>

I quoted that in the first post in this thread.


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Re: U.S. Airstrike Kills 60 Afghan Children
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 10:33:06 PM »
Yeah, actually we DO know that children were killed in the raid:

<<Kai Eide, the top U.N. official in Afghanistan, said local officials and residents in the western province of Herat corroborated reports that 60 children and 30 adults had been killed in an Aug. 21 military operation led by U.S. Special Operations forces and the Afghan army.>>

I quoted that in the first post in this thread.

Did you believe this part of it?

A U.S. official in Washington, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the Taliban has become adept at spreading false intelligence to draw U.S. strikes on civilians. "The fact is that the Taliban now has pretty good insight into where we're picking up information and how we're developing it into actionable intelligence," the official said. "They've figured out a way to misguide us."

If they have learned to misguide us , why are they making concentrations of children the targets?

It frustrates our purpose to have these kids harmed , not their purpose.

Besides we do not know yet how much this is true , Boni fides from the UN do not carry all that much weight .