Author Topic: It's All Over  (Read 2153 times)

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Re: It's All Over
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 11:20:26 AM »
If anyone, anywhere in the world, was asked to name a racist country, I bet the first name they would think of would be the U.S.A.   And rightly so.

the same country that is about to quite possibly elect an african american president.....damn racist!

there's no racism in kenya....oh how wonderful.....ummmm but why so many kenyans want to run like hell to get to racist america?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: It's All Over
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2008, 11:32:28 AM »
<<the same country that is about to quite possibly elect an african american president.....damn racist!>>

LOL.  CU4, you better decide which message you want to stick with.  First you add a big poster to this thread endorsing the notion that the election is "all over" two months before it's even held, and THEN in the very same thread, you tell us that the country is <<about to quite possibly elect an african american president.>>

Why, you're flip-floppin' so fast, I think you must be some kinda politician yourself.

<<there's no racism in kenya....oh how wonderful.....ummmm but why so many kenyans want to run like hell to get to racist america?>>

Uhh . . . excuse me, WHERE did I say that there was no racism in Kenya?  I must have missed that part.


Yeah, CU4.  LOL


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Re: It's All Over
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2008, 05:57:39 PM »
<<How you present your argument infers that racism is an anomaly that happens on in the United States...yet as a child I remember negative and threatening things about the "pakis" in England.>>

Yeah?  How many English lynchings do you remember?  Which English elections were the Pakis refused the right to vote in?

Great Britain took in Jewish refugees from Hitler in huge numbers when both Canada and the U.S.A. had slammed the door in their faces.  And when France fell, they stood alone against Hitler, never considering surrender or compromise. While America stood on the sidelines and watched, even as France begged them for planes and troops.
There are obviously some pretty vicious racists mixed in there with all the good Englishmen and women, but I'm pretty much sold on the British.  They're not perfect, but they are the closest thing to it that this world has ever produced. Or ever will produce.

<<How you present your argument infers that racism is an anomaly that happens on in the United States...yet as a child I remember negative and threatening things about the "pakis" in England.>>

I never meant to imply that the U.S. has a monopoly on racism.  But I don't think that they're "just as racist" as the rest of the world.  The U.S. is the home of a vicious and brutal racism that is unmatched anywhere else in the world.   It was founded on the genocidal extermination of the American Indians.  The stories of slavery, the slave trade, lynching, race riots and Jim Crow speak for themselves.  Not as some by-gone history lesson but as something that I myself watched on TV every night.  If anyone, anywhere in the world, was asked to name a racist country, I bet the first name they would think of would be the U.S.A.   And rightly so.

See this were you and I part ways.... you speak as if we have not improved to some degree.  You also imply that the genocide in other countries (which is much more current ) is not as serious.  I wonder if you factor in that a lot of the genocide put upon the native Americans was done by foreigners.... I also have to wonder about the mindset regarding the value of African slaves.  Again these seem to be spirited by a foreign set of values.  By the time things really got rolling it would appear to be a case of ethnic Hatfields and McCoys.   Though I am not trying to be glib here.   Just trying to put it in present (their) rather than (our) past.  Let us not forget that IF the mindset was to obliterate races, the changes were not nor could they ever have been changed by the oppressed alone.  It would have had to have been with the help of the white.

I thank you for the accolades launched upon my brethren and also will let you know that the American Indian did indeed survive. my husband is 1/4. 

Michael Tee

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Re: It's All Over
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2008, 06:40:59 PM »
I guess what I'm trying to convey is a kind of equivalent of a principle we learned in high school chemistry, "Matter is neither created or destroyed."  Of course the exception to the principle is nuclear fission where matter can be converted to energy, but in the non-nuclear world, when you burn a pile of leaves, nothing is really destroyed, the leaves turn to ashes, smoke, water vapor, other gases, etc. etc. and if you could capture them all the by-products and weigh them, they'd weigh the same as the original pile of leaves.

The spiritual equivalent of all that is, "where did the racism of America go to?"  This was a country of, as I pointed out, slavery, lynching, Jim Crow, poll taxes and voting tests and suddenly we are told, "Well, we ain't like that no more." Well, I just don't think this is possible.  All that hatred goes somewhere from one heart to another.  Racist parents raise racist kids.  Laws are passed that you can't ask a voter in Mississippi to qualify to vote by reciting the 10th amendment or naming the 18th President of the U.S.A. or the capital of Idaho.  But those laws can't change what the racist parents felt or what they passed on to their kids.  There was a huge amount of racism, and IMHO, it just must have gone underground.  Some of it we can still see in the Republican Party, in Trent Lott for example, and others like him and their legions of  supporters.  You'll see it on Confederate Flag bumper stickers, hear it on talk show radio - - it didn't go away, it's just waiting.  Kinda like anti-Semitism in Germany during the Weimar Republic.  It wasn't the law of the land, the political leaders of the day had no use for it, but it rested there in the hearts of the people, and one day a different party came to power and woke it all up again.  It had  not vanished, it was just resting.  Biding its time.

Everyone likes to ignore history.  Especially our own history, especially if it's ugly and violent and brutal.  Another history has to be invented to replace it, a history of America the Good, the Saviour of the World, the Free, the Benevolent.  This is the history of sirs, and Kramer and plane and others.  They take it seriously.  They believe it.  It shows their country (and, by extension, themselves) as decent, honourable, pure.  The bad stuff would be a threat, especially if it continues into the present day, as it obviously does.  How can hundreds of thousands of Iraqis be killed in the name of a phony "democracy" that will never take root, while American and British oil companies cut themselves in for a huge slice of oil revenues of that unfortunate country?  I say, only becuase the victims can't speak English, can't get their individual stories out, and are largely unknown aliens who dress different, talk different, look different and pray different.  This is pure racism.  It's what ENABLES the rape of Iraq. 

I'm sorry.  I can't finish the thought I started.  Our son is coming up with our daughter-in-law and their little baby.  I am gonna quit at this point.  Hope it's not too garbled.


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Re: It's All Over
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2008, 06:48:01 PM »
American History includes a lot of struggle , the struggle of ideas and memes that cause the weaker ideas to compete with the stronger ideas .

Racism is not made of matter , after centurys of struggle it has undergone a lot of change , it isn't the common sense of the common man anymore , comeing out in favor of White supremicy is a goodway to loose almost any office nowadays.

Hs some White racism been converted into Black racism? Is a voteing rate for same race over 90% evidence of that?

That is a tough call , but I don't blame BHO for it even if it is so , he has not called for a vote for himself on a racist basis , so even if the worst of my speculation is true he is clean of it.

Unless of course there were a code being used that I could not decipher......


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Re: It's All Over
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2008, 06:51:43 PM »
Sorry Tee, not buying it.  No one is ignoring history, no one is ignoring the dark times of American history, no one is ignoring the appaling things that were done to all sorts of minorities.  What's largely being "ignored" is your continued meritless acccusations of how prevalent racism in America is still supposed to be.  And in order to validate that asanine position, you've left it to unkowing, unseeying, unsaying "code speak" for this supposed rampant racism.  Again, how convenient, lack of proof is again proof positive again in Tee leaf logic land.  Bt completely uncovered your minimum wage tact as supposedly racist.  You have no person being embraced by the GOP as racist, while KKK Byrd still remains engrained in the Democrat Senate.  Your positions are so ridiculously upside down, it's..........basically pathetic for someone who keeps claiming how so much smarter he is than every else.  Well, at least every other conservative

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