Author Topic: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?  (Read 4843 times)

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Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« on: November 07, 2006, 04:54:14 PM »
For my money, Harold Ford, Jr. is one of the premier, up and coming politicians on the national scene in this great country. Like Barack Obama, a centrist, Ford bridges the gap between the beleagured and the successful by his very biography. We can leave aside his keen intelligence and mature good-sense to note that he is a black politician, like Michael Steele, who can set not only a fine example but a new, effective course for black perceptions of themselves and for black pathways to achievement in a society that has oppressed them. Too much black orientation can be considered "outsider" or even "outlaw." Even at today's enlightened perch, the gulf between black and white achievment and especially adaptation are cause for bipartisan concern. Ford could help bridge that gap. He could embody Bill Cosby's admonitions by the sheer dint of his presence on the national scene.

Yet, Tennesseans are bound to vote their own understandings and aspirations from their own perch within history, and that prospect does not bode well for Ford. Though I see the contest much differently from here in West Orange, New Jersey, Tennesseans seem to see their fate in working out a slaveholding legacy as supporting a candidate who more clearly embodies the ethic and the values, one would think, of traditional Tennessee society. Alas, my disappointment is their rightful voice.

On the other hand, a man of significant promise himself, Michael Steele, I pray, will lose his race for the Maryland Senate seat because Marylanders have a different, more progressive history to deal with, and won't, despite the allure of a fine man, jeopardize their identity and their nation's health at this time to vote for a candidate who has largely thrown his lot in with ideas contrary to their heritage.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 05:39:09 PM »

 Like Barack Obama, a centrist, Ford....

... Tennesseans are bound to vote their own understandings and aspirations from their own perch within history, and that prospect does not bode well for Ford....

... ideas contrary to their heritage.


So they are both Black , and this is very significant to you.

I think we have overcome  , you do not feel obliged to favor them just because they are black , why should anyone elese?


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 05:41:21 PM »
Spoken like someone who knows nothing about Harold Ford Jr, the Ford family in Shelby County or Tennesseeans.  We won't even get into how you know nothing about the liberal bloggers of Tennessee who, if Ford  loses, will be castigated to no end.  At First.

But come the next cycle, they'll be a little more willing to listen when we start lambasting a lying, traitorous bastard like Harold Ford Jr.

What the hell kind of centrist votes for an amendment to ban gay marriage and goes out of his way to make statements to the press that he denounces the Supreme Court of New Jersey (that's a whole 'nother state, you know)?

And what the hell kind of centrist votes FOR the Torture Bill?

Come on.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 05:48:09 PM »

Like Barack Obama, a centrist, Ford....... Tennesseans are bound to vote their own understandings and aspirations from their own perch within history, and that prospect does not bode well for Ford....... ideas contrary to their heritage.

Hmmmmmm....So they are both Black , and this is very significant to you.  I think we have overcome  , you do not feel obliged to favor them just because they are black , why should anyone elese?

Not only is Barack FAR from being a centrist, not only did he use his campaign stump speeches for Ford to include the reference of how "lonely he was" (as the lone African American Senator....*wink* vote for Ford because he's Black), but he actively campaigned AGAINST Michael Steele, pleading that the African American people NOT vote their race.  (*wink* don't vote for Steel because he's Black)

Apparently Barack isn't that lonely
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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 05:58:50 PM »
And another thing.

What is it exactly that Harold Ford Jr has ever done in his LIFE that would mean that he has "acheived"?  What he had his grades bought for him at schools in Memphis?  Is it that he went to two universities and never passed the bar?  Is it that his first and only job EVER has been being the Congressman from the 9th District of Tennessee?

Is that acheivement?  Is acheivement writing bills for you lobbyist dad and making him millions?  Is that acheivement?

You are so way off base here, domer, you have no idea.  You're one of those Democrats that thinks that if a southern black man is making a name for himself and he can sound like a white guy on the radio then he MUST be a man of character.  That's not even liberal.  It's just dumb.

But if you think I'm wrong, then please tell me what it is that Ford has done that is sooo deserving of my interest, let alone my respect and least of all my freaking vote.  Maybe its that he's acted like a Republican while running as a Democrat.  Is that it?  Does that make him "savvy" to you?

I've spent the last few months fighting people like you who think that since Ford is from a political dynasty (full of liars and felons) in Tennessee (that's the SOUTH!) and he is a Democrat that he MUST be the best Democrat for the job of Senator since Frist is retiring.  Predominantly, these people have been from OTHER STATES or conservatives (since they think they're Democrats, they like to use the moniker of "moderates" but trust me, like you, they are conservatives) or people who are so devoid of principles or so beleaguered by the barrage of BushCo bullshit (damn I gotta write that down, allieteration, yum, yum) that they are willing to let Democratic Party candidates do or say ANYTHING to win a race.  It's pathetic.

So, they high-five each other when Ford insinuates its ok to demonize and deny civil rights to gays.  They say, "whoo-ee, lookit Harold go!" when he brags about voting for the Patriot Act TWICE in one of his tv ads that was shot in a church.  They think that Ford starting every sentence with either "I love Jesus" or "I'm a christian" is winning votes and so its ok when democrats lean over the wall seperating church and state.

And all the while Ford is allegedly convincing "moderate" voters in Tennessee to give this good ole boy a chance and he'll make us proud, his supporters are saying that he don't really mean it.  When he's elected, we'll drag his ass back to the left a little and WE'LL HAVE THE SENATE BACK!  Well, those "moderates" might have a thing or three to say about that.  How is he going to spend a year or more telling "lies" around the whole state and then go to DC (his home) and just ignore the people he told them to?  He won't be able to.

And if the Senate has Lieberman in it, then you can just forget it.  Those two are peas in a pod.  Must be why you love Joementum so much.

If you have information about the races in your state, then share them but if you don't anything about Ford other than what he put on his website and that he's black and from the south and "speaks so well", then I'd suggest you keep out of it.  


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 06:06:23 PM »
" beleaguered by the barrage of BushCo bullshit ...."

bombastic, bellicose ,bullying .....

Be my guest.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 07:43:28 PM »
You are, and forever will be, Brass, a marginal crank of no stature whatsoever.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 08:03:10 PM »
You are, and forever will be, Brass, a marginal crank of no stature whatsoever

Perhaps. But he is our crank.

And i have a feeling that depending on how well Lugo does will directly reflect on how Ford does.

The swing factor will not be recalcitrant racists who couldn't bring themselve to vote for a black man. It will be idealistic progressives who couldn't bring themselves to vote for a centrist.

Not very pragmatic, but it is an admirable trait.

Michael Tee

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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 08:30:57 PM »
<<Like Barack Obama, a centrist, Ford bridges the gap between the beleagured and the successful by his very biography.>>

You better figure out the difference between bridging the gap and selling out, domer.  "You" in this case being you and the Democratic Party.

The "centre" that Ford is grabbing for is already taken.  He'd do better staking out a position that's unambiguously and unreservedly anti-war, pro-choice and secular and sell it to the voters if he can, otherwise be honest and just join the Republicans if he can't.

He'll fail for the same reason Kerry did - - nobody wants to buy an imitation when they can get the real thing for the same price.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 10:31:26 PM »
You are, and forever will be, Brass, a marginal crank of no stature whatsoever

Perhaps. But he is our crank.

And i have a feeling that depending on how well Lugo does will directly reflect on how Ford does.

The swing factor will not be recalcitrant racists who couldn't bring themselve to vote for a black man. It will be idealistic progressives who couldn't bring themselves to vote for a centrist.

Not very pragmatic, but it is an admirable trait.

Thank you so much, BT.  I've been looking at some results from different places and it is appearing that what Michael is sayiing is the most true in my estimation.  When offered a Republican and a fake Republican, Republicans will choose the real one every time.  Lugo's number are minute so far.  Less than 1%.  I don't know where the numbers are coming from but if the major urban areas where the hippies and flag-flying freaks live aren't in yet, he may break 1 or 2%.

And if you ask me, Ford tried to distance himself from his family but that stunt where he tried to invade the Corker press conference smacked of something his asshole brothers and uncles would do.  When you mix that with his stupid message that he was "A New Direction" for the nation, it started to get laughable.

And lastly, it will turn out that the reaction on the part of the Democrats to the allegedly "racist" ad was what people got disgusted by.  Tennessee isn't NEARLY full of racists as the Democrats kept pointing out slyly.  Several commentators insinuated that if Ford lost it would be because Whitie could vote fer a damned darkie.  While that may be true of a few Tennesseeans, perhaps more than say, Marylanders, that is not the predominant thought process in Tennessee.  Tennesseeans hate GAYS much more than they do darkies as is indicated by the success of Amendment One.

I would love to think that it was progressives who bailed on Ford and cost him the election (if he loses [I hope, I hope, I hope]) but as it stands right now, that doesn't seem to be the case.  If Lugo surges and gets a goodly part of the spread I'll feel like I did my job.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2006, 03:17:02 AM »
The margins and fringes make a lot of diffrence in close races.

Close races seem to be pretty common.


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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2006, 04:11:10 AM »
Smarmy man, Ford.   I admit I didn't see much of him, but that was my take.  "Well Mr. Blitzer...."  Please, enough. 
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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2006, 10:37:28 AM »
I would love to think that it was progressives who bailed on Ford and cost him the election (if he loses [I hope, I hope, I hope]) but as it stands right now, that doesn't seem to be the case.  If Lugo surges and gets a goodly part of the spread I'll feel like I did my job.

I don't blame anyone on the left for not voting for Ford. He certainly ran on a right-wing platform. His stance on amendment 1 and immigration were political opportunism at its most obvious.

Several commentators insinuated that if Ford lost it would be because Whitie could vote fer a damned darkie.  While that may be true of a few Tennesseeans, perhaps more than say, Marylanders, that is not the predominant thought process in Tennessee.

Now, it may not affect the overall outcome of the race itself, on that I agree. But, I dare say I've lived in Tennessee longer than you Brass, and I've lived in more areas of Tennessee than you have. The truth is that Memphis is a different world from the rest of Tennessee. Moreover, Middle Tennessee is much different than East Tennessee. If you go to Union County, Claiborne County, Cocke County, Greene County, Johnson County, Carter County, Unicoi County, parts of Knox County and you start digging beneath the surface you will absolutely find that racism damn sure still exists. Did it change the outcome of this race? I have no idea. But don't tell me that it doesn't exist or make out like only a few Tennesseans still keep those views.

Smarmy man, Ford.   I admit I didn't see much of him, but that was my take.  "Well Mr. Blitzer...."  Please, enough.

I admit I held my nose and voted for Ford. Why? The other man running was Bob Corker. He had an ad with sixty people grouped together that started out, "we're from Chattanooga and Bob Corker was a great mayor..." it turns out they weren't even from Chattanooga! The guy was against abortion and is now for it (so much a waffler on it that the Tennessee right to life folks would not endorse him). He ran the most negative campaign in the history of the state then told an audience at Vanderbilt that he "hates negative ads." The whole audience laughed - and half of them were Corker supporters! Then he said "I'm proud of my campaign."

He actually attacked Harold Ford Jr. for attending The University of Pennsylvania, which is a premier Ivy League school. Then attacked him for attending the University of Michigan Law School. The man he is replacing - you might know him as Bill Frist, attended Princeton University and then Harvard medical school. *sigh*

So, no I didn't find Harold Ford Jr. as the ideal choice, but I bit the bullet and chose him over a horrible choice in Corker.

Tennesseeans hate GAYS much more than they do darkies as is indicated by the success of Amendment One.

I waited two and a half hours with my wife and two impatient kids to vote. Count me in the 19% or so who voted no to both those idiotic amendments. What really gripes me is the way they are abusing the constitution. These are issues for legislation to determine, not the state constitution. Imagine if we enshrined segregation in the constitution? Imagine all the dumb shit we will amend in the future? We've already done the lottery and now marriage. We need to make the constitution far more difficult to alter. It shouldn't be left to the whim of the public.
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They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2006, 12:14:45 PM »
Smarmy man, Ford.   I admit I didn't see much of him, but that was my take.  "Well Mr. Blitzer...."  Please, enough. 

Lanya I agree...he set my gag reflex in motion. He was like a snake oil salesman. He used God as much as the repubs...gross. I am glad we did not need him and i hope he fades into the ether.
Obama I adore. He is a winner for all people; A combo of JFK and Bill Clinton. He is religious  without being pompas or craming it down your throat. 

Watch him...



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Re: Is a Tragedy About to Happen in Tennessee?
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2006, 11:10:17 PM »
Obama gave that wonderful speech at the Democratic Convention, but after that I haven't really gotten to know what he's all about. 
I sure want to know more!

As for what JS said about Ford, yes, I would have held my nose and voted for him.  Control of the House and Senate mean lives that can  be saved, here and abroad, and I'll use someone I find distasteful if they'll vote the way I want in a pinch.    I'm not a purist in that way, I am a survivor.  (Knock on wood.;)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2006, 11:15:45 PM by Lanya »
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