A feminist says women must be free to choose. A feminist doesn't say, women must choose an abortion and she doesn't say women must choose to carry to term. All she says is, give them a choice.
A pro-lifer does NOT want a woman to have the freedom to choose. He or she wants abortion outlawed so that the woman's right to choose will be non-existent.
Feminists for Life is EXACTLY analogous to Republicans for Communism. You can't be a Republican and a Communist, and you can't be a Feminist and also oppose choice for women, so the title is deceptive and misleading in both cases. It's fraud, actually. (Jews for Hitler isn't the same thing exactly, because it's theoretically possible for suicidal Jews to elect suicide by Nazi and so there is nothing necessarily fraudulent about the title, although in real life you probably wouldn't be able to find any Jews who would be willing to join a pro-Hitler group.)