<<Would you rather have the votes of NASA's reasearchers , or the votes of 27 million Small business owners?>>
What makes you think they'd vote in a bloc anyway?
You're switching the issues on me. When 27 million small business owners were first mentioned here, the issue was Palin's qualifications to serve, based on membership in the group. Your point being that by virtue of her belonging to this "exclusive" group, she was somehow qualified to serve as C - in - C of America's military, and mine being that membership in a group of 27 million Americans is by definition a badge of mediocrity and in no way qualifies her to serve as C - in - C. Are we done with that issue?
Insofar as the worth of their votes are concerned, in response to your question, I'd rather have the votes of 27 million small business owners than the votes of 2700 NASA researchers.
(The question really shoulda bin, "What would you rather have, the votes of 27 million small business owners or the votes of 27 million NASA researchers?")
<<The government represents its own intrests within itself quite well , don't limit this to the last eight years or the last hundred , it has always been this way. An infusion of non incestuous experience is generally a good thing.>>
I beg to differ, the interests really represented best by the Bush administration have been those of the military-industrial complex, the oil industry and the Zionist Lobby.