Author Topic: Doesn't anyone really get it?  (Read 3054 times)

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Doesn't anyone really get it?
« on: September 04, 2008, 11:39:30 PM »
Come on folks.

ALL THE candidates....all those in the 'running' are worth a listen and bent of attention.

The 'race' as we know it is going to die eventually.

We as Americans watch competitiveness on the tube and in the news as if it were life's bloodline birth.

Religion. War. Honor. Economics. Little League. School teachers. Factory workers. Autistic children. Broken Stock Brokers. Rich Poor....we all bleed. We all love. We all suffer in one way or another.

Why then do we look forward to divisiveness in the arena...the lions eating the lambs....the blood letting poured into oil cans?



Who the hell among us thinks that both parties do not hold onto the values of basics?

I find this time in which we live to be primative to the point where we lose sight.

We are all God's children. We are all Americans.

Brass is one of the why the hell do we fight against one another.

Hire both men and all women to run this country...and get over it. I say.

Common sense will prevail one of these centuries, mark my words.

Hillary can be seen baking cookies in the back room, while Sarah shoots the Turkey for Thanksgiving.

Obama can lead the song of the national security, while McCain holds our borders at bay.

Boos will no longer be a part of our national cry.

Common sense is key to education. Why can't common sense be a part of running the government of this nation of ours?


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 11:44:31 PM »
Come on folks.

ALL THE candidates....all those in the 'running' are worth a listen and bent of attention.

The 'race' as we know it is going to die eventually.

We as Americans watch competitiveness on the tube and in the news as if it were life's bloodline birth.

Religion. War. Honor. Economics. Little League. School teachers. Factory workers. Autistic children. Broken Stock Brokers. Rich Poor....we all bleed. We all love. We all suffer in one way or another.

Why then do we look forward to divisiveness in the arena...the lions eating the lambs....the blood letting poured into oil cans?



Who the hell among us thinks that both parties do not hold onto the values of basics?

I find this time in which we live to be primative to the point where we lose sight.

We are all God's children. We are all Americans.

Brass is one of the why the hell do we fight against one another.

Hire both men and all women to run this country...and get over it. I say.

Common sense will prevail one of these centuries, mark my words.

Hillary can be seen baking cookies in the back room, while Sarah shoots the Turkey for Thanksgiving.

Obama can lead the song of the national security, while McCain holds our borders at bay.

Boos will no longer be a part of our national cry.

Common sense is key to education. Why can't common sense be a part of running the government of this nation of ours?

U been smokin that Maui Wowee again?


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2008, 11:52:23 PM »
No...LOL, but I have an idea that we are always barking up that tree of idealism.

Why not combine the candidates and work together. . . perhpas it's the teacher in me. ha.

Let's work together...


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2008, 11:58:30 PM »
Come on folks.

ALL THE candidates....all those in the 'running' are worth a listen and bent of attention.

The 'race' as we know it is going to die eventually.

We as Americans watch competitiveness on the tube and in the news as if it were life's bloodline birth.

Religion. War. Honor. Economics. Little League. School teachers. Factory workers. Autistic children. Broken Stock Brokers. Rich Poor....we all bleed. We all love. We all suffer in one way or another.

Why then do we look forward to divisiveness in the arena...the lions eating the lambs....the blood letting poured into oil cans?



Who the hell among us thinks that both parties do not hold onto the values of basics?

I find this time in which we live to be primative to the point where we lose sight.

We are all God's children. We are all Americans.

Brass is one of the why the hell do we fight against one another.

Hire both men and all women to run this country...and get over it. I say.

Common sense will prevail one of these centuries, mark my words.

Hillary can be seen baking cookies in the back room, while Sarah shoots the Turkey for Thanksgiving.

Obama can lead the song of the national security, while McCain holds our borders at bay.

Boos will no longer be a part of our national cry.

Common sense is key to education. Why can't common sense be a part of running the government of this nation of ours?

Our government is too large. Apparently you have issues with how education is run by government. One school of thought is to take care of us from cradle to grave - that would be you Democrat Party.

Obama wants our government to take over running health care. If our government can't handle education what will it do to our health care? Do you want a government worker standing between you and your doctor?

I hear McCain saying less government, less taxes and less spending. I hear Obama talk about raising taxes and spending more money on more government programs. Clearly government doesn't run as efficient as private business.

Clearly education is broken. We have stupid children that have grown up to be stupid adults. I want our government out of our lives as much as possible. The more they give me the more I own them.

We have a choice between drilling for more oil and an energy plan that covers all the bases over Obama's plan that is pie in the sky and based on technology that doesn't exist yet.

John McCain understands we are in a war with Muslim extremists. A Russia that is now flexing muscle because they are rich on energy profits. McCain has the experience to deal with these dangers. Obama is a young man with a thin resume and little real world experience and lacks good judgment.

The choice is clear. I wonder if the failure of our education system is what might get Obama elected. Now we have all the under-educated kids that just turned 18 voting. They are buying into the slick ads for Obama. Falling for pop culture, falling for the ONE, the messiah Obama. They will be severely harmed if they get their way.

Stray Pooch

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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2008, 12:23:54 AM »
We are all God's children. We are all Americans.

Brass is one of the why the hell do we fight against one another.

Am I interpreting this correctly by inferring that you think Brass is not a child of God, or, perhaps, not American?  Or did you perhaps mean MT, who is, in fact, not an American?  Or is there another meaning?

Because, while I suspect Brass would have no problem being left out of the family of a being in whom he has no belief, I personally would disagree with that assessment.

I understand your frustration at partisan politics, but that is the normal state of any group of people, from a classroom full of students to a nation full of diverse races, religions and experiences.   People are going to disagree, sometimes strongly, sometimes violently.  It would be nice if we could all just get along.  John Lennon suggested that no religion would be a good way.  I'm going to have to disagree with him on that.   Marx suggested that doing away with families and having "communal" wives was a way to focus us all properly on our obligations to the state.  Not gonna check that box on the ballot either.  Muslim fanatics say if everybody just worships Allah the world will be perfect.  Me and Jesus (and I'd bet a silk pajama you) are not buying into that.  OTOH I think that the world will someday be perfect, when Jesus comes again, but I think Brass and others on this sight would find that a little hard to swallow.

The fact is, while rabid partisan politics is seldom productive and sometimes even dangerous, we have to have competition, debate, disagreement and the clashing and melding of un-shared experiences to move forward.  Smooth seas do not a sailor make.  No matter who gets elected, in two more months the ads and attack dogs go back into cold storage for a few months.  That's wonderful.  But think of how far that partisan competition has taken us.  Isn't it nice to know that, with Hillary and Sarah out there in the trenches, the old ads that say "Don't vote for that other bastard" can now say "Don't vote for that other bitch" as well?  Folks, THAT'S progress!

Partisan politics and general ire among members of a group is life.  It won't change until Jesus comes.  Anybody wo disagrees with me is wrong.  Wanna make sumpin' of it?
Oh, for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention . . .


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2008, 12:34:07 AM »
No matter who gets elected, in two more months the ads and attack dogs go back into cold storage for a few months.

We have been in perpetual campaign mode for 20 years.

I don't have a problem with a tournament of minds. I do get discouraged when it denigrates (not code)  into a cage match.


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2008, 12:39:12 AM »
You're right, I was confusing MTee with BRassie

Stray Pooch

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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2008, 12:43:44 AM »

We have been in perpetual campaign mode for 20 years.

I don't have a problem with a tournament of minds. I do get discouraged when it denigrates (not code)  into a cage match.

I agree with that, and that is why I understand (and share) Cindy's frustration.  I had to chuckle (sadly) when you quoted the club rules in that muckfest thread between the knucklehead contingent.  But knuckleheadedness is a part of the whole darn shooting match too.  For my part, I'd rather it be the sixties again.  At least then the left wingers talked more about love and less about hate.  And the right-wingers talked about the same things they do today, but hey, that's tradition!
Oh, for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention . . .

Stray Pooch

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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2008, 12:44:42 AM »
You're right, I was confusing MTee with BRassie

I'm glad to hear that, cuz I thought I was a little confused.  And at my age, that's dangerous!
Oh, for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention . . .


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2008, 01:03:11 AM »
We are all God's children. We are all Americans.

Brass is one of the why the hell do we fight against one another.

Am I interpreting this correctly by inferring that you think Brass is not a child of God, or, perhaps, not American?  Or did you perhaps mean MT, who is, in fact, not an American?  Or is there another meaning?

Because, while I suspect Brass would have no problem being left out of the family of a being in whom he has no belief, I personally would disagree with that assessment.

I understand your frustration at partisan politics, but that is the normal state of any group of people, from a classroom full of students to a nation full of diverse races, religions and experiences.   People are going to disagree, sometimes strongly, sometimes violently.  It would be nice if we could all just get along.  John Lennon suggested that no religion would be a good way.  I'm going to have to disagree with him on that.   Marx suggested that doing away with families and having "communal" wives was a way to focus us all properly on our obligations to the state.  Not gonna check that box on the ballot either.  Muslim fanatics say if everybody just worships Allah the world will be perfect.  Me and Jesus (and I'd bet a silk pajama you) are not buying into that.  OTOH I think that the world will someday be perfect, when Jesus comes again, but I think Brass and others on this sight would find that a little hard to swallow.

The fact is, while rabid partisan politics is seldom productive and sometimes even dangerous, we have to have competition, debate, disagreement and the clashing and melding of un-shared experiences to move forward.  Smooth seas do not a sailor make.  No matter who gets elected, in two more months the ads and attack dogs go back into cold storage for a few months.  That's wonderful.  But think of how far that partisan competition has taken us.  Isn't it nice to know that, with Hillary and Sarah out there in the trenches, the old ads that say "Don't vote for that other bastard" can now say "Don't vote for that other bitch" as well?  Folks, THAT'S progress!

Partisan politics and general ire among members of a group is life.  It won't change until Jesus comes.  Anybody wo disagrees with me is wrong.  Wanna make sumpin' of it?

Stray Pooch

Ok, I have to say that I agree and disagree with varying 'statments' within your post.

First of all, No, I do NOT believe that it's time to say "Don't vote for the other bitch". Somehow males like yourself consider that to be the logical and reasonable response to the status quo of quotes. NO...nada. There's no room for the term "Bitch" in any arena.

Secondly, I do believe that your stream of thought is a bit off the beam...

Marx suggested that doing away with families and having "communal" wives was a way to focus us all properly on our obligations to the state.  Not gonna check that box on the ballot either.  Muslim fanatics say if everybody just worships Allah the world will be perfect.  Me and Jesus (and I'd bet a silk pajama you) are not buying into that.  OTOH I think that the world will someday be perfect, when Jesus comes again, but I think Brass and others on this sight would find that a little hard to swallow.

First of all, your comparison to Marx and his outrageous idealistic breath of dirty air certainly is not the same as the race for America's next president.

 Communal wives"? Muslim fanatics? Nope ...not pertinent here either. Why can not we believe to be truth that this nation of the United States of this new America  most certainly could [/b] work together on matters of such life and death issues(health care,security, education)?The average 7 year old can do it. Why can't the average 56 year old?

I disagree with your statement here, as well, Poochie, , , with all due respect.

"The fact is, while rabid partisan politics is seldom productive and sometimes even dangerous, we have to have competition, debate, disagreement and the clashing and melding of un-shared experiences to move forward.  Smooth seas do not a sailor make.  No matter who gets elected, in two more months the ads and attack dogs go back into cold storage for a few months.  That's wonderful.  "

We DO NOT MORE FORWARD. That is my point. We dig deeper into the trenches of hate and bigotry and an unwillingness to accept the other's insights as possibly a "good idea'. It's aint wonderful. It is more of the same. Who gets elected? Someday we will see that who gets elected is a group of individuals....a commitee...not one hero/well deserving black man/angry white woman/powerful strong white woman/confused Jewish male/horney southern ex gentleman with angry white wife at his side/

We must review our history in this process.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 01:09:06 AM by Cindy »


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2008, 01:04:32 AM »
You're right, I was confusing MTee with BRassie

I'm glad to hear that, cuz I thought I was a little confused.  And at my age, that's dangerous!
Brass is a true American, imo. :)


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2008, 01:05:13 AM »
Come on folks.

ALL THE candidates....all those in the 'running' are worth a listen and bent of attention.

The 'race' as we know it is going to die eventually.

We as Americans watch competitiveness on the tube and in the news as if it were life's bloodline birth.

Religion. War. Honor. Economics. Little League. School teachers. Factory workers. Autistic children. Broken Stock Brokers. Rich Poor....we all bleed. We all love. We all suffer in one way or another.

Why then do we look forward to divisiveness in the arena...the lions eating the lambs....the blood letting poured into oil cans?



Who the hell among us thinks that both parties do not hold onto the values of basics?

I find this time in which we live to be primative to the point where we lose sight.

We are all God's children. We are all Americans.

Brass is one of the why the hell do we fight against one another.

Hire both men and all women to run this country...and get over it. I say.

Common sense will prevail one of these centuries, mark my words.

Hillary can be seen baking cookies in the back room, while Sarah shoots the Turkey for Thanksgiving.

Obama can lead the song of the national security, while McCain holds our borders at bay.

Boos will no longer be a part of our national cry.

Common sense is key to education. Why can't common sense be a part of running the government of this nation of ours?

Our government is too large. Apparently you have issues with how education is run by government. One school of thought is to take care of us from cradle to grave - that would be you Democrat Party.

Obama wants our government to take over running health care. If our government can't handle education what will it do to our health care? Do you want a government worker standing between you and your doctor?

I hear McCain saying less government, less taxes and less spending. I hear Obama talk about raising taxes and spending more money on more government programs. Clearly government doesn't run as efficient as private business.

Clearly education is broken. We have stupid children that have grown up to be stupid adults. I want our government out of our lives as much as possible. The more they give me the more I own them.

We have a choice between drilling for more oil and an energy plan that covers all the bases over Obama's plan that is pie in the sky and based on technology that doesn't exist yet.

John McCain understands we are in a war with Muslim extremists. A Russia that is now flexing muscle because they are rich on energy profits. McCain has the experience to deal with these dangers. Obama is a young man with a thin resume and little real world experience and lacks good judgment.

The choice is clear. I wonder if the failure of our education system is what might get Obama elected. Now we have all the under-educated kids that just turned 18 voting. They are buying into the slick ads for Obama. Falling for pop culture, falling for the ONE, the messiah Obama. They will be severely harmed if they get their way.

I plan to respond to this tomorrow night. Good post, Kramer. IN fact, your understanding of the Russian element is so very "spot on" that I must respond.



nite all.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 01:14:46 AM by Cindy »


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2008, 02:18:45 AM »
How the poo can the government be smaller and fight a war at the same time?

There have been NINE administrations since Nixon blathered about a "new American Revolution" that was supposed to make the government smaller. NOT ONE has come close, but I think Carter and Clinton came closer than any of the Republicans.

Reagan wanted to do away with the Dept of Education. Now Juniorbush has made it grow and started NCLB.

The Navy didn't want a new Carrier battlegroup, but Trent Lott sure wanted to build one in Pascagoula, and sure enough, they are building it even as I write this.

How much more could the Marines have done with all the money they have pissed away on the VT Osprey, and all it does is kill Marines.

There won't be any smaller government no matter who is elected.

I bet there are a whole bunch of corrupt old farts in Alaska that are glad as Hell to have Sarah Palin out of their hair for a while.
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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2008, 02:36:14 AM »
<<Obama wants our government to take over running health care. If our government can't handle education what will it do to our health care? >>

Right now your health care is run by private enterprise and although you SPEND more per capita for it than any other country on the face of the earth, it sucks big-time.

<<Do you want a government worker standing between you and your doctor?>>

You'd probably be way better off than with an insurance adjuster standing there, focused on the bottom line and a healthy profit at year-end for the owners of the company, but it's a meaningless question, because I live in Canada and I've had a lot of dealings with the government health plan but I've never met a government worker yet.  Long story short, the government PAYS my doctor for me, it does not stand between me and him.  I select my own doctor and he orders the treatment I need and the government pays for it from money that we contribute.

<<I hear McCain saying less government, less taxes and less spending. I hear Obama talk about raising taxes and spending more money on more government programs. Clearly government doesn't run as efficient as private business.>>

Your health care is in private hands and it sucks.  The whole system is broken.  47 million Americans don't even have health insurance and aren't covered.

<<Clearly education is broken. We have stupid children that have grown up to be stupid adults. >>

That's because of evolution being taught in the schools instead of Bible Studies.

<<I want our government out of our lives as much as possible. The more they give me the more I own them.>>

Me too.  I think any manufacturer should be allowed to make any product no matter how poisonous or dangerous and if it kills hundreds of people, let the market punish the guy by sending him into bankruptcy.  Let insiders trade shares of their own companies all they like, and if the investors aren't smart enough to see what's happening, they deserve to lose their life savings.  Let kiddie porn flood the internet and if you don't like it, don't watch it.  Legalize dope!  Abolish federally mandated health and safety laws in the workplace!  Save the taxpayers' dollars.  Kramer, you're a political genius.  You oughtta run for office.

<<We have a choice between drilling for more oil and an energy plan that covers all the bases over Obama's plan that is pie in the sky and based on technology that doesn't exist yet.>>

Ruin the environment and the land now, dammit.  We need that oil.  Won't come in from the drilling for twenty years but we'll need it then.  Obama's plan?  Don't read it, it's pie in the sky!  It's based on technology that doesn't exist yet - - possibly the dumbest thing that Kramer has written to date, which is really saying a lot. 

Can you imagine if FDR, after reading Einstein's letter about the potential of nuclear fission to make an atomic bomb, had told his people, "Forget that crazy shit!  It's based on technology that doesn't exist yet?"  And while you're at it, ask yourselves if FDR assigned the task of making a nuclear weapon in the shortest possible time to private industry or to the U.S. government.

<<John McCain understands we are in a war with Muslim extremists. >>

That is exactly the problem.  These oversimplified comic-book portrayals of the real world are possibly all that John McCain CAN understand, keeping in mind that this is a guy who graduated fifth from the bottom of an 800-man class in a military school.  (This is a way of saying this guy is really, really, really DUMB.  You probably have no conception of how dumb this guy really is until you make him the President of the United States.  George W. Bush can give you some idea of the potential consequences of this kind of choice.)  The real world, unfortunately, is NOT a comic book, and despite the preferences of the idiot class for simple solutions to simple problems, the sad fact is that none of the country's current problems are simple, and that sophisticated, proven brainpower is needed to deal with complex and nuanced problems, particularly in international relations, which the Republicans have already screwed up beyond belief.

<<A Russia that is now flexing muscle because they are rich on energy profits. McCain has the experience to deal with these dangers. >>

REally, how?  He was an ambassador?  A diplomat?  A student of international relations?  His "experience" consists of flying a jet fighter-bomber, getting shot down and held in a prison camp for five years.  And this is useful because . . . ?

<<Obama is a young man with a thin resume and little real world experience and lacks good judgment.>>

ROTFLMFAO.  OBAMA was one of the ONLY politicians who saw from the beginning that the invasion of Iraq would turn into the disaster that we can all now recognize.  Bush and his cronies bought bad intelligence (they didn't really, they CREATED the "bad intelligence" but let's indulge Kramer and sirs in their pathetic excuses for now) and entered a disastrous war, Obama alone held back and said not to go.  So . . . so WHO'S got the "bad judgment?"  OBAMA of course.  Just remember these conservative nut-jobs live in Bizarro World, where "hello" means "goodbye" and "good judgment" means falling for bad intelligence and deciding to invade Iraq and "bad judgment" means foreseeing a disaster that actually does happen.

<<The choice is clear.>>

Well, you got THAT right, at least.

<< I wonder if the failure of our education system is what might get Obama elected.>>

Don't be silly.  It's what got Bush close enough for a little fraud and a crooked Supreme Court to pull him over the top and it's what keeps a clown like John Insane still in the running as a serious contender.

<< Now we have all the under-educated kids that just turned 18 voting.  They are buying into the slick ads for Obama. Falling for pop culture . . .  falling for the ONE, the messiah Obama. They will be severely harmed if they get their way.>>

Yeah.  Kramer's gonna spank 'em.  Talk about the politics of fear.  Avoid harm to yourselves, vote for Insane.


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Re: Doesn't anyone really get it?
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2008, 03:04:22 AM »
I am wondering how McCain is gonna make Putin or Chavez or the Sheiks of Araby sell oil for less, and then to convince "our" companies to sell it to American consumers for less. I don't see this happening. Oil is a non-renewable resource, and it is running out. Eventually, it will all be gone.
Even if we did manage to accomplish this, is there a tit-for-tat? Does that give Putin the right to demand we sell him wheat or Caterpiller tractors or IBM computers for less than the market value?

How is he going to destroy a sect of a religion? How would anyone do this? Has anyone ever actually done this, anywhere?

The battle with the Muslim extremists cannot be won with weapons for the most part. We have to make it distasteful to commit suicide in the name of their religion. That is a psychological challenge for the most part.

We need to become independent from petroleum, because we have already pumped our wells too dry to ever hope to be self-sufficient.

If Uruguay can provide medical care for all Uruguayans, I don't see why Americans are so damned incompetent that they can't do the same. All they have to do is squeeze the greed out of the system. I got a prescription recently for cough syrup: $61.00 for 8 oz.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."