I think Kramer and sirs are on to something here. They discovered that Oprah is pro-Obama. Holy shit, all I can say is HOW DARE SHE???
sirs: <<I don't see where Kramer was demanding that Oprah put Palin on her show. Just highligting her transparent duplicity & bias is plenty>>
Way to go KRAMER!!! Highlight that transparent bias!! Show all of America that Oprah thinks Obama's the better candidate. Shock the socks off them!! Show the people what Oprah really believes after she tried so hard to conceal it.
And on the side, a little lecture on the meaning of "duplicity" - - it is to say one thing and do another, to pretend to be on someone's side and secretly act against them. So, for example, if Oprah had been for Obama all along, and then given his opponent millions of dollars of free exposure, THAT would be duplicitous. I hardly think there's anything duplicitous in refusing air time on her own show to someone who's opposed to her favoured candidate.
Maybe Springer will put her on along with her entire family and Levi the "fuckin redneck." THAT oughtta be hilarious. If she's real nice to Jerry, maybe he'll give them the entire show.