Author Topic: Liberal Librariesl Lies & Censorship  (Read 2208 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Liberal Librariesl Lies & Censorship
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2008, 03:33:40 PM »
<<that is my point about the library thing -- don't sweat the small stuff - don't make a mountain out of a moll hill unless you have an agenda that you are trying to push forth>>

Makes some kinda sense, for a change.  We better figure out the major objections and hit her there rather than swarming all over her like a bunch a gnats.


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Re: Liberal Librariesl Lies & Censorship
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2008, 03:56:30 PM »
This whole line about whether McCain and Palin are qualified is the wrong track.

What is most important by far is what they would do if elected, which is appoint more fascists to the Supreme Court, continue torturing people, continue spying on Americans withpout warrants, provide no health care, continue favoring the mega rich over the average citizen and the poor, continue allowing banks to rip people off with consumer credit and credit card fees, continue the war in Iraq, rattle sabers everywhere as Republicans always have done since the 1950's, thereby alienating the rest of the world, favor businesses over citizens with their "trickle-down"  and "supply side" scams, and of course, if they win, the majority of the world that is not white will see us as racists, and will probably be right. Big Oil will be rewarded even more than ever. There will be no decent energy plan for another four years.

And of course, there will be no prosecution of Juniorbush and his cronies for their many, many misdeeds.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: Liberal Librariesl Lies & Censorship
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2008, 05:31:09 PM »
<<This whole line about whether McCain and Palin are qualified is the wrong track.>>

It was never really about whether Palin is qualified because she clearly is not.  That was only a way to get at McCain's hypocrisy in making such a big deal about Obama's "lack of experience" and then picking a lightweight like Palin to fill the same job if need be.

I think they gotta keep hammering at McCain's age, his cancer, his constant living in the past ("Viet Nam, P.O.W., P.O.W., Viet nam . . . ") and his thirty years in the Senate.  Just mock the shit out of his "maverick" and "outsider" status.  He's had 30 years to come in out of the cold and he accomplished virtually nothing that affects the life of the average family.  And keep hammering at his lying, cheating and infidelity - - you never know how many right-wing "Christians" and resentful wives it really gets to.