..After a congress like the one we just had...one that worked two days a week and took long vacations.
Someone remind me, why is that a bad thing?....Actually, I'm hoping for serious gridlock and political obstructionism.
Do you think it plausibe that the GOP, in the time we still have left, would craft Gingrich-like legislation of a pay-as-you-go bill. For whatever expenditures beyond what's currently budgeted for, that congress be required to offset that spending somewhere else?
Beyond the obvious political posturing that all politicians get, when they can go back to their consituencies and claim "see, what I brought you, courtesy of the Country's tax payers?", I really wished that the conservatives of the GOP would have stuck to their limited Government principals. But perhaps, they'll leave that for the Dems, so that they can be the ones to repeal it it and usher in gobs load more deficit spending