Lanya, as much as I dont disagree with Ricky on most, he is absolutely correct on Schumer.
Schumer was the architect of what most felt impossible, particularly when you consider that Ford lost in Tenn.
As for Ricky's claim that this was a "sixth year itch, nothing more", this was an unqualified disaster for the GOP. Losing the House was expected.The Senate was far, far more than GOP fatigue. Look at what races were lost and *where* they were lost. This election was a very wide indicator of very deep satisfaction with six years of total GOP control.
But mostly, when you look particularly at races in areas that Bush carried handidly in 2004, this is a sweeping rejection of Bush and his most identifiable issue, the Iraq invasion.
So much for the Kerry backlash GOPers were clinging to a few days ago. And as for your boy Santorum Ricky, he got what he fully deserved.