LOL...with all due respect, BT...your attempt at setting aside a timeOUT FOR TIME for punch, is like assigning a time for a person to ...I just can't say it.
Come on, of COURSE folks aren't going to flame the game when YOU assign the room and board for a window of time. This board is ONLY about flame and a game where only the persistent bullies win.
You have really shown, albeit not 100% that you can 'debate' round here. Ami can show "points", Sirs, can refuse to take the 5th. . Plane will interject and make a point sans the spellchecker, and then there's the lost souls of the board.
Prince AWOL .....Professor.....missing in action...but not forgotten....and the rest of the good and decent who travel through these parts.
The likes of Richpo and Knutey who need their flames tapped in many all directions....won't show up to your bar room ball for all. So what's the point.
Face it. This is a great place for entertainment. This is a place where the winners land on their feet and win every point because they have no other point.
This isn't a place for discussion..and yet you allow for a time for FLAME?? That's laughable.
I would rather see you allow for points of view. .. discussion from sources other than the damn google monger....and maybe just maybe allow for the folks to invite a newbie once in a while to give a "take" the the "gate's" stew.
Xavier is still a class act. He's hasn't once tried to flame me for disagreeing. For that I maintain he has a hell of a lot of class. IT takes class to post in a debate gate room. You have it. Ami has it....XO has it.
Not a dirty remark has come my way from those gents.....
Rotten scoundrels abound.....oh and Pooooch....he's the prince.
I miss UP. He's full of good oil....ready to put the discussion/debate into a level that if, frankly intimidating. But that man is smart and a grand debater.
SO, let's all just sit back, have fun this weekend...and
GET BACK TO TEH SMACK THAT IS THE board, on the day YOU DON'T assign...
with all due respect.