Author Topic: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?  (Read 4242 times)

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2008, 12:41:42 PM »
Most divorcees blame the other party.


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2008, 12:48:31 PM »

Would you ban divorce?

No, I wouldn't but why are you trying go all strawman by asking that question?

Settlements after divorces are not about salving the trauma of the divorce.  Often times, I surmise it is about getting revenge on the offending party especially if there aren't children involved.

But I don't care how much McCain and Cindy paid his first wife, it doesn't make up for what he did to her.


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2008, 01:04:55 PM »
I disagree that my questions are strawmen.

You have brought into the debate that McCains first wife had medical issues and because of that he should not have abandoned her.

As part of the settlement she was given medical care for life.

So then the issue is should they have stayed together even though over the years they had grown miles apart. In others words perpetuate a sham marriage. That was why i asked your position on divorce.

I don't see why it matters who his second wife was. What matters is how both parties came out of the first marriage. And from what i have read they are still friendly.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2008, 02:39:36 PM »
<<Does divorce disqualify a candidate from high office?>>

NO.  Lying, cheating and betrayal of an oath disqualify one from high office.

Are you telling me that a liar, a cheat and a betrayer of the most sacred oath a man can give is QUALIFIED for high office?

Don't try to sugar-coat what this bastard did.  This wasn't "growing apart" and a mutual decision.  This was running around, cheating, lying, betrayal of the oath during the marriage and dumping the mother of his child after she was crippled and disfigured in an auto accident.  I could easily find snakes with better character than McCain living in any ravine in the City of Toronto.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 02:43:28 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2008, 02:49:19 PM »
Divorce is the end result of the betrayal of the oath of marriage.

Why then is divorce not a disqualifier?

BTW you would better served in improving the substance in your arguments than wasting your time worrying about how i phrase mine.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2008, 03:21:55 PM »
<<Divorce is the end result of the betrayal of the oath of marriage.>>

Not necessarily.

<<Why then is divorce not a disqualifier?>>

Because there is nothing wrong with divorce.  You were mistaken in your first assumption.

<<BTW you would better served in improving the substance in your arguments than wasting your time worrying about how i phrase mine.>>

What specifically are you referring to?


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2008, 03:27:14 PM »
<<Divorce is the end result of the betrayal of the oath of marriage.>>

Not necessarily.

Divorce is the betrayal of the "til death do us part" oath.

It is the betrayal of the "for better or worse" oath.

It is a betrayal of the "through sickness and health " oath.

So why would divorce not be a disqualifier?

Michael Tee

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2008, 03:36:56 PM »
Divorce is the betrayal of the "til death do us part" oath.

It is the betrayal of the "for better or worse" oath.

It is a betrayal of the "through sickness and health " oath.

So why would divorce not be a disqualifier?


This divorce involves cheating.  This divorce involves lying.  This divorce involves betrayal.  This divorce is about abandoning a wife because she's crippled and disfigured.

Not all divorces are that contemptible.

Some really are just two people growing apart and deciding to end it.  Without the lying.  Without the cheating.  Without the betrayal of the vow.

I think I see what you're trying to do here.  You are trying to wrap up all of McCain's lying, cheating, betrayal and opportunism into a nice sanitary package labeled "Divorce."  Since there's nothing wrong with divorce per se, you're trying to imply that McCain's character defects are all just one big defect called "divorce."

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Whatever you call it - -  "divorce" or "personal growth" - - is immaterial.  This is a man who lied, who cheated, who betrayed and who dumped the mother of his child when she became crippled and disfigured in an accident.

You admire that?  You call him a man of character?  IN WHAT WAY is his character "better" than Obama's?  HOW is he more worthy of your trust than Obama?


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2008, 07:22:27 PM »
Nothing could be further from the truth.  Whatever you call it - -  "divorce" or "personal growth" - - is immaterial. 

Actually it is the heart of your argument for distrusting him. If he was unhappy in his marriage , should he have been justified in seeking a divorce. You seem to be saying that in his case divorce is a disqualifier.

I'm saying it is not.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2008, 07:29:20 PM »
<<Actually it is the heart of your argument for distrusting him. If he was unhappy in his marriage , should he have been justified in seeking a divorce. You seem to be saying that in his case divorce is a disqualifier.

<<I'm saying it is not. >>

We're both agreed that divorce in and of itself is not and should not be a disqualifier.

I'm saying that the lying and the cheating and the broken oath and the dumping of a crippled and disfigured wife are the disqualifiers.  You, OTOH, refuse to confront those issues head-on, falsely lumping them as "divorce" (as if all divorces involved that degree of lying and perfidy) and constantly attempting to present the issue as a "divorce" issue, which of course it is not.

Fortunately, the American people don't have to be as persistently blind and obstinate as you are.  They can see and smell shit for what it is, and that is what McCain is.  They just need to be reminded, because this is shit that is very nicely packaged and the MSM isn't too anxious to look inside the package.


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2008, 07:46:14 PM »
Fortunately, the American people don't have to be as persistently blind and obstinate as you are.  They can see and smell shit for what it is, and that is what McCain is.  They just need to be reminded, because this is shit that is very nicely packaged and the MSM isn't too anxious to look inside the package.

Well as long as you are speaking for the american people, let me remind you that close to 50% of american divorces end in divorce for a myriad of reasons and they just might disagree with you as to what McCain's failed marriage actually means in the larger scheme of things.

And most people who have gone through a divorce recognize the rhetoric you are spouting as typical of what comes from the opposing lawyer in a divorce and they don't like those people very much.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2008, 07:59:25 PM »
Well as long as you are speaking for the american people, let me remind you that close to 50% of american divorces end in divorce for a myriad of reasons and they just might disagree with you as to what McCain's failed marriage actually means in the larger scheme of things.

And most people who have gone through a divorce recognize the rhetoric you are spouting as typical of what comes from the opposing lawyer in a divorce and they don't like those people very much.


You're living in a dream world.  Most folks would recognize McCain's conduct as despicable and going far beyond what's found in most people's divorces.   Your continuing efforts to paint this scumbag as typical of an ordinary divorcing partner deserve an A for effort but I think a lot of women will recognize McCain as the sleazy bastard he actually is, and will vote accordingly.  It's just a question of how much effort Obama wants to invest in stripping off the mask.


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2008, 08:40:07 PM »
I doubt Obama wants to gothere. His mother was divorced at least twice.


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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2008, 02:34:46 PM »
So MT,
Does the lying, womanizing and cheating only disqualify someone from office if the marraige ends in divorce?  Are you a democrat or are you a republican who just doesn't like this canditate?  How did we go from Biden is a liar ruining the reputation of a man and his family for his own personal gain when the truth would have been enough, to McCain cheated on his first wife so he is a bad man who doesn't deserve to be the President?  ???

Michael Tee

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Re: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife?
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2008, 02:51:52 PM »
So MT,
Does the lying, womanizing and cheating only disqualify someone from office if the marraige ends in divorce?  Are you a democrat or are you a republican who just doesn't like this canditate?  How did we go from Biden is a liar ruining the reputation of a man and his family for his own personal gain when the truth would have been enough, to McCain cheated on his first wife so he is a bad man who doesn't deserve to be the President?
Biden called the killer of his wife a drunk driver.  Whether the police agreed or not is immaterial.  In a lot of cases of drunk driving, the evidence just isn't there to prove the case beyond any reasonable doubt, so the police or the prosecutor decides not to pursue.  Doesn't mean the guy wasn't drinking, doesn't even mean there's no evidence he was drinking.  Simply means there is not enough evidence to convince anyone beyond any reasonable doubt that the guy was drinking and impaired.

Before I'd go all ape-shit over Biden's alleged slander over this guy, I'd want to hear Biden's side of it - - why'd he call the guy a drunk driver?  What information did he have that suggested the guy HAD been drinking?  Seems to me that he wouldn't just make stuff up out of thin air.  What's in it for him?

McCain on the other hand is a lying, cheating, adulterous snake in the grass.  If he betrays his solemn oath of fidelity, cheats on his wife, the mother of his child, lies to her while he's cheating on her and then dumps her after she loses her health and her looks, leaving her in a wheelchair - - I've heard all I wanna hear.

I have friends and family who divorced.  They made a mistake, realized they didn't want to spend the rest of the only life they'd ever have with each other, and rectified the mistake by divorcing.  This does not mean there was cheating, lying and abandonment after serious injury.  McCain's conduct is despicable.  If that's how he treats someone he swore to love, honour and cherish for life, how the hell can you trust the bastard to faithfully serve 300 million strangers?  Wasn't Keating Five enough of a message?