So MT,
Does the lying, womanizing and cheating only disqualify someone from office if the marraige ends in divorce? Are you a democrat or are you a republican who just doesn't like this canditate? How did we go from Biden is a liar ruining the reputation of a man and his family for his own personal gain when the truth would have been enough, to McCain cheated on his first wife so he is a bad man who doesn't deserve to be the President?
Biden called the killer of his wife a drunk driver. Whether the police agreed or not is immaterial. In a lot of cases of drunk driving, the evidence just isn't there to prove the case beyond any reasonable doubt, so the police or the prosecutor decides not to pursue. Doesn't mean the guy wasn't drinking, doesn't even mean there's no evidence he was drinking. Simply means there is not enough evidence to convince anyone beyond any reasonable doubt that the guy was drinking and impaired.
Before I'd go all ape-shit over Biden's alleged slander over this guy, I'd want to hear Biden's side of it - - why'd he call the guy a drunk driver? What information did he have that suggested the guy HAD been drinking? Seems to me that he wouldn't just make stuff up out of thin air. What's in it for him?
McCain on the other hand is a lying, cheating, adulterous snake in the grass. If he betrays his solemn oath of fidelity, cheats on his wife, the mother of his child, lies to her while he's cheating on her and then dumps her after she loses her health and her looks, leaving her in a wheelchair - - I've heard all I wanna hear.
I have friends and family who divorced. They made a mistake, realized they didn't want to spend the rest of the only life they'd ever have with each other, and rectified the mistake by divorcing. This does not mean there was cheating, lying and abandonment after serious injury. McCain's conduct is despicable. If that's how he treats someone he swore to love, honour and cherish for life, how the hell can you trust the bastard to faithfully serve 300 million strangers? Wasn't Keating Five enough of a message?