Author Topic: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks  (Read 6522 times)

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Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« on: September 21, 2008, 02:31:03 AM »


  This country can no longer afford companies that are too big to fail. If a company is so large that its failure would cause systemic harm to our economy, if it is too big to fail, then it is too big to exist. If it is too big to fail, it is too big to exist. We need, as a Congress, to assess which companies fall in this category. Bank of America is certainly one of them. Those companies need to be broken apart. We cannot have companies so huge that if they go under they take the world economy with them.

   Then once we break them up, if a company wants to act in a risky manner, if they want to take risks in order to make some quick bucks, that is OK. If they want to take the risk and they want to lose money, that is OK. The American people should not have to, and would not be under those circumstances, be left to pick up the pieces.

   Finally, in terms of dealing with this unfolding disaster, we need to make sure working Americans, the middle class, do not foot the bill. If the economic calamity requires a Federal bailout, it should be paid for by those people who actually benefited from the reckless behavior of people empowered by the extreme economic views of Senator Gramm, President Bush, Senator McCain, and many others.

   In other words, the point I am making is that in the last 10 years, many of these people have made billions and billions of dollars. It is unfair to simply ask the middle-class working families who are trying to figure out how they are going to pay their fuel bills, how they are going to send their kids to college, to bail out these large institutions from which many people made huge amounts of profits.

   We don't talk about this too often, but today the wealthiest one-tenth of 1 percent earns more income than the bottom 50 percent. The top 1 percent owns more wealth than the bottom 90 percent. And the wealthiest 400 Americans in this country have not only seen their incomes double, their net worth has increased by $640 billion since George W. Bush has been in office.

   Can you believe that? Four hundred families, four hundred people, less than the Congress, have seen a $640 billion increase in their wealth since President Bush has been in office. And, amazingly, these 400 families are now worth over $1.5 trillion--400 families. On average, they earn over $214 million a year.

   As a result of President Bush's policies, amazingly enough, their tax rates have been cut almost in half to only 18 percent on average. Amazingly, the wealthiest 400 Americans pay a lower tax rate than most police officers, teachers, firefighters, and nurses. So if you are one of the very wealthiest people in this country, if you are earning $214 million a year on average, you pay a lower tax rate than somebody who is a police officer, a teacher, a firefighter, or a nurse.

   That may make sense to somebody; it does not make sense to me. What does it say about us as a nation when the middle class pays a greater percentage of their income in taxes than the wealthiest 400 Americans?

   It is this very small segment of our population that has made out like bandits--frankly, some of them are bandits--during the Bush administration. We have to recognize that when we talk about who is going to pay for the bailouts.

   In my view, we need an emergency surtax on those at the very top in order to pay for any losses the Federal Government suffers as a result of efforts to shore up the economy. It should not be hard-working people who are trying to figure out how they are going to keep their families economically above water, people who are working longer hours for lower wages, people who have lost their health care, people who cannot afford to pay their fuel bills this winter. Those are not the people who should be asked to pay for this bailout. If there is a bailout that has to be paid for, it should be the people, the segment of society that has benefited from Bush's economic and tax policies over the last 8 years.
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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 07:00:46 AM »
Holy f*****g shit, THIS is the guy who oughtta be running for President! ! ! ! !  Too bad he's not a Democrat!

That was absolutely BRILLIANT! ! !  Naturally, not a word of it in the MSM.

Thanks, Lanya.  BTW, this also is brilliant:  <<Jesus was a Community Organizer;
Pontius Pilate was a Governor.>>


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 12:25:59 PM »
He gives voice to a buncha good points, doesn't he? And some righteous anger. 
If this were a parliamentary system of government, we would have had a vote of no confidence by now.   
I'm harsh on this subject.  The  people who messed up  need to be locked up and their assests confiscated. 
F**k comity.  I'm looking into what sauces go well with the super-rich. 
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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 01:23:33 PM »
   In other words, the point I am making is that in the last 10 years, many of these people have made billions and billions of dollars.

Looks like Sanders is laying the blame on Clinton also.

Jesus was a Community Organizer;
Pontius Pilate was a Governor.

Are we saying Obama is messianic?


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 01:57:59 PM »
Looks like Sanders is laying the blame on Clinton also.

Clinton did little to deal with income disparity.
Still, most of this mass began as a result of Phil Gramm's deregulation bill, that made bundling mortgages and selling them as safer than they were possibe

Jesus was a Community Organizer;
Pontius Pilate was a Governor.

I don't think that this assumes that Obama is any sort of messiah: it's more of an ironic statement.
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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 02:23:10 PM »
I don't think that this assumes that Obama is any sort of messiah: it's more of an ironic statement.

When it is used in a political context, i think it does try use assocation as a tranferance of status.

Jesus was messianic, Jesus was a community organizer( is this true? Who did he organize) Obama was a community organizer, messianic are community organizers ergo....

I don't see how one can escape the implied comparison of Obama to Jesus.

I wonder what percentage of voters would consider that blaspheme...

Enough to sway the results of a battleground state?


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2008, 02:29:20 PM »
Jesus was messianic, Jesus was a community organizer( is this true? Who did he organize) Obama was a community organizer, messianic are community organizers ergo....

Paul was the organizer of the Christian religion. Jesus was a reformist rabbi.

I don't see how one can escape the implied comparison of Obama to Jesus.

I don't see how any thinking person can take this seriously.

I wonder what percentage of voters would consider that blaspheme...

Enough to sway the results of a battleground state?

I would say, zero, and no.

 Obama did not say it, did he?
Obama has never said he was a messiah.

McCain's campaign people resent that Obama has more charisma than McCain, and came up with this crap. If anyone is guilty of blasphemy, it would be they, not Obama.

Why would something that Obama never said make anyone accuse him of blasphemy?
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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2008, 02:57:57 PM »
I think it's a values statement.  Jesus had the interests of the people at heart.  He had no governing experience.  He had love and a desire to make a better world, where love and cooperation would replace hatred and competition.  Where the desire to serve and to see every least one of us served overtook the desire to climb to the top of the heap.

Pilate was very experienced at governing but lacked the love of the people, the desire to make a better world.  He was a true conservative, he wanted to conserve things just as they were, Romans on top, Jews on the bottom, except for the Uncle Tom Jews (ooops, excuse me, I mean the Jews who "dared to think for themselves," ha ha ha!) who sold out to him.  He tried to do good, but a blind subservience to the established order frustrated his efforts.  If the established order is corrupt (Romans on top, everyone else underneath) then a blind subservience to it is unable to come to good.

Palin is obviously the Pilate of the analogy, the "pit bull with lipstick" who wants to lead the country if the war criminal McCain croaks in office, as he may very well do.  It's a values test for the country - - do they want to follow a war criminal, and a pretty dumb one at that?  Do they want to be led by a "pit bull" with or without lipstick?  Fine, there are your leaders, all you have to do is vote for them.  Or do you want something better?  Not Jesus, obviously, but someone a lot closer to him.  Seems to me the choice is pretty clear.


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2008, 04:27:54 PM »
McCain's campaign people resent that Obama has more charisma than McCain, and came up with this crap. If anyone is guilty of blasphemy, it would be they, not Obama.

Lanya is now a surrogate for McCain? And she is not the originator of the phrase, 


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2008, 04:31:23 PM »
Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen riled Republicans Wednesday after he compared Barack Obama to Jesus Christ and suggested Sarah Palin is akin to Pontius Pilate.

The Tennessee Democrat, who supports Obama, was on the House floor giving a one-minute speech when he offered the comparisons.

Looks like it came from Brass's congressman.


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2008, 07:33:55 PM »
It's a just a little bumper sticker phrase.
 I don't think of Obama as messianic in the least. He draws crowds because he's youthful and new to people, and because they like him. They like what he proposes, and they like the sense that they can help make the country better.  They, us, not Obama.   I'm not expecting Mr. Fix-it.   I do expect an engaged, intelligent, thoughtful, prepared, vigorous president who will work himself to the bone.   
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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2008, 08:24:58 PM »
I do expect an engaged, intelligent, thoughtful, prepared, vigorous president who will work himself to the bone.   

If the change comes from the grassroots why would Obama have to work himself to the bone?


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2008, 09:37:11 PM »
If the change comes from the grassroots why would Obama have to work himself to the bone?

Because it is not CHANGE that comes from the grassroots, it is the DESIRE FOR CHANGE that comes from the grassroots.

Just because people would prefer cars that run on sunlight does not mean that building such cars would not require a huge amount of work.

The average American may be able to name all five of the Simpsons, and the lyrics to Gilligan's Island, but that does not mean that they know how to reform Wall Street.
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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2008, 09:55:55 PM »
Just because people would prefer cars that run on sunlight does not mean that building such cars would not require a huge amount of work.

So Obama would build cars in his spare time?


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Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders rocks
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2008, 10:09:11 PM »

Because it is not CHANGE that comes from the grassroots,....
