Author Topic: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?  (Read 3694 times)

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Michael Tee

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Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« on: September 22, 2008, 02:25:36 PM »
One week ago, "The fundamentals of the economy are strong" and NOW "we are in the most serious crisis since WWII."

un-fucking- believable! ! ! ! !

WHO could POSSIBLY be so fucking dumb as to vote for this guy?  How much punishment are you people prepared to take?

(just askin)


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 02:33:03 PM »
Meanwhile Obama is still AWOL

Michael Tee

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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 03:19:45 PM »
<<Meanwhile Obama is still AWOL>>

Yeah, just imagine.  "The greatest crisis since WWII," and the Perfesser STILL hasn't come up with a plan to fix it all after a whole week!  While McSame, the dummy who almost didn't make it through military academy, has already come up with THREE plans to fix it!!!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.  For shame, Obama.


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 03:23:54 PM »
It's always a pleasure to see Tee take words completely out of context in order to enrage his rant
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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 03:25:28 PM »
For shame, Obama.

Exactly. As smart as he is,  he should have come up with at least something.

Michael Tee

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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 03:35:42 PM »
LOL.  Don't worry guys, I wasn't the only one who heard McCain go from "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" to "worst crisis since WWII" in just one week.  MILLIONS of Americans heard the buffoon say the same things I heard.  MILLIONS.

You got a lotta context-crankin' to do, fellas.  Go!  Git! Scat!  Don't waste yer time hangin' out  here!  Go manufacture some context fast, so those words won't appear as idiotic and pathetic as they do now.  And while yer at it, go get those Reverend Wright tapes too and re-wind 'em.  You're fast approaching the point of no return.


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 03:46:14 PM »
Context  is a no brainer.

From fundamentally sound to impending crisis is not that big of a stretch when you consider that promise of intervention was the only thing that stayed the massive institutional orders to sell that was averted by hours if not minutes.

Let me give you an example of what press hype, panic and greed can cause. Gas supplies were minimally disrupted when Gustav and Ike hit the Gulf Coast.

But price increases, TV camera crews showing the increase along with rumors of shortage set off a chain of events where you can drive 10 miles before you find a station with product to sell.

The reason. People are topping off their car every chance they can instead of buying when they need it. Because they have been told if they don't they won't get gas when they need it. The truth is demand has doubled and supply hasn't.

Often, once a ball is set in motion it is hard to stop it. Whether it be gas supplies or the economy.

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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 03:58:30 PM »
Long story short, BT, ANYTHING that needs an immediate infusion of $700 billion is NOT "fundamentally strong," Ike or no Ike.  Most folks "get" that.


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 04:04:48 PM »
Long story short, BT, ANYTHING that needs an immediate infusion of $700 billion is NOT "fundamentally strong," Ike or no Ike.  Most folks "get" that

So you don't believe tipping points can happen overnight?

And Obama is still AWOL

Michael Tee

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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2008, 04:12:00 PM »
<<So you don't believe tipping points can happen overnight?>>

Bet yer ass I do.  This whole thing tipped for Obama the week the shit hit the fan and McCain was caught with his pants down and "fundamentals strong" tatooed on the cheeks of his sagging, wrinkly old ass.

<<And Obama is still AWOL>>

AWOL or not makes absolutely no difference when McCain's been found wandering the streets naked under his bathrobe, leaving a trail of piss behind him on the sidewalk and asking for directions to the Stork Club.


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2008, 04:23:26 PM »
AWOL or not makes absolutely no difference

Sure it does. Don't you think the undecided want to know what Obama thinks, what his position is?

Michael Tee

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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2008, 04:49:17 PM »
You really don't get the magnitude of the disaster, do you?  Do you understand that McCain is seen today as a guy who went in ONE WEEK from "the fundamentals are strong" to "WWII."  In 24 HOURS from "no bail-out" to "bail-out."  From "fire the head of the SEC" to total silence when he learned the President can't do that.
He's fucked.  Plain and simple, he's fucked.  72 years old AND NOW IT SHOWS.  That translates into "fucked" in any language.

Sure, "the undecided" would like to see Obama's plan.  So would I.  But I don't expect him to have one cooked up in the midst of a campaign.  There's a guy in the Oval Office who's PAID to deal with these things at least for now and Obama won't even be in a position to deal with the situation till January if at all.  So the issue of who's got a plan and who hasn't is a bogus issue.  The plan has to be seriously thought out, internally debated and tested.  It has to work on studies and calculations perhaps not even done yet.  So when anybody says "I've got a plan NOW," suspicion is the only proper response.  When that "anybody" is McCain, that suspicion should be leavened with a strong dose of skepticism.


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2008, 04:50:06 PM »
And Obama is still AWOL

I don't think that Obama has been AWOL but even if he were, wouldn't that be better than coming out and saying that he would fire the head of the SEC when the president can't do that?

Or worse, he actually said he would fire the head of the F-EC then had to go on 60 Minutes and had the unmitigated gall to say that he knew the head of the SEC can't be fired.

What's that old saying?  Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?


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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2008, 04:53:19 PM »
You really don't get the magnitude of the disaster, do you?  Do you understand that McCain is seen today as a guy who went in ONE WEEK from "the fundamentals are strong" to "WWII."  In 24 HOURS from "no bail-out" to "bail-out."  From "fire the head of the SEC" to total silence when he learned the President can't do that.
He's fucked.  Plain and simple, he's fucked.  72 years old AND NOW IT SHOWS.  That translates into "fucked" in any language.

Sure, "the undecided" would like to see Obama's plan.  So would I.  But I don't expect him to have one cooked up in the midst of a campaign.  There's a guy in the Oval Office who's PAID to deal with these things at least for now and Obama won't even be in a position to deal with the situation till January if at all.  So the issue of who's got a plan and who hasn't is a bogus issue.  The plan has to be seriously thought out, internally debated and tested.  It has to work on studies and calculations perhaps not even done yet.  So when anybody says "I've got a plan NOW," suspicion is the only proper response.  When that "anybody" is McCain, that suspicion should be leavened with a strong dose of skepticism.

I think you are dismissing the utter stupidity of some of the American Electorate.

Those of the right who flock to see Sarah Palin couldn't care less about positions.  They just want to piss off the left.  Palin is basically Rush Limbaugh in a dress.  That's why they love her.  Her backstory has holes in it that could have a pipeline run them and they couldn't care less.  They'd rather believe the story and ignore the facts.  Its in their DNA.

Michael Tee

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Re: Can ANYONE Take This Guy Seriously?
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2008, 05:02:45 PM »
No, I do understand that in America, as in the rest of the world, there is a hard core of fools who no fact, no logic, no argument can reach.  And these would be the "60,000" who flock to hear Sarah Palin even now.  Only , as we probably all know by now, it ain't 60,000, it's probably 20,000.  And they just don't count.  There aren't enough of them.  They are the flat-earthers, the evolution deniers, the Creationists and (judging from the response to that Canadian journalist's anti-Palin article) the Nazis, the White Supremacists and the anti-Semites.

For everyone else, as long as Obama's media people keep showing the clips reminding the voters of McCain's record of the past few weeks, he's done.  Toast.  Finished.  Kaputt.  This has to be a no-brainer.  From "fundamentally strong" to "WWII" in ONE WEEK?   I mean, c'MON!!!   People you do not want this guy anywhere NEAR the Oval Office.  You don't want him cutting the White House grass.